20 research outputs found

    A Knowledge-based approach of satellite image classification for urban wetland detection

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    Title from PDF of title page, viewed on July 30, 2014Thesis advisor: Wei JiVitaIncludes bibliographical references (pages 85-93)Thesis (M. S.)--Dept. of Geosciences. University of Missouri--Kansas City, 2014It has been a technical challenge to accurately detect urban wetlands with remotely sensed data by means of pixel-based image classification. This is mainly caused by inadequate spatial resolutions of satellite imagery, spectral similarities between urban wetlands and adjacent land covers, and the spatial complexity of wetlands in human-transformed, heterogeneous urban landscapes. Knowledge-based classification, with great potential to overcome or reduce these technical impediments, has been applied to various image classifications focusing on urban land use/land cover and forest wetlands, but rarely to mapping the wetlands in urban landscapes. This study aims to improve the mapping accuracy of urban wetlands by integrating the pixel-based classification with the knowledge-based approach. The study area is the metropolitan area of Kansas City, USA. SPOT satellite images of 1992, 2008, and 2010 were classified into four classes -- wetland, farmland, built-up land, and forestland -- using the pixel-based supervised maximum likelihood classification method. The products of supervised classification are used as the comparative base maps. For our new classification approach, a knowledge base is developed to improve urban wetland detection, which includes a set of decision rules of identifying wetland cover in relation to its elevation, spatial adjacencies, habitat conditions, hydro-geomorphological characteristics, and relevant geostatistics. Using ERDAS Imagine software's knowledge classifier tool, the decision rules are applied to the base maps in order to identify wetlands that are not able to be detected based on the pixel-based classification. The results suggest that the knowledge-based image classification approach can enhance the urban wetland detection capabilities and classification accuracies with remotely sensed satellite imageryAbstract -- List of illustrations -- List of tables -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Literature review -- Methodology -- Findings and analysis -- Discussion and conclusion -- Reference lis

    Recent Progress in Urbanisation Dynamics Research

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    This book is dedicated to urbanization, which is observed every day, as well as the methods and techniques of monitoring and analyzing this phenomenon. In the 21st century, urbanization has gained momentum, and the awareness of the significance and influence of this phenomenon on our lives make us take a closer look at it not only with curiosity, but also great attention. There are numerous reasons for this, among which the economy is of special significance, but it also has many results, namely, economic, social, and environmental. First of all, it is a spatial phenomenon, as all of the aspects can be placed in space. We would therefore like to draw special attention to the results of urbanization seen on the Earth's surface and in the surrounding space. The urbanization–land relation seems obvious, but is also interesting and multi-layered. The development of science and technology provides a lot of new tools for observing urbanization, as well as the analyses and inference of the phenomenon in space. This book is devoted to in-depth analysis of past, present and future urbanization processes all over the world. We present the latest trends of research that use experience in the widely understood geography of the area. This book is focused on multidisciplinary phenomenon, i.e., urbanization, with the use of the satellite and photogrammetric observation technologies and GIS analyses

    Greening industrial production in China : reinvent a cleaner future through policy, strategy and technology

