6,562 research outputs found

    ModDrop: adaptive multi-modal gesture recognition

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    We present a method for gesture detection and localisation based on multi-scale and multi-modal deep learning. Each visual modality captures spatial information at a particular spatial scale (such as motion of the upper body or a hand), and the whole system operates at three temporal scales. Key to our technique is a training strategy which exploits: i) careful initialization of individual modalities; and ii) gradual fusion involving random dropping of separate channels (dubbed ModDrop) for learning cross-modality correlations while preserving uniqueness of each modality-specific representation. We present experiments on the ChaLearn 2014 Looking at People Challenge gesture recognition track, in which we placed first out of 17 teams. Fusing multiple modalities at several spatial and temporal scales leads to a significant increase in recognition rates, allowing the model to compensate for errors of the individual classifiers as well as noise in the separate channels. Futhermore, the proposed ModDrop training technique ensures robustness of the classifier to missing signals in one or several channels to produce meaningful predictions from any number of available modalities. In addition, we demonstrate the applicability of the proposed fusion scheme to modalities of arbitrary nature by experiments on the same dataset augmented with audio.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques

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    One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.Comment: 24 pages + 11 pages of references, 8 figure

    Evaluating Two-Stream CNN for Video Classification

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    Videos contain very rich semantic information. Traditional hand-crafted features are known to be inadequate in analyzing complex video semantics. Inspired by the huge success of the deep learning methods in analyzing image, audio and text data, significant efforts are recently being devoted to the design of deep nets for video analytics. Among the many practical needs, classifying videos (or video clips) based on their major semantic categories (e.g., "skiing") is useful in many applications. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study to investigate important implementation options that may affect the performance of deep nets on video classification. Our evaluations are conducted on top of a recent two-stream convolutional neural network (CNN) pipeline, which uses both static frames and motion optical flows, and has demonstrated competitive performance against the state-of-the-art methods. In order to gain insights and to arrive at a practical guideline, many important options are studied, including network architectures, model fusion, learning parameters and the final prediction methods. Based on the evaluations, very competitive results are attained on two popular video classification benchmarks. We hope that the discussions and conclusions from this work can help researchers in related fields to quickly set up a good basis for further investigations along this very promising direction.Comment: ACM ICMR'1

    Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A Survey

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    Recognizing pedestrian attributes is an important task in computer vision community due to it plays an important role in video surveillance. Many algorithms has been proposed to handle this task. The goal of this paper is to review existing works using traditional methods or based on deep learning networks. Firstly, we introduce the background of pedestrian attributes recognition (PAR, for short), including the fundamental concepts of pedestrian attributes and corresponding challenges. Secondly, we introduce existing benchmarks, including popular datasets and evaluation criterion. Thirdly, we analyse the concept of multi-task learning and multi-label learning, and also explain the relations between these two learning algorithms and pedestrian attribute recognition. We also review some popular network architectures which have widely applied in the deep learning community. Fourthly, we analyse popular solutions for this task, such as attributes group, part-based, \emph{etc}. Fifthly, we shown some applications which takes pedestrian attributes into consideration and achieve better performance. Finally, we summarized this paper and give several possible research directions for pedestrian attributes recognition. The project page of this paper can be found from the following website: \url{https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes/}.Comment: Check our project page for High Resolution version of this survey: https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes

    Multiple Instance Learning: A Survey of Problem Characteristics and Applications

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    Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a form of weakly supervised learning where training instances are arranged in sets, called bags, and a label is provided for the entire bag. This formulation is gaining interest because it naturally fits various problems and allows to leverage weakly labeled data. Consequently, it has been used in diverse application fields such as computer vision and document classification. However, learning from bags raises important challenges that are unique to MIL. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the characteristics which define and differentiate the types of MIL problems. Until now, these problem characteristics have not been formally identified and described. As a result, the variations in performance of MIL algorithms from one data set to another are difficult to explain. In this paper, MIL problem characteristics are grouped into four broad categories: the composition of the bags, the types of data distribution, the ambiguity of instance labels, and the task to be performed. Methods specialized to address each category are reviewed. Then, the extent to which these characteristics manifest themselves in key MIL application areas are described. Finally, experiments are conducted to compare the performance of 16 state-of-the-art MIL methods on selected problem characteristics. This paper provides insight on how the problem characteristics affect MIL algorithms, recommendations for future benchmarking and promising avenues for research

