787 research outputs found

    On Reliability of Underwater Magnetic Induction Communications with Tri-Axis Coils

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    Underwater magnetic induction communications (UWMICs) provide a low-power and high-throughput solution for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), which are envisioned to explore and monitor the underwater environment. UWMIC with tri-axis coils increases the reliability of the wireless channel by exploring the coil orientation diversity. However, the UWMIC channel is different from typical fading channels and the mutual inductance information (MII) is not always available. It is not clear the performance of the tri-axis coil MIMO without MII. Also, its performances with multiple users have not been investigated. In this paper, we analyze the reliability and multiplexing gain of UWMICs with tri-axis coils by using coil selection. We optimally select the transmit and receive coils to reduce the computation complexity and power consumption and explore the diversity for multiple users. We find that without using all the coils and MII, we can still achieve reliability. Also, the multiplexing gain of UWMIC without MII is 5dB smaller than typical terrestrial fading channels. The results of this paper provide a more power-efficient way to use UWMICs with tri-axis coils

    Recent Advances in Joint Wireless Energy and Information Transfer

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    In this paper, we provide an overview of the recent advances in microwave-enabled wireless energy transfer (WET) technologies and their applications in wireless communications. Specifically, we divide our discussions into three parts. First, we introduce the state-of-the-art WET technologies and the signal processing techniques to maximize the energy transfer efficiency. Then, we discuss an interesting paradigm named simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT), where energy and information are jointly transmitted using the same radio waveform. At last, we review the recent progress in wireless powered communication networks (WPCN), where wireless devices communicate using the power harvested by means of WET. Extensions and future directions are also discussed in each of these areas.Comment: Conference submission accepted by ITW 201

    Energy-efficiency for MISO-OFDMA based user-relay assisted cellular networks

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    The concept of improving energy-efficiency (EE) without sacrificing the service quality has become important nowadays. The combination of orthogonal frequency-division multiple-access (OFDMA) multi-antenna transmission technology and relaying is one of the key technologies to deliver the promise of reliable and high-data-rate coverage in the most cost-effective manner. In this paper, EE is studied for the downlink multiple-input single-output (MISO)-OFDMA based user-relay assisted cellular networks. EE maximization is formulated for decode and forward (DF) relaying scheme with the consideration of both transmit and circuit power consumption as well as the data rate requirements for the mobile users. The quality of-service (QoS)-constrained EE maximization, which is defined for multi-carrier, multi-user, multi-relay and multi-antenna networks, is a non-convex and combinatorial problem so it is hard to tackle. To solve this difficult problem, a radio resource management (RRM) algorithm that solves the subcarrier allocation, mode selection and power allocation separately is proposed. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by numerical results for different system parameter

    High Capacity Fiber-Connected Wireless MIMO Communication

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    There will be more and more users while beyond-5G (B5G) and 6G bring more wireless applications. Current cellular communication networks assign specific serving boundaries for each radio, which becomes a limitation when too many users work with one radio simultaneously. By physically distributing radios. user’s service can be more uniform. Radio-over-fiber is a promising enabling technology for distributed antenna systems.To have several tens of Gbit/s data rate, we need to apply millimeter-wave (mm-wave) frequency band in radio-over-fiber (RoF). However, mm-wave signals have weak penetration and high propagation loss. Hence, beamforming and/or multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) technology become necessary for mm-wave RoF to overcome those drawbacks.This thesis introduces an automatic distributed MIMO (D-MIMO) testbed with a statistical MIMO capacity analysis for an indoor use case. Raytracing-based simulations also predicts the indoor case to make a comparison. The statistical MIMO capacity analysis shows that D-MIMO has a higher and more uniform capacity than co-located MIMO (C-MIMO) in measurements and simulations.Next, a mm-wave sigma-delta-over-fiber (SDoF) link architecture is proposed for MIMO applications. In the implementation of this link, a QSFP28 fiber link connects a central unit with a remote radio unit with four bandpass sigma-delta-modulation (BPSDM) bitstreams. The remote radio unit generates four mm-wave signals from four BPSDM signals and feeds a linear array antenna. The measurement characterizes the remote radio head at each stage and concludes that this proposed link can reach 800 Msym/s data rate with -0.5 dBm output bandpower.Furthermore, the proposed link is demonstrated with digital beamforming and multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO) functionalities. The digital beamforming function reaches 700 Msym/s with -25 dB error vector magnitude (EVM) results by improving the received bandpower in comparison to (single-input-single-output) SISO results. The MU-MIMO function serves two independent users at 500 Msym/s symbol rate and satisfies 3GPP requirements at 1 m over-the-air distance.In conclusion, this thesis proves that D-MIMO has a higher and more uniform capacity than C-MIMO by statistical analysis from measurements and simulations. The proposed novel mm-wave SDoF link can pave the way for future D-MIMO applications