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    Notre recherche vise à découvrir pourquoi et comment les entreprises industrielles répondent aux problèmes environnementaux dans « l'atelier du monde ». Nous élaborons une approche interdisciplinaire en intégrant la modernisation écologique (MÉ) et l'hypothèse de Porter pour analyser l'action environnementale des entreprises aux niveaux méso et micro. Ces perspectives en sociologie et en gestion postulent une relation positive entre la protection environnementale et le développement économique. Pour évaluer la pertinence de ces perspectives, notre analyse se concentre sur l'identification des facteurs qui influencent les actions en réseaux d'acteurs et d'institutions, ainsi que sur le lien entre la réglementation et l'innovation. En utilisant les méthodes mixtes (observation participante, sondage et entrevue), nous avons collecté, lors de l'enquête de terrain (2013-2014) dans le delta de la Rivière des Perles, des données en provenance de plus d'une centaine d'entreprises dans quinze secteurs industriels. Quatre résultats clés se dégagent de cette étude. D'abord, 88% des entreprises interrogées ont pris des mesures. Notre typologie d'entreprise montre que les « traînards » résistent à l'action et que les « suiveurs » changent à contrecœur leur comportement. Les « adeptes » adoptent des technologies propres éprouvées; tandis que les « éco-innovateurs » créent de nouveaux produits. En outre, les réglementations strictes, les préoccupations financières et la concurrence sont les déterminants de l'action. Les firmes assujetties aux lois sévères ont tendance à se conformer. Celles qui desservent des marchés concurrentiels sont susceptibles d'innover. De plus, les réglementations strictes sur l'innovation produisent des résultats mitigés. Ces réglementations semblent nécessaires, mais elles sont insuffisantes pour déclencher l'éco-innovation. La relation entre le gain économique et environnemental est dynamique et dépend du type de mesures environnementales, des caractéristiques d'entreprise et des facteurs contextuels. Enfin, les affirmations de la MÉ sont partiellement confirmées par nos résultats. Ces derniers révèlent l'implantation répandue des instruments de marché, laquelle indique l'émergence de l'« économisation » de l'écologie. Contrairement aux études antérieures, la nôtre montre que les acteurs économiques contribuent à « écologiser » l'économie. L'État partage les responsabilités environnementales avec ces acteurs tout en exerçant son pouvoir cohésif. Pour faire avancer la recherche, nous proposons de conceptualiser un modèle hybride et d'incorporer la théorie de l'acteur-réseau dans un cadre élargi.The research aims to discover why and how Chinese industrial firms in the world's workshop are responding to environmental issues. We elaborate an interdisciplinary approach by integrating ecological modernization theory (EMT) and the Porter hypothesis. These sociological and strategic management perspectives postulate that economic growth can be associated with environmental protection. The perspectives complement one another through combining micro-level and meso-level analysis of corporate environmental actions. To assess the validity of the Porter hypothesis and the explanatory power of EMT, attention is given to identifying factors affecting actions and to analyzing the regulation-innovation nexus and institutional networks. Using mixed-methods research techniques (participant observation, survey, and interview), we conducted our 2013/14 fieldwork by accessing a sample group of over 100 firms from 15 industry sectors located in the Pearl River Delta region. Four major findings emerge from our analysis. First, 88% of the surveyed companies took environmental actions. A typology of the enterprises illustrates that "laggards" displayed resistance and "takers" took action reluctantly. "Followers" were inclined to adopt proven clean technologies, whereas "eco-innovators" created new products. Secondly, stricter environmental regulations, financial interests, and competition are key factors for driving corporate actions. The sampled firms subjected to stricter requirements tended to be compliant and achieved environmental goals, and companies serving competitive markets were most likely to be industry leaders engaging in eco-innovations. Our third finding reveals mixed results in the effects of stricter regulations on eco-innovation and on the financial outcome of environmental improvements. Stricter regulations appear necessary, but they are insufficient for triggering eco-innovation. The relation between economic gain and environmental benefit is dynamic, depending on the type of environmental actions, firm characteristics, and contextual factors. Finally, the claims made by EMT are partially supported by our fourth finding, wherein wide application of market-based instruments suggests the emergence of the "economization" of ecology. Contradictory to prior research, our study shows that economic actors contribute to "ecologizing" the economy. The state shared environmental responsibilities with non-state actors, while exercising its coercive power. For future research, we propose conceptualizing a hybrid model and incorporating actor network theory into a broader framework


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    東京海洋大学修士学位論文 平成24年度(2012) 海運ロジスティクス 第1532号指導教員: 久保信明全文公表年月日: 2014-07-29東京海洋大学201

    Infrastructure and the Remaking of Asia

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    Infrastructure and the Remaking of Asia offers a new understanding of how technological innovation, geopolitical ambitions, and social change converge and cross-fertilize one another through infrastructure projects in Asia. This volume powerfully illustrates the multifaceted connections between infrastructure and three global paradigm shifts: climate change, digitalization, and China’s emergence as a superpower. Drawing on fine-grained analyses of airports, highways, pipelines, and digital communication systems, the book investigates infrastructure both “from above,” as perceived by experts and decision makers, and “from below,” as experienced by middlemen, laborers, and everyday users. In so doing, it provides groundbreaking insights into infrastructure’s planning, production, and operation. Focusing on cities and regions across Asia, the volume combines ten tightly interwoven case studies, from the Bosphorus to Beijing and from the Indonesian archipelago to the Arctic. Written by leading global infrastructure experts in the fields of anthropology, architecture, geography, history, science and technology studies, and urban planning, the book establishes a dialogue between scholarly approaches to infrastructure and the more operational perspective of the professionals who design and build it. This multidisciplinary method sheds light on the practitioners’ mindset, while also attending to the materiality and agency of the infrastructures that they create. Infrastructure and the Remaking of Asia is conceived as an act of translation: linking up related—yet thus far disconnected—research across a variety of academic disciplines, while making those insights accessible to a wider audience of students, infrastructure professionals, and the general public

    From Smartcity to the Food Parliament: an investigation into the urban consequences of food transparency

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    Over the centuries, there has been an undeniable symbiosis between urbanization and food production. The first part of the research, ‘Food +’ reassesses this relationship in an era of unrelenting urbanism and global food shortage, two interdependent phenomena that must reach a rapprochement to prevent an impending catastrophe that is human as much as environmental. ‘Food +’ consists of a series of investigations in which the extant cultural, legal, educational, medical, financial and employment frameworks of the city are reinterpreted through the medium of food and the spatial implications of how the city is governed. The research culminates in a speculative piece of polemic, the ‘Food Parliament’, a system of architectonic components that operate as a sustainable stratum over London. The discourse follows similar themes of sustainability and transformation of cities initiated in ‘Smartcities’, but looks at how the creation, storage and distribution of food has been and can again become a construct for the practice of everyday life. The Food Parliament, a provocation, is premised on the adoption of food as the local currency standard. Formally unorthodox, the components of the Parliament become metaphors for food immediacy, nutrition, health, job opportunities, green income sources and social cohesion, and simultaneously raise serious questions about the priorities of our governing bodies. Although the Food Parliament is a fantastical construct, the principles that underlie its premise and the justification for its existence, are both real and urgent

    Library buildings around the world

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    "Library Buildings around the World" is a survey based on researches of several years. The objective was to gather library buildings on an international level starting with 1990