364 research outputs found

    System Oriented Runway Management: A Research Update

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    The runway configuration used by an airport has significant implications with respect to its capacity and ability to effectively manage surface and airborne traffic. Aircraft operators rely on runway configuration information because it can significantly affect an airline's operations and planning of their resources. Current practices in runway management are limited by a relatively short time horizon for reliable weather information and little assistance from automation. Wind velocity is the primary consideration when selecting a runway configuration; however when winds are below a defined threshold, discretion may be used to determine the configuration. Other considerations relevant to runway configuration selection include airport operator constraints, weather conditions (other than winds) traffic demand, user preferences, surface congestion, and navigational system outages. The future offers an increasingly complex landscape for the runway management process. Concepts and technologies that hold the potential for capacity and efficiency increases for both operations on the airport surface and in terminal and enroute airspace are currently under investigation. Complementary advances in runway management are required if capacity and efficiency increases in those areas are to be realized. The System Oriented Runway Management (SORM) concept has been developed to address this critical part of the traffic flow process. The SORM concept was developed to address all aspects of runway management for airports of varying sizes and to accommodate a myriad of traffic mixes. SORM, to date, addresses the single airport environment; however, the longer term vision is to incorporate capabilities for multiple airport (Metroplex) operations as well as to accommodate advances in capabilities resulting from ongoing research. This paper provides an update of research supporting the SORM concept including the following: a concept of overview, results of a TRCM simulation, single airport and Metroplex modeling effort and a benefits assessment

    Standard concepts for performance improvements in the airport operations areas: global interoprability

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    Because of the exponential growth of air traffic and its importance of integration of countries, the implementation of improvements in the Global ATM system is becoming increasingly necessary. Within this scope, ICAO brings, within its Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), an easily understood methodology called: “Aviation System Blocks Upgrade” (ASBU). It defines a language with a programmatic and flexible approach, aiming at performance improvements in the systems. And one of the sectors where one of these performance improvements is sought, as recommended in the ASBU, is the Airport Operations Area. In this area is the Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM) process. This research aimed to review and improve the A-CDM method to enable its use in airports with lower disbursement capacity. It is based on regulations issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and academic papers. Theoretically, it went deeper into the various global air navigation systems, such as the processes employed by the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Positions from entities such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Civil Air Navigation Services Organization (CANSO) were also researched. Subsequently, case studies of airports and interviews with international experts with knowledge on the subject were carried out. Finally, a survey was conducted with members of the Air Sector from around the world. Always focused on seeking compatibilities and opportunities for improvement in the process, mainly in economic gains. According to the sequential strategy exposed above, a scenario analysis is done based on the results obtained at the end of the work. Then, a conclusion is presented, which aims to to apply the referred system, not only in countries with high capacity disbursement but mainly to deliver a solution that allows its application in countries and airports with medium to low financial resources. This solution presented is the goal sought in the research.Tendo em vista o crescimento exponencial do tráfego aéreo e a sua importância na integração dos países, a implantação de melhorias no sistema ATM Global torna-se cada vez mais necessária. Neste sentido a ICAO preconiza, dentro do seu Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP), uma metodologia de fácil entendimento chamada: “Aviation System Blocks Upgrade” (ASBU). Tal metodologia define uma linguagem com abordagem programática, e flexível, visando melhorias de desempenho nos sistemas. E um dos setores onde é procurada uma dessas melhorias de desempenho, conforme preconizado no ASBU, é a área de Operações Aeroportuárias e, em particular, o processo de Airport Colaborative Decision Making (A-CDM). Esta investigação visou realizar uma revisão do método A-CDM, com base em regulamentos e trabalhos acadêmicos sobre o assunto. Aprofundando teoricamente com base nos diversos sistemas de navegação aérea globais, como os processos empregados pela European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) e pela Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Também foram pesquisados os posicionamentos a respeito do tema de entidades associativas, como da Airports Council International (ACI), da International Air Transport Association (IATA) e da Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO). De forma subsequente realizaram-se estudos de caso de aeroportos e foram realizadas entrevistas com especialistas internacionais conhecedores do assunto. Finalmente realizou-se um inquérito com integrantes do Setor Aéreo de todo o mundo. Sempre com o foco de buscar compatibilidades e oportunidades de melhoria no referido processo, principalmente em termos de ganhos econômicos. Ao final do trabalho, de acordo com a estratégia sequencial acima exposta, e com base no resultados colhidos, é feita uma análise de cenário e apresentada uma conclusão, a qual visa que o referido sistema possa ser aplicado, não somente em países de grande capacidade de investimento mas também, e principalmente, apresentar uma solução que permita sua aplicação em países, e aeroportos, com médios a baixos recursos financeiros. Sendo este o resultado buscado na pesquisa

