10,902 research outputs found

    Liquid friction on charged surfaces: from hydrodynamic slippage to electrokinetics

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    Hydrodynamic behavior at the vicinity of a confining wall is closely related to the friction properties of the liquid/solid interface. Here we consider, using Molecular Dynamics simulations, the electric contribution to friction for charged surfaces, and the induced modification of the hydrodynamic boundary condition at the confining boundary. The consequences of liquid slippage for electrokinetic phenomena, through the coupling between hydrodynamics and electrostatics within the electric double layer, are explored. Strong amplification of electro-osmotic effects is revealed, and the non-trivial effect of surface charge is discussed. This work allows to reconsider existing experimental data, concerning Zeta potentials of hydrophobic surfaces and suggest the possibility to generate ``giant'' electro-osmotic and electrophoretic effects, with direct applications in microfluidics

    Strongly Charged, Flexible Polyelectrolytes in Poor Solvents -- Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    We present a set of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of strongly charged, flexible polyelectrolyte chains under poor solvent conditions in a salt free solution. Structural properties of the chains and of the solutions are reported. By varying the polymer density and the electrostatic interaction strength we study the crossover from a dominating electrostatic interaction to the regime of strong screening, where the hydrophobic interactions dominate. During the crossover a multitude of structures is observed. In the limit of low polymer density strongly stretched, necklace like conformations are found. In the opposite limit of high polymer density which is equivalent to strongly screened electrostatic interactions, we find that the chains are extremely collapsed, however we observe no agglomeration or phase separation. The investigations show that the density of free charges is one of the relevant parameters which rules the behavior of the system and hence should be used as a parameter to explain experimental results.Comment: 42 pages, including 22 figures and 2 table

    Joint Density-Functional Theory of the Electrode-Electrolyte Interface: Application to Fixed Electrode Potentials, Interfacial Capacitances, and Potentials of Zero Charge

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    This work explores the use of joint density-functional theory, a new form of density-functional theory for the ab initio description of electronic systems in thermodynamic equilibrium with a liquid environment, to describe electrochemical systems. After reviewing the physics of the underlying fundamental electrochemical concepts, we identify the mapping between commonly measured electrochemical observables and microscopically computable quantities within an, in principle, exact theoretical framework. We then introduce a simple, computationally efficient approximate functional which we find to be quite successful in capturing a priori basic electrochemical phenomena, including the capacitive Stern and diffusive Gouy-Chapman regions in the electrochemical double layer, quantitative values for interfacial capacitance, and electrochemical potentials of zero charge for a series of metals. We explore surface charging with applied potential and are able to place our ab initio results directly on the scale associated with the Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE). Finally, we provide explicit details for implementation within standard density-functional theory software packages at negligible computational cost over standard calculations carried out within vacuum environments.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. Initially presented at APS March Meeting 2010. Accepted for publication in Physical Review B on Jul. 27, 201

    Polarizable molecular interactions in condensed phase and their equivalent nonpolarizable models

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    Earlier, using phenomenological approach, we showed that in some cases polarizable models of condensed phase systems can be reduced to nonpolarizable equivalent models with scaled charges. Examples of such systems include ionic liquids, TIPnP-type models of water, protein force fields, and others, where interactions and dynamics of inherently polarizable species can be accurately described by nonpolarizable models. To describe electrostatic interactions, the effective charges of simple ionic liquids are obtained by scaling the actual charges of ions by a factor of 1/sqrt(eps_el), which is due to electronic polarization screening effect; the scaling factor of neutral species is more complicated. Here, using several theoretical models, we examine how exactly the scaling factors appear in theory, and how, and under what conditions, polarizable Hamiltonians are reduced to nonpolarizable ones. These models allow one to trace the origin of the scaling factors, determine their values, and obtain important insights on the nature of polarizable interactions in condensed matter systems.Comment: 43 pages, 3 figure

    Interaction of proteins in solution from small angle scattering: a perturbative approach