    On Classification with Bags, Groups and Sets

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    Many classification problems can be difficult to formulate directly in terms of the traditional supervised setting, where both training and test samples are individual feature vectors. There are cases in which samples are better described by sets of feature vectors, that labels are only available for sets rather than individual samples, or, if individual labels are available, that these are not independent. To better deal with such problems, several extensions of supervised learning have been proposed, where either training and/or test objects are sets of feature vectors. However, having been proposed rather independently of each other, their mutual similarities and differences have hitherto not been mapped out. In this work, we provide an overview of such learning scenarios, propose a taxonomy to illustrate the relationships between them, and discuss directions for further research in these areas

    Unmasking Clever Hans Predictors and Assessing What Machines Really Learn

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    Current learning machines have successfully solved hard application problems, reaching high accuracy and displaying seemingly "intelligent" behavior. Here we apply recent techniques for explaining decisions of state-of-the-art learning machines and analyze various tasks from computer vision and arcade games. This showcases a spectrum of problem-solving behaviors ranging from naive and short-sighted, to well-informed and strategic. We observe that standard performance evaluation metrics can be oblivious to distinguishing these diverse problem solving behaviors. Furthermore, we propose our semi-automated Spectral Relevance Analysis that provides a practically effective way of characterizing and validating the behavior of nonlinear learning machines. This helps to assess whether a learned model indeed delivers reliably for the problem that it was conceived for. Furthermore, our work intends to add a voice of caution to the ongoing excitement about machine intelligence and pledges to evaluate and judge some of these recent successes in a more nuanced manner.Comment: Accepted for publication in Nature Communication

    Predicting outcomes in crowdfunding campaigns with textual, visual, and linguistic signals

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    This paper introduces a neural network and natural language processing approach to predict the outcome of crowdfunding startup pitches using text, speech, and video metadata in 20,188 crowdfunding campaigns. Our study emphasizes the need to understand crowdfunding from an investor’s perspective. Linguistic styles in crowdfunding campaigns that aim to trigger excitement or are aimed at inclusiveness are better predictors of campaign success than firm-level determinants. At the contrary, higher uncertainty perceptions about the state of product development may substantially reduce evaluations of new products and reduce purchasing intentions among potential funders. Our findings emphasize that positive psychological language is salient in environments where objective information is scarce and where investment preferences are taste based. Employing enthusiastic language or showing the product in action may capture an individual’s attention. Using all technology and design-related crowdfunding campaigns launched on Kickstarter, our study underscores the need to align potential consumers’ expectations with the visualization and presentation of the crowdfunding campaign

