3,637 research outputs found

    Design of the aerobic hail reactor - towards improved energy efficiency

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    This dissertation presents the results of an investigation into the design of a novel low aspect ratio reactor, dubbed the HAIL (horizontal air-injected loop) reactor. Current industrial high cell density aerobic reactors for cultivation of bacteria and yeast are typically either stirred tank reactors (STR's), bubble column reactors (BCR's) or airlift reactors (ALR's). These systems can attain high mass transfer rates and short mixing times; however, their energy efficiency remains a concern. Many studies have attempted to further optimise these reactors, but they are ultimately limited by their high aspect ratios. These lead to large pressure heads that the air compressor needs to overcome on sparging, contributing significantly to energy costs. Low aspect ratio (LAR) reactors, such as the wave bag, orbital shaker and raceway reactors offer an alternative to these systems, providing superior energy efficiency for both mixing and aeration. However, each has core issues preventing their usage in high cell density aerobic culture. Their maximum mass transfer coefficient is typically too low to support high cell density cultures. Additionally, these reactors tend to have poor scalability, making them unfeasible for large scale industrial usage. To overcome these challenges, the HAIL reactor makes use of a tubular loop design. The anticipated benefit of the loop design was that it forces the air to travel the length of the reactor before leaving the system, enabling significant surface aeration and residence time in the reactor. These both impact the mass transfer coefficient. Additionally, the loops can be stacked upon one another, overcoming the scalability issue. The reactor would also be energy efficient based on its LAR. To establish target performance ranges, a literature review on the gas-liquid mass transfer coefficient, mixing time and efficiency of current low and high aspect ratio (HAR) reactors was conducted. This was supplemented with experimental results (including mass transfer coefficients, cell density and viscosity) from the fed-batch STR cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an easy to work with highly aerobic yeast. A fed-batch feeding profile was developed for this. To better compare reactor performance, a term was introduced called the mass transfer energy efficiency, with units m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 , obtained via the quotient of the kLa and the power input per unit volume. The literature mass transfer energy efficiency ranges for the STR, BCR and ALR were found to be 0.022-0.236 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 , 0.084-0.317 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 and 0.142-0.493 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 respectively, with maximum kLa values ranging up to 1000 h-1 depending on the power input. Mixing times for these systems differ depending on scale and configuration, ranging from below a minute up to 20 minutes. Experimental fed-batch and sterile water systems had efficiency ranges of 0.044-0.245 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 and 0.059-0.285 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 respectively, with a maximum kLa of 240 h-1 and 226 h-1 . Based on cellular growth results, the theoretical minimum kLa required was calculated as 372 h-1 . The most notable literature efficiencies for LAR reactors were held by the travelling loop, raceway, and wave reactors with ranges of 0.286- 0.295 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 , 0.034-0.867 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 , and 0.112-0.742 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 . For the wave and travelling loop reactors, mixing times below a minute were attainable. A 6.2 L proof-of-concept and 31.4 L laboratory-scale prototype of the HAIL reactor were developed. In the proof-of-concept prototype, preliminary studies were carried out on the impact of sparger depth and angle on circulation time. Using the laboratory-scale system a range of sparger designs, including different angled jets, outlet areas and a circular sparger design, were investigated. The circular sparger design was found to be the ideal sparger type. A mixing time of 7-19 minutes depending on the power input was found for the 31.4 L configuration. The power efficiency range determined was 0.120- 0.281 m3 ∙h -1 ∙W-1 ; however, the calculation used to determine this is an underapproximation. The maximum kLa of 13.84 h-1 is an order of magnitude (between 10 and 100) lower than the values that can be obtained in HAR reactors for industrial aerobic culture. It was found that HAIL reactor performance did not change substantially with an increase in viscosity from 1 to 1.4 cP. The HAIL reactor did not compete with existing low and high aspect ratio reactors in its current configuration in terms of mass transfer. Additional research on the design is recommended to enhance gas - liquid contacting and associated mass transfer. These ongoing studies will enable the potential relevance and application of the novel reactor to be determined