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    In this work, an improved methodology for studying interactions of proteins in solution by small-angle scattering, is presented. Unlike the most common approach, where the protein-protein correlation functions gij(r)g_{ij}(r) are approximated by their zero-density limit (i.e. the Boltzmann factor), we propose a more accurate representation of gij(r)g_{ij}(r) which takes into account terms up to the first order in the density expansion of the mean-force potential. This improvement is expected to be particulary effective in the case of strong protein-protein interactions at intermediate concentrations. The method is applied to analyse small angle X-ray scattering data obtained as a function of the ionic strength (from 7 to 507 mM) from acidic solutions of ÎČ\beta -Lactoglobuline at the fixed concentration of 10 gL−1\rm g L^{-1}. The results are compared with those obtained using the zero-density approximation and show a significant improvement particularly in the more demanding case of low ionic strength.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Biophysical Journal (April 2002) Due to an unfortunate name mismatch, the original submission contained an incorrect sourc

    Shear Viscosity of Clay-like Colloids in Computer Simulations and Experiments

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    Dense suspensions of small strongly interacting particles are complex systems, which are rarely understood on the microscopic level. We investigate properties of dense suspensions and sediments of small spherical Al_2O_3 particles in a shear cell by means of a combined Molecular Dynamics (MD) and Stochastic Rotation Dynamics (SRD) simulation. We study structuring effects and the dependence of the suspension's viscosity on the shear rate and shear thinning for systems of varying salt concentration and pH value. To show the agreement of our results to experimental data, the relation between bulk pH value and surface charge of spherical colloidal particles is modeled by Debye-Hueckel theory in conjunction with a 2pK charge regulation model.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    A general study of actinyl hydration by molecular dynamics simulations using ab initio force fields

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    A set of new ab initio force fields for aqueous [AnO2] 2+/+ (An = Np(VI,V), Pu(VI), Am(VI)) has been developed using the Hydrated Ion (HI) model methodology previously used for [UO2] 2+. Except for the non-electrostatic contribution of the HI-bulk water interaction, the interaction potentials are individually parameterized. Translational diffusion coefficients, hydration enthalpies, and vibrational normal mode frequencies were calculated from the MD simulations. Physico-chemical properties satisfactorily agree with experiments validating the robustness of the force field strategy. The solvation dynamics and structure for all hexavalent actinoids are extremely similar and resemble our previous analysis of the uranyl cation. This supports the idea of using the uranyl cation as a reference for the study of other minor actinyls. The comparison between the NpO2+ 2 and NpO+ 2 hydration only provides significant differences in first and second shell distances and second-shell mean residence times. We propose a single general view of the [AnO2] 2+/+ hydration structure: aqueous actinyls are amphiphilic anisotropic solutes which are equatorially conventional spherically symmetric cations capped at the poles by clathrate-like water structures.Junta de Andalucía de España, Plan Andaluz de Investigación-FQM-28

    Influence of solvent granularity on the effective interaction between charged colloidal suspensions

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    We study the effect of solvent granularity on the effective force between two charged colloidal particles by computer simulations of the primitive model of strongly asymmetric electrolytes with an explicitly added hard sphere solvent. Apart from molecular oscillating forces for nearly touching colloids which arise from solvent and counterion layering, the counterions are attracted towards the colloidal surfaces by solvent depletion providing a simple statistical description of hydration. This, in turn, has an important influence on the effective forces for larger distances which are considerably reduced as compared to the prediction based on the primitive model. When these forces are repulsive, the long-distance behaviour can be described by an effective Yukawa pair potential with a solvent-renormalized charge. As a function of colloidal volume fraction and added salt concentration, this solvent-renormalized charge behaves qualitatively similar to that obtained via the Poisson-Boltzmann cell model but there are quantitative differences. For divalent counterions and nano-sized colloids, on the other hand, the hydration may lead to overscreened colloids with mutual attraction while the primitive model yields repulsive forces. All these new effects can be accounted for through a solvent-averaged primitive model (SPM) which is obtained from the full model by integrating out the solvent degrees of freedom. The SPM was used to access larger colloidal particles without simulating the solvent explicitly.Comment: 14 pages, 16 craphic