    Engage D5.6 Thematic challenge briefing notes (1st and 2nd releases)

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    Engage identified four thematic challenges to address research topics not contemporaneously (sufficiently) addressed by SESAR. This deliverable serves primarily as a record of the two sets of released thematic challenge briefing notes

    Allocation of Ground Handling Resources at Copenhagen Airport

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    Engage D2.5 Annual combined thematic workshops progress report (priming wave 1)

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    The preparation, organisation and the conclusions from the three thematic challenge workshops held in 2018 are described. The preparation and expert consultation results are reported for the “Vulnerabilities and global security of the CNS/ATM system” challenge workshop, which is scheduled to take place in March 2019

    Engage D2.6 Annual combined thematic workshops progress report (series 2)

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    The preparation, organisation and conclusions from the thematic challenge workshops, two ad hoc technical workshops, a technical session on data and a MET/ENV workshop held in 2019 and 2020 are described. Partly due to Covid-19, two of the 2020 thematic challenge workshops scheduled to take place at the end of 2020 were re-scheduled to January 2021. We also report on the preparation for these two workshops, while the conclusions will be included in the next corresponding deliverable

    Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) Technology Description Document (TDD)

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    This Technology Description Document (TDD) provides an overview of the technology for the Phase 1 Baseline Integrated Arrival, Departure, and Surface (IADS) prototype system of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Airspace Technology Demonstration 2 (ATD-2) project, to be demonstrated beginning in 2017 at Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT). Development, integration, and field demonstration of relevant technologies of the IADS system directly address recommendations made by the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Integration Working Group (NIWG) on Surface and Data Sharing and the Surface Collaborative Decision Making (Surface CDM) concept of operations developed jointly by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and aviation industry partners. NASA is developing the IADS traffic management system under the ATD-2 project in coordination with the FAA, flight operators, CLT airport, and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association (NATCA). The primary goal of ATD-2 is to improve the predictability and operational efficiency of the air traffic system in metroplex environments, through the enhancement, development, and integration of the nation's most advanced and sophisticated arrival, departure, and surface prediction, scheduling, and management systems. The ATD-2 project is a 5-year research activity beginning in 2015 and extending through 2020. The Phase 1 Baseline IADS capability resulting from the ATD-2 research will be demonstrated at the CLT airport beginning in 2017. Phase 1 will provide the initial demonstration of the integrated system with strategic and tactical scheduling, tactical departure scheduling to an en route meter point, and an early implementation prototype of a Terminal Flight Data Manager (TFDM) Electronic Flight Data (EFD) system. The strategic surface scheduling element of the capability is consistent with the Surface CDM Concept of Operations published in 2014 by the FAA Surface Operations Directorate

    Real-Time Monitoring and Prediction of Airspace Safety

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    The U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) has reached an extremely high level of safety in recent years. However, it will only become more difficult to maintain the current level of safety with the forecasted increase in operations, and so the FAA has been making revolutionary changes to the NAS to both expand capacity and ensure safety. Our work complements these efforts by developing a novel model-based framework for real-time monitoring and prediction of the safety of the NAS. Our framework is divided into two parts: (offline) safety analysis and modeling part, and a real-time (online) monitoring and prediction of safety. The goal of the safety analysis task is to identify hazards to flight (distilled from several national databases) and to codify these hazards within our framework such that we can monitor and predict them. From these we define safety metrics that can be monitored and predicted using dynamic models of airspace operations, aircraft, and weather, along with a rigorous, mathematical treatment of uncertainty. We demonstrate our overall approach and highlight the advantages of this approach over the current state-of-the-art through simulated scenarios

    Airport under Control:Multi-agent scheduling for airport ground handling

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