104 research outputs found

    Analysis of Barriers and Strategies for China's Green Power Market

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    AbstractWith the concern about the issues of global environments and climates, the green power development is drawing increasing attention. Although the government of our country attaches great importance to renewable energy power generation industry and certain industry foundation has been established, the generating costs of green power obviously lack competitive advantages comparing with those of the tradition power. As a result, the developing speed is relatively slow. This paper analyzes the existing barriers in the green power development of our country and puts up the suggestions of developing strategies for the future green power of our country, combined with the actual situations of our power industry

    Research on grid challenges and smart grid development: the case of Sichuan grid

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    As the most important driving force of modern social development and a significant symbol of modern civilization, electric power is in booming demand. Furthermore, electric power is a complex system which integrates power generation, power transmission, power distribution and power utilization together and achieves generation, transmission, distribution and utilization instantaneously at the same time. It notably features with network industry and network economy. Power grid is a hub which links electricity production and electricity consumption in the power system. On the basis of basic theories of network industry and network economy, this thesis discusses the development of smart grid from the aspects of “network challenges”, resources and energy challenges and new energy access challenges encountered and counter-measures in the development of modern grid. Based on the development environment of China power, especially the Sichuan power grid, and spatial mismatching of power supply and demand (including new energy resources and distribution), this thesis analyzes and explains China (Sichuan) smart grid is strong smart grid which has UHV power grid as the backbone frame, and features information technology, and automation.Devido ao facto de ser uma força impulsionadora do desenvolvimento económico e um simbolo muito importante da civilização moderna, a procura de electricidade tem aumentado consideravelmente nas últimas décadas. Contudo, a energia elétrica é um sistema complexo que integra geração, transmissão, distribuição e implica que a oferta e a procura sejam simultâneas. A indústria da electricidade tem muitas características da economia em rede. A rede elétrica deve ser vista como um “hub” que liga a produção de electricidade ao seu consumo. Tendo por base, as teorias da indústria em rede e da economia em rede, esta tese discute o desenvolvimento das redes elétricas segundo as perspectivas dos “desafios que se colocam às redes”, dos desafios em termos de recursos e dos desafios que se colocam ao desenvolvimento da rede elétrica moderna. Esta tese estuda de uma forma detalhada os problemas relacionados com a construção de uma rede elétrica inteligente na província de Sichuan, China

    An Analysis of Development Mechanism of China's Smart Grid

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    Through the perspectives of socio-technical systems, this paper summarizes characteristics of China’s smart grid and finds the influencing factors of development mechanism. We find that China’s smart grid featured by company-led, government striven to develop renewable energy, indigenous and multinational corporation both-driven, consumer-participated passively approach appears to differ from development pathways compared with other Western counties such as US, South Korea and Japan, then we assess strength and weakness of the development mechanism from three aspects including government, industrial and consumer. From a long run, China should establish flattening social innovation organization with government-led, stakeholders-participated jointly, then enact national blue planning, laws and technical standards, at last, develop ultra high voltage properly and actively promote development of distribution generation and micro grid. Keywords: Smart Grid; Development Mechanism; Government; Industrial; Consumer JEL Classifications: 03

    Sustainability in China: Bridging Global Knowledge with Local Action

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    China’s road to sustainability has attracted global attention. Since the “Reform & Opening Up” policy, China’s rapid pace of both urbanization and industrialization has made its being the second largest economy but meantime a heavy environmental price has been paid over the past few decades for addressing the economic developmental target. Today, as the biggest developing country, China needs to take more responsibilities for constructing its local ecological-civilization society as well as for addressing the global challenges such as climate change, resources scary and human beings well-fare; therefore, we need to have deeper understandings into China’s way to sustainability at very different levels, both spatially and structurally, concerns ranging from generating sustainable household livelihoods to global climate change, from developing technological applications to generate institutional changes. In this spirit, this publication, “Sustainability in China: Bridging Global Knowledge with Local Action” aims to investigate the intended and spontaneous issues concerning China’s road to sustainability in a combined top-down and bottom-up manner, linking international knowledge to local-based studies

    Secure and Sustainable Energy System

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    This special issue aims to contribute to the climate actions which called for the need to address Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, keeping global warming to well below 2°C through various means, including accelerating renewables, clean fuels, and clean technologies into the entire energy system. As long as fossil fuels (coal, gas and oil) are still used in the foreseeable future, it is vital to ensure that these fossil fuels are used cleanly through abated technologies. Financing the clean and energy transition technologies is vital to ensure the smooth transition towards net zero emission by 2050 or beyond. The lack of long‐term financing, the low rate of return, the existence of various risks, and the lack of capacity of market players are major challenges to developing sustainable energy systems.This special collected 17 high-quality empirical studies that assess the challenges for developing secure and sustainable energy systems and provide practical policy recommendations. The editors of this special issue wish to thank the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) for funding several papers that were published in this special issue