    Frequency response analysis of a current limiting reactor.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.With the demand for electricity continuously increasing, power systems are required to increase capacity to meet such demands which can entail integrating renewable energy resources to the grid. This increase in capacity would mean a likewise increase in fault levels in the network which can result in costly damage to components such as circuit breakers, transformers and cables. Air-core reactors are commonly employed to prevent such damages from occurring, however, the increase in fault levels must also be accounted for in the design of reactors as they are also subject to transients. This dissertation documents the development of models to accurately represent an Air-core reactor in order to gain a better understanding of the design considerations required. Two models are developed for two desktop reactors using different methods as a form of cross-validation. The first model is developed in MATLAB r2020a and utilises an analytical approach through an equivalent circuit method (ECM). Equations are used to compute the inductive, capacitive and resistive components which are then used to guide the development of the FEM models. The second model is developed using COMSOL Multiphysics software which is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) approach. A 2D-axisymmetrical model is constructed and simulated using COMSOL’s Magnetic and Electric field physics in the frequency domain from which a frequency response is obtained as well as values for the inductive, resistive and capacitive components. Final validation of the FEM models is done through comparisons to measured results of the two desktop reactors. FEM simulated RLC components showed fairly good agreement to the measured values, particularly the inductance having a difference of 3.4 μH and a capacitance difference of 1 pF for Reactor 1. The FEM simulated frequency response of 1.5 MHz differed by 0.4 MHz when compared to the measured frequency response for Reactor 2 of 1.9 MHz. A sensitivity analysis is conducted for the FEM model in order to obtain an understanding of the design considerations required for the air-core reactor. Simulations are performed on the FEM model with changes to geometry, permittivity of the insulation medium and resistivity of the copper coil. The effects of these changes on the RLC parameters and resonance frequencies are documented. The FEM model is then scaled to a full-scaled reactor which showed good agreement between the expected inductance of 2.24 mH and the simulated inductance of 2.28 MH. The resultant resonant frequency was observed to occur at 380 kHz. The aim of this is to develop an understanding of parameters and equations that should be considered in the design process of reactors which will then be employed in the development of a superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL)

    Gas-solid contactors and catalytic reactors with direct microwave heating: current status and perspectives

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    Microwave heating (MWH) transforms energy from an electromagnetic wave to heat. In contrast to conventional heating (CH) mechanisms that use slower heat transfer processes via conduction, convection or radiation, microwaves (MW) directly interact with MW susceptor materials and induce a rapid conversion of the electromagnetic energy into heat. This rapid heating provides MWH with distinct features that can be leveraged to increase conversion, selectivity and/or energy efficiency of chemical processes. Here we discuss recent significant advances reported in MWH processes involving gas-solid interactions. Special attention is devoted to key aspects such as the methodologies to accurately determine local temperatures under the influence of electromagnetic (EM). Other relevant aspects such as the consideration of the solid catalyst dielectric properties or the design of novel gas-solid contactor configurations will be discussed. Emerging aspects such as the potential of MWH to minimize secondary by-products in high temperature reactions or to efficiently perform in transient processes, e.g. adsorption-desorption cycles, are highlighted. Finally, current challenges and perspectives towards a wide application of MWH in gas solid contactors will be critically discussed

    Multiscale mathematical models for simulation and scale-up of green processes in the perspective of industrial sustainability

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    The present work presents research studies aimed at developing tools useful to design engineering solutions moving in the direction of industrial sustainability. The investigations hereinafter discussed regard an extraction process of active compounds \u2013 polyphenols \u2013 from agro-food industry wastes (olive and grape pomaces) and a biorefinery exploiting waste frying oil, solid organic wastes and algal biomass to produce biofuels. In particular, for the former topic, a procedure aimed at the evaluation of the technological feasibility at pilot scale of said process is discussed. The proposed approach takes into consideration the extended kinetic route coupled with mathematical simulation. Detailed physically-based dynamic mathematical models, taking into account mass and energy balance equations, are adopted to describe both the lab-scale and the pilot-scale reactors. Chemical physical parameters appearing in the models are estimated from the experimental data at lab-scale or are partially taken from literature. Different heating systems are designed for the pilot scale reactor and their performance is tested by simulation. Characteristic times are evaluated also during start-ups and different control loops are analyzed in order to set-up the best process and operating variables. Average yields in polyphenols are finally evaluated for both the batch and the continuous operated pilot reactor, by considering feed variability and fluctuations of process parameters. For what concerns the biorefinery, special attention was devoted to the modeling of the airlift reactor, its most delicate and complex component. In fact, to optimize this interesting microalgae cultivation system, a precise description of the moving interfaces formed by the liquid and gas phase is critical. In this study, coupled front capturing methods (standard and conservative level set methods) and finite difference method are used to simulate gas bubbles dynamics in a pilot-scale external loop air-lift photobioreactor in which microalgae are used to capture CO2 from flue gas and to treat wastewater. Numerical simulations are carried out on rectangular domains representing different sections of the vertical axis of the riser. The data employed was either acquired from previous experimental campaigns carried out in the airlift reactor or found in the literature. The rise, shape dynamics and coalescence process of the bubbles of flue gas are studied. Moreover, for each analyzed applications, a procedure based on Buckingham \u3c0-theorem to perform a rigorous scale-up is proposed. In this way, scale-invariant dimensionless groups describing and summarizing the considered processes could be identified. For the research focused on the scale-up of photobioreactors used to cultivate Chlorella Vulgaris, an experimental campaign at three levels was designed and carried out to evaluate the characteristic dimensionless numbers individuated by the theoretical formulation. Since scale-up regards both geometrical dimensions and type of reactor, passing from lab-scale stirred tanks to pilot scale tubular and airlift, particular attention was devoted to define characteristic lengths inside the dimensionless numbers