    A framework for emotion and sentiment predicting supported in ensembles

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    Humans are prepared to comprehend each other’s emotions through subtle body movements or facial expressions; using those expressions, individuals change how they deliver messages when communicating between them. Machines, user interfaces, or robots need to empower this ability, in a way to change the interaction from the traditional “human-computer interaction” to a “human-machine cooperation”, where the machine provides the “right” information and functionality, at the “right” time, and in the “right” way. This dissertation presents a framework for emotion classification based on facial, speech, and text emotion prediction sources, supported by an ensemble of open-source code retrieved from off-the-shelf available methods. The main contribution is integrating outputs from different sources and methods in a single prediction, consistent with the emotions presented by the system’s user. For each different source, an initial aggregation of primary classifiers was implemented: for facial emotion classification, the aggregation achieved an accuracy above 73% in both FER2013 and RAF-DB datasets; For the speech emotion classification, four datasets were used, namely: RAVDESS, TESS, CREMA-D, and SAVEE. The aggregation of primary classifiers, achieved for a combination of three of the mentioned datasets results above 86 % of accuracy; The text emotion aggregation of primary classifiers was tested with one dataset called EMOTIONLINES, the classification of emotions achieved an accuracy above 53 %. Finally, the integration of all the methods in a single framework allows us to develop an emotion multi-source aggregator (EMsA), which aggregates the results extracted from the primary emotion classifications from different sources, such as facial, speech, text etc. We describe the EMsA and results using the RAVDESS dataset, which achieved 81.99% accuracy, in the case of the EMsA using a combination of faces and speech. Finally, we present an initial approach for sentiment classification.Os humanos estão preparados para compreender as emoções uns dos outros por meio de movimentos subtis do corpo ou expressões faciais; i.e., a forma como esses movimentos e expressões são enviados mudam a forma de como são entregues as mensagens quando os humanos comunicam entre eles. Máquinas, interfaces de utilizador ou robôs precisam de potencializar essa capacidade, de forma a mudar a interação do tradicional “interação humano-computador” para uma “cooperação homem-máquina”, onde a máquina fornece as informações e funcionalidades “certas”, na hora “certa” e da maneira “certa”. Nesta dissertação é apresentada uma estrutura (um ensemble de modelos) para classificação de emoções baseada em múltiplas fontes, nomeadamente na previsão de emoções faciais, de fala e de texto. Os classificadores base são suportados em código-fonte aberto associados a métodos disponíveis na literatura (classificadores primários). A principal contribuição é integrar diferentes fontes e diferentes métodos (os classificadores primários) numa única previsão consistente com as emoções apresentadas pelo utilizador do sistema. Neste contexto, salienta-se que da análise ao estado da arte efetuada sobre as diferentes formas de classificar emoções em humanos, existe o reconhecimento de emoção corporal (não considerando a face). No entanto, não foi encontrado código-fonte aberto e publicado para os classificadores primários que possam ser utilizados no âmbito desta dissertação. No reconhecimento de emoções da fala e texto foram também encontradas algumas dificuldades em encontrar classificadores primários com os requisitos necessários, principalmente no texto, pois existem bastantes modelos, mas com inúmeras emoções diferentes das 6 emoções básicas consideradas (tristeza, medo, surpresa, repulsa, raiva e alegria). Para o texto ainda possível verificar que existem mais modelos com a previsão de sentimento do que de emoções. De forma isolada para cada uma das fontes, i.e., para cada componente analisada (face, fala e texto), foi desenvolvido uma framework em Python que implementa um agregador primário com n classificadores primários (nesta dissertação considerou-se n igual 3). Para executar os testes e obter os resultados de cada agregador primário é usado um dataset específico e é enviado a informação do dataset para o agregador. I.e., no caso do agregador facial é enviado uma imagem, no caso do agregador da fala é enviado um áudio e no caso do texto é enviado a frase para a correspondente framework. Cada dataset usado foi dividido em ficheiros treino, validação e teste. Quando a framework acaba de processar a informação recebida são gerados os respetivos resultados, nomeadamente: nome do ficheiro/identificação do input, resultados do primeiro classificador primário, resultados do segundo classificador primário, resultados do terceiro classificador primário e ground-truth do dataset. Os resultados dos classificadores primários são depois enviados para o classificador final desse agregador primário, onde foram testados quatro classificadores: (a) voting, que, no caso de n igual 3, consiste na comparação dos resultados da emoção de cada classificador primário, i.e., se 2 classificadores primários tiverem a mesma emoção o resultado do voting será esse, se todos os classificadores tiverem resultados diferentes nenhum resultado é escolhido. Além deste “classificador” foram ainda usados (b) Random Forest, (c) Adaboost e (d) MLP (multiplayer perceptron). Quando a framework de cada agregador primário foi concluída, foi desenvolvido um super-agregador que tem o mesmo princípio dos agregadores primários, mas, agora, em vez de ter os resultados/agregação de apenas 3 classificadores primários, vão existir n × 3 resultados de classificadores primários (n da face, n da fala e n do texto). Relativamente aos resultados dos agregadores usados para cada uma das fontes, face, fala e texto, obteve-se para a classificação de emoção facial uma precisão de classificação acima de 73% nos datasets FER2013 e RAF-DB. Na classificação da emoção da fala foram utilizados quatro datasets, nomeadamente RAVDESS, TESS, CREMA-D e SAVEE, tendo que o melhor resultado de precisão obtido foi acima dos 86% quando usado a combinação de 3 dos 4 datasets. Para a classificação da emoção do texto, testou-se com o um dataset EMOTIONLINES, sendo o melhor resultado obtido foi de 53% (precisão). A integração de todas os classificadores primários agora num único framework permitiu desenvolver o agregador multi-fonte (emotion multi-source aggregator - EMsA), onde a classificação final da emoção é extraída, como já referido da agregação dos classificadores de emoções primárias de diferentes fontes. Para EMsA são apresentados resultados usando o dataset RAVDESS, onde foi alcançado uma precisão de 81.99 %, no caso do EMsA usar uma combinação de faces e fala. Não foi possível testar EMsA usando um dataset reconhecido na literatura que tenha ao mesmo tempo informação do texto, face e fala. Por último, foi apresentada uma abordagem inicial para classificação de sentimentos

    Transfer Learning for Speech and Language Processing

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    Transfer learning is a vital technique that generalizes models trained for one setting or task to other settings or tasks. For example in speech recognition, an acoustic model trained for one language can be used to recognize speech in another language, with little or no re-training data. Transfer learning is closely related to multi-task learning (cross-lingual vs. multilingual), and is traditionally studied in the name of `model adaptation'. Recent advance in deep learning shows that transfer learning becomes much easier and more effective with high-level abstract features learned by deep models, and the `transfer' can be conducted not only between data distributions and data types, but also between model structures (e.g., shallow nets and deep nets) or even model types (e.g., Bayesian models and neural models). This review paper summarizes some recent prominent research towards this direction, particularly for speech and language processing. We also report some results from our group and highlight the potential of this very interesting research field.Comment: 13 pages, APSIPA 201