    Physical Layer Security for Visible Light Communication Systems:A Survey

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    Due to the dramatic increase in high data rate services and in order to meet the demands of the fifth-generation (5G) networks, researchers from both academia and industry are exploring advanced transmission techniques, new network architectures and new frequency spectrum such as the visible light spectra. Visible light communication (VLC) particularly is an emerging technology that has been introduced as a promising solution for 5G and beyond. Although VLC systems are more immune against interference and less susceptible to security vulnerabilities since light does not penetrate through walls, security issues arise naturally in VLC channels due to their open and broadcasting nature, compared to fiber-optic systems. In addition, since VLC is considered to be an enabling technology for 5G, and security is one of the 5G fundamental requirements, security issues should be carefully addressed and resolved in the VLC context. On the other hand, due to the success of physical layer security (PLS) in improving the security of radio-frequency (RF) wireless networks, extending such PLS techniques to VLC systems has been of great interest. Only two survey papers on security in VLC have been published in the literature. However, a comparative and unified survey on PLS for VLC from information theoretic and signal processing point of views is still missing. This paper covers almost all aspects of PLS for VLC, including different channel models, input distributions, network configurations, precoding/signaling strategies, and secrecy capacity and information rates. Furthermore, we propose a number of timely and open research directions for PLS-VLC systems, including the application of measurement-based indoor and outdoor channel models, incorporating user mobility and device orientation into the channel model, and combining VLC and RF systems to realize the potential of such technologies