    Process development using oscillatory baffled mesoreactors

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    PhD ThesisThe mesoscale oscillatory baffled reactor (meso-OBR) is a flow chemistry platform whose niche is the ability to convert long residence time batch processes to continuous processes. This reactor can rapidly screen reaction kinetics or optimise a reaction in flow with minimal waste. In this work, several areas were identified that could be addressed to broaden the applicability of this platform. Four main research themes were subsequently formulated and explored: (I) development of deeper understanding of the fluid mechanics in meso-OBRs, (II) development of a new hybrid heat pipe meso-OBR for improved thermal management, (III) further improvement of continuous screening using meso-OBRs by removing the solvent and employing better experiment design methodologies, and (IV) exploration of 3D printing for rapid reactor development. I. The flow structures in a meso-OBR containing different helical baffle geometries were studied using computational fluid dynamics simulations, validated by particle image velocimetry (PIV) experiments for the first time. It was demonstrated, using new quantification methods for the meso-OBR, that when using helical baffles swirling is responsible for providing a wider operating window for plug flow than other baffle designs. Further, a new flow regime resembling a Taylor-Couette flow was discovered that further improved the plug flow response. This new double vortex regime could conceivably improve multiphase mixing and enable flow measurements (e.g. using thermocouples inside the reactor) to be conducted without degrading the mixing condition. This work also provides a new framework for validating simulated OBR flows using PIV, by quantitatively comparing turbulent flow features instead of qualitatively comparing average velocity fields. II. A new hybrid heat pipe meso-OBR (HPOBR) was prototyped to provide better thermal control of the meso-OBR by exploiting the rapid and isothermal properties of the heat pipe. This new HPOBR was compared with a jacketed meso-OBR (JOBR) for the thermal control of an exothermic imination reaction conducted without a solvent. Without a solvent or thermal control scheme, this reaction exceeded the boiling point of one of the reactants. A central composite experiment design explored the effects of reactant net flow rate, oscillation intensity and cooling capacity on the thermal and chemical response of the reaction. The HPOBR was able to passively control the temperature below the boiling point of the reactant at all conditions through heat spreading. Overall, a combined 260-fold improvement in throughput was demonstrated compared to a reactor requiring the use of a solvent. Thus, this ii wholly new reactor design provides a new approach to achieving green chemistry that could be theoretically easily adapted to other reactions. III. Analysis of in situ Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic data also suggested that the reaction kinetics of this solventless imination case study could be screened for the first time using the HPOBR and JOBR. This was tested by applying flow-screening protocols that adjusted the reactant molar ratio, residence time, and temperature in a single flow experiment. Both reactor configurations were able to screen the Arrhenius kinetics parameters (pre-exponential factors, activation energies, and equilibrium constants) of both steps of the imination reaction. By defining experiment conditions using design of experiments (DoE) methodologies, a theoretical 70+% reduction in material usage/time requirement for screening was achieved compared to the previous state-of-the-art screening using meso-OBRs in the literature. Additionally, it was discovered that thermal effects on the reaction could be inferred by changing other operating conditions such as molar ratio and residence time. This further simplifies the screening protocols by eliminating the need for active temperature control strategies (such as a jacket). IV. Finally, potential application areas for further development of the meso-OBR platform using 3D printing were devised. These areas conformed to different “hierarchies” of complexity, from new baffle structures (simplest) to entirely new methods for achieving mixing (most complex). This latter option was adopted as a case study, where the passively generated pulsatile flows of fluidic oscillators were tested for the first time as a means for improving plug flow. Improved plug flow behaviour was indeed demonstrated in three different standard reactor geometries (plain, baffled and coiled tubes), where it could be inferred that axial dispersion was decoupled from the secondary flows in an analogous manner to the OBR. The results indicate that these devices could be the basis for a new flow chemistry platform that requires no moving parts, which would be appealing for various industrial applications. It is concluded that, for the meso-OBR platform to remain relevant in the next era of tailor-made reactors (with rapid uptake of 3D printing), the identified areas where 3D printing could benefit the meso-OBR should be further explored

