49 research outputs found

    Pruned Bit-Reversal Permutations: Mathematical Characterization, Fast Algorithms and Architectures

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    A mathematical characterization of serially-pruned permutations (SPPs) employed in variable-length permuters and their associated fast pruning algorithms and architectures are proposed. Permuters are used in many signal processing systems for shuffling data and in communication systems as an adjunct to coding for error correction. Typically only a small set of discrete permuter lengths are supported. Serial pruning is a simple technique to alter the length of a permutation to support a wider range of lengths, but results in a serial processing bottleneck. In this paper, parallelizing SPPs is formulated in terms of recursively computing sums involving integer floor and related functions using integer operations, in a fashion analogous to evaluating Dedekind sums. A mathematical treatment for bit-reversal permutations (BRPs) is presented, and closed-form expressions for BRP statistics are derived. It is shown that BRP sequences have weak correlation properties. A new statistic called permutation inliers that characterizes the pruning gap of pruned interleavers is proposed. Using this statistic, a recursive algorithm that computes the minimum inliers count of a pruned BR interleaver (PBRI) in logarithmic time complexity is presented. This algorithm enables parallelizing a serial PBRI algorithm by any desired parallelism factor by computing the pruning gap in lookahead rather than a serial fashion, resulting in significant reduction in interleaving latency and memory overhead. Extensions to 2-D block and stream interleavers, as well as applications to pruned fast Fourier transforms and LTE turbo interleavers, are also presented. Moreover, hardware-efficient architectures for the proposed algorithms are developed. Simulation results demonstrate 3 to 4 orders of magnitude improvement in interleaving time compared to existing approaches.Comment: 31 page

    Minimum Pseudoweight Analysis of 3-Dimensional Turbo Codes

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    In this work, we consider pseudocodewords of (relaxed) linear programming (LP) decoding of 3-dimensional turbo codes (3D-TCs). We present a relaxed LP decoder for 3D-TCs, adapting the relaxed LP decoder for conventional turbo codes proposed by Feldman in his thesis. We show that the 3D-TC polytope is proper and CC-symmetric, and make a connection to finite graph covers of the 3D-TC factor graph. This connection is used to show that the support set of any pseudocodeword is a stopping set of iterative decoding of 3D-TCs using maximum a posteriori constituent decoders on the binary erasure channel. Furthermore, we compute ensemble-average pseudoweight enumerators of 3D-TCs and perform a finite-length minimum pseudoweight analysis for small cover degrees. Also, an explicit description of the fundamental cone of the 3D-TC polytope is given. Finally, we present an extensive numerical study of small-to-medium block length 3D-TCs, which shows that 1) typically (i.e., in most cases) when the minimum distance dmind_{\rm min} and/or the stopping distance hminh_{\rm min} is high, the minimum pseudoweight (on the additive white Gaussian noise channel) is strictly smaller than both the dmind_{\rm min} and the hminh_{\rm min}, and 2) the minimum pseudoweight grows with the block length, at least for small-to-medium block lengths.Comment: To appear in IEEE Transactions on Communication

    A Better Understanding of the Performance of Rate-1/2 Binary Turbo Codes that Use Odd-Even Interleavers

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    The effects of the odd-even constraint - as an interleaver design criterion - on the performance of rate-1/2 binary turbo codes are revisited. According to the current understanding, its adoption is favored because it makes the information bits be uniformly protected, each one by its own parity bit. In this paper, we provide instances that contradict this point of view suggesting for a different explanation of the constraint's behavior, in terms of distance spectrum

    The q-ary image of some qm-ary cyclic codes: permutation group and soft-decision decoding

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    Using a particular construction of generator matrices of the q-ary image of qm-ary cyclic codes, it is proved that some of these codes are invariant under the action of particular permutation groups. The equivalence of such codes with some two-dimensional (2-D) Abelian codes and cyclic codes is deduced from this property. These permutations are also used in the area of the soft-decision decoding of some expanded Reed–Solomon (RS) codes to improve the performance of generalized minimum-distance decoding

    Configurable and Scalable Turbo Decoder for 4G Wireless Receivers

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    The increasing requirements of high data rates and quality of service (QoS) in fourth-generation (4G) wireless communication require the implementation of practical capacity approaching codes. In this chapter, the application of Turbo coding schemes that have recently been adopted in the IEEE 802.16e WiMax standard and 3GPP Long Term Evolution (LTE) standard are reviewed. In order to process several 4G wireless standards with a common hardware module, a reconfigurable and scalable Turbo decoder architecture is presented. A parallel Turbo decoding scheme with scalable parallelism tailored to the target throughput is applied to support high data rates in 4G applications. High-level decoding parallelism is achieved by employing contention-free interleavers. A multi-banked memory structure and routing network among memories and MAP decoders are designed to operate at full speed with parallel interleavers. A new on-line address generation technique is introduced to support multiple Turbo interleaving patterns, which avoids the interleaver address memory that is typically necessary in the traditional designs. Design trade-offs in terms of area and power efficiency are analyzed for different parallelism and clock frequency goals