    Optimization of Spectrum Management in Massive Array Antenna Systems with MIMO

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    Fifth generation (5G), is being considered as a revolutionary technology in the telecommunication domain whose the challenges are mainly to achieve signal quality and great ability to work with free spectrum in the millimetre waves. Besides, other important innovations are the introduction of a more current architecture and the use of multiple antennas in transmission and reception. Digital communication using multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) wireless links has recently emerged as one of the most significant technical advances in modern communications. MIMO technology is able to offer a large increase in the capacity of these systems, without requiring a considerable increase in bandwidth or power required for transmission. This dissertation presents an overview of theoretical concepts of MIMO systems. With such a system a spatial diversity gain can be obtained by using space-time codes, which simultaneously exploit the spatial domain and the time domain. SISO, SIMO and MISO systems are differentiated by their channel capacity and their configuration in relation to the number of antennas in the transmitter/receiver. To verify the effectiveness of the MIMO systems a comparison between the capacity of SISO and MIMO systems has been performed using the Shannon’s principles. In the MIMO system some variations in the number of antennas arrays have been considered, and the superiority of transmission gains of the MIMO systems have been demonstrated. Combined with millimetre waves (mmWaves) technology, massive MIMO systems, where the number of antennas in the base station and the number of users are large, is a promising solution. SDR implementations have been performed considering a platform with Matlab code applied to MIMO 2x2 Radio and Universal Software Peripheral Radio (USRP). A detailed study was initially conducted to analyze the architecture of the USRP. Complex structures of MIMO systems can be simplified by using mathematical methods implemented in Matlab for the synchronization of the USRP in the receiver side. SISO transmission and reception techniques have been considered to refine the synchronization (with 16-QAM), thus facilitating the future implementation of the MIMO system. OpenAirInterface has been considered for 4G and 5G implementations of actual mobile radio communication systems. Together with the practical MIMO, this type of solution is the starting point for future hardware building blocks involving massive MIMO systems.A quinta geração (5G) está sendo considerada uma tecnologia revolucionária no setor de telecomunicações, cujos desafios são principalmente a obtenção de qualidade de sinal e grande capacidade de trabalhar com espectro livre nas ondas milimétricas. Além disso, outras inovações importantes são a introdução de uma arquitetura mais atual e o uso de múltiplas antenas em transmissão e recepção. A comunicação digital usando ligaçõe sem fio de múltiplas entradas e múltiplas saídas (MIMO) emergiu recentemente como um dos avanços técnicos mais significativos nas comunicações modernas. A tecnologia MIMO é capaz de oferecer um elevado aumento na capacidade, sem exigir um aumento considerável na largura de banda ou potência transmitida. Esta dissertação apresenta uma visão geral dos conceitos teóricos dos sistemas MIMO. Com esses sistemas, um ganho de diversidade espacial pode ser obtido utilizando códigos espaço-tempo reais. Os sistemas SISO, SIMO e MISO são diferenciados pela capacidade de seus canais e a sua configuração em relação ao número de antenas no emissor/receptor. Para verificar a eficiência dos sistemas MIMO, realizou-se uma comparação entre a capacidade dos sistemas SISO e MIMO utilizado os princípios de Shannon. Nos sistemas MIMO condecideraram-se algumas variações no número de agregados de antenas, e a superioridade dos ganhos de transmissão dos sistemas MIMO foi demonstrada. Combinado com a tecnologia de ondas milimétricas (mmWaves), os sistemas massivos MIMO, onde o número de antenas na estação base e o número de usuários são grandes, são uma solução promissora. As implementações do SDR foram realizadas considerando uma plataforma com código Matlab aplicado aos rádios MIMO 2x2 e Universal Software Peripheral Radio (USRP). Um estudo detalhado foi inicialmente conduzido para analisar a arquitetura da USRP. Estruturas complexas de sistemas MIMO podem ser simplificadas usando métodos matemáticos implementados no Matlab para a sincronização do USRP no lado do receptor. Consideraram-se técnicas de transmissão e recepção SISO para refinar a sincronização (com 16-QAM), facilitando assim a implementação futura do sistema MIMO . Considerou-se o OpenAirInterface para implementações 4G e 5G de sistemas reais de comunicações móveis. Juntamente com o MIMO na pratica, este tipo de solução é o ponto de partida para futuros blocos de construção de hardware envolvendo sistemas MIMO massivos

    Multipath Multiplexing for Capacity Enhancement in SIMO Wireless Systems

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    This paper proposes a novel and simple orthogonal faster than Nyquist (OFTN) data transmission and detection approach for a single input multiple output (SIMO) system. It is assumed that the signal having a bandwidth BB is transmitted through a wireless channel with LL multipath components. Under this assumption, the current paper provides a novel and simple OFTN transmission and symbol-by-symbol detection approach that exploits the multiplexing gain obtained by the multipath characteristic of wideband wireless channels. It is shown that the proposed design can achieve a higher transmission rate than the existing one (i.e., orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)). Furthermore, the achievable rate gap between the proposed approach and that of the OFDM increases as the number of receiver antennas increases for a fixed value of LL. This implies that the performance gain of the proposed approach can be very significant for a large-scale multi-antenna wireless system. The superiority of the proposed approach is shown theoretically and confirmed via numerical simulations. {Specifically, we have found {upper-bound average} rates of 15 bps/Hz and 28 bps/Hz with the OFDM and proposed approaches, respectively, in a Rayleigh fading channel with 32 receive antennas and signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 15.3 dB. The extension of the proposed approach for different system setups and associated research problems is also discussed.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Channel Characterisation and Link Budget of MIMO Configuration in Near Field Magnetic Communication

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    Traditional radio communication has gained significantly from using multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) architecture in the system. Many wireless applications, such as wireless LAN and cellular network, have adopted this technology to improve their system performance. However, the effect of MIMO systems has not been investigated in the case of inductive near field short range communications. The purpose of this paper is to explore a new method for increasing the magnetic communication range using MIMO. Three system models includingMISO, SIMO and MIMO are proposed to characterize the number of transmitters and receivers to the link. These models have helped to extend not only the range but also the communication channel in NFMIC