    The Second Conference on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century, volume 2

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    These 92 papers comprise a peer-reviewed selection of presentations by authors from NASA, the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), industry, and academia at the Second Conference on Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century. These papers go into more technical depth than did those published from the first NASA-sponsored symposium on the topic, held in 1984. Session topics included the following: (1) design and operation of transportation systems to, in orbit around, and on the Moon; (2) lunar base site selection; (3) design, architecture, construction, and operation of lunar bases and human habitats; (4) lunar-based scientific research and experimentation in astronomy, exobiology, and lunar geology; (5) recovery and use of lunar resources; (6) environmental and human factors of and life support technology for human presence on the Moon; and (7) program management of human exploration of the Moon and space


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    The purpose of this research was to model and analyze a nuclear heated multi-turbine power conversion system operating with atmospheric air as the working fluid. The air is heated by a molten salt, or liquid metal, to gas heat exchanger reaching a peak temperature of 660 0C. The effects of adding a recuperator or a bottoming steam cycle have been addressed. The calculated results are intended to identify paths for future work on the next generation nuclear power plant (GEN-IV). This document describes the proposed system in sufficient detail to communicate a good understanding of the overall system, its components, and intended uses. The architecture is described at the conceptual level, and does not replace a detailed design document. The main part of the study focused on a Brayton -- Rankine Combined Cycle system and a Recuperated Brayton Cycle since they offer the highest overall efficiencies. Open Air Brayton power cycles also require low cooling water flows relative to other power cycles. Although the Recuperated Brayton Cycle achieves an overall efficiency slightly less that the Brayton -- Rankine Combined Cycle, it is completely free of a circulating water system and can be used in a desert climate. Detailed results of modeling a combined cycle Brayton-Rankine power conversion system are presented. The Rankine bottoming cycle appears to offer a slight efficiency advantage over the recuperated Brayton cycle. Both offer very significant advantages over current generation Light Water Reactor steam cycles. The combined cycle was optimized as a unit and lower pressure Rankine systems seem to be more efficient. The combined cycle requires a lot less circulating water than current power plants. The open-air Brayton systems appear to be worth investigating, if the higher temperatures predicted for the Next Generation Nuclear Plant do materialize

    Dynamic Model Construction and Control System Design for Canadian Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors

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    The dynamic characteristics of Canadian Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR) are significantly different from those of CANDU reactors due to the supercritical water coolant and the once-through direct cycle coolant system. Therefore, it is necessary to study its dynamic behaviour and further design adequate control system. An accurate dynamic model is needed to describe the dynamic behaviour. Moving boundary method is applied to improve numerical accuracy and stability. In the model construction process, three regions have been considered depending on bulk and wall temperature being higher or lower than the pseudo-critical temperature. Benefits of adopting moving boundary method are illustrated in comparison with the fixed boundary method. The model is validated with both steady-state and transient simulation and can accurately predict the dynamic behaviour of the Canadian SCWR. A linear dynamic model, for dynamic analysis and control system design, is obtained through linearization on the nonlinear dynamic models derived from conservation equations. The linearized dynamic models are validated against the full order nonlinear models in both time domain and frequency domain. The open-loop dynamics are also investigated through extensive simulations. Cross-coupling analysis among inputs and outputs is examined using Relative Gain Array (RGA) and Nyquist plots, from which adequate input-output pairings are identified. Cross-coupling at different operating conditions are also evaluated to illustrate the nonlinearities. It can be concluded that the Canadian SCWR is a Multiple Input and Multiple Output (MIMO) system with strong cross-coupling and a high degree of nonlinearity. Due to the existence of strong cross-coupling, the Direct Nyquist Array (DNA) method is used to decouple the system into a diagonal dominance form via a pre-compensator. Three Single Input and Single Output (SISO) compensators are synthesized to the pre-compensated system in the frequency domain. The temperature variation induced by the disturbances at the reactor power and pressure can be significantly reduced. To deal with the nonlinearities, a gain scheduling control strategy is adopted. Different set of controllers are used at different load conditions. The control strategy is evaluated under various operating scenarios. It is shown that gain scheduling control can successfully achieve satisfactory performance for different operating conditions