    Central-provincial Politics and Industrial Policy-making in the Electric Power Sector in China

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    In addition to the studies that provide meaningful insights into the complexity of technical and economic issues, increasing studies have focused on the political process of market transition in network industries such as the electric power sector. This dissertation studies the central–provincial interactions in industrial policy-making and implementation, and attempts to evaluate the roles of Chinese provinces in the market reform process of the electric power sector. Market reforms of this sector are used as an illustrative case because the new round of market reforms had achieved some significant breakthroughs in areas such as pricing reform and wholesale market trading. Other policy measures, such as the liberalization of the distribution market and cross-regional market-building, are still at a nascent stage and have only scored moderate progress. It is important to investigate why some policy areas make greater progress in market reforms than others. It is also interesting to examine the impacts of Chinese central-provincial politics on producing the different market reform outcomes. Guangdong and Xinjiang are two provinces being analyzed in this dissertation. The progress of market reforms in these two provinces showed similarities although the provinces are very different in terms of local conditions such as the stages of their economic development and energy structures. The actual reform can be understood as the outcomes of certain modes of interactions between the central and provincial actors in the context of their particular capabilities and preferences in different policy areas. This dissertation argues that market reform is more successful in policy areas where the central and provincial authorities are able to engage mainly in integrative negotiations than in areas where they engage mainly in distributive negotiations

    Economic growth pattern in restricted areas: the case study of Kangding City in Sichuan Province

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    The construction of regional development patterns based on the main functional areas is a major strategic innovation which not only conforms to the national regional policy but also incorporates regional features. On June 8, 2011, the state council issued the National Main Function Area Planning to readjust guiding thoughts of regional development of our country. In 2013, Sichuan province formulated and published the Main Function Area Planning which divided the restricted areas into main producing areas of agricultural products and key ecological functional areas. And among them, the key ecological functional areas are the important research subject of this thesis. In light of the strategic pattern of main functional areas, the structure of regional interests has undergone a major adjustment, which means that economic devolopment pattern in restricted areas need a foundamental transformation. Such areas need to build up economic system rooted in main functions and enhance their self-sustainability. It also poses a new challenge for policymakers in these areas. Research on economic growth pattern of restricted areas has become an important topic in the study of China’s regional economic theory.A definição de padrões de desenvolvimento regionais baseados em áreas funcionais principais constitui uma inovação estratégica, que não só está de acordo com as políticas regionais, mas também permite a inclusão das características específicas de cada região. A 8 de junho de 2011as autoridades nacionais Chinesas publicaram o documento intitulado National Main Function Area Planning para reajustar, a nível nacional, as linhas estratégicas de desenvolvimento regional. Em 2013 a província de Sichuan editou e publicou o Main Function Area Planning que dividia as áreas de desenvolvimento restrito em dois tipos: áreas de produção maioritariamente agrícola e áreas funcionais ecológicas chave. O principal objeto de investigação desta tese é a segunda destas áreas. Tendo em consideração os padrões estratégicos das áreas funcionais principais, a estrutura dos interesses regionais tem sido sujeita a ajustamentos importantes, o que significa a necessidade de transformações fundamentais nos padrões de desenvolvimento económico das áreas de desenvolvimento restrito. Estas áreas necessitam de construir um sistema económico baseado nas funções principais e que seja autossustentado, o que constitui um novo desafio para as políticas públicas. Os padrões de crescimento económico em áreas de desenvolvimento restrito tornou-se um importante tópico de investigação na teoria económica regional da China

    Green Technologies for Production Processes

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    This book focuses on original research works about Green Technologies for Production Processes, including discrete production processes and process production processes, from various aspects that tackle product, process, and system issues in production. The aim is to report the state-of-the-art on relevant research topics and highlight the barriers, challenges, and opportunities we are facing. This book includes 22 research papers and involves energy-saving and waste reduction in production processes, design and manufacturing of green products, low carbon manufacturing and remanufacturing, management and policy for sustainable production, technologies of mitigating CO2 emissions, and other green technologies

    Green Technology Innovations Development in China: Trend and Application

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    This chapter aims to explore what subjects have been addressed in green technology innovation (GTI) in China and initiate a journey for the next generation of sustainable-oriented research. Thus, the work examined the literatures enlisted in the database of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) on the topics of GTI from 1994 to 2019. Some critical discussion and conclusion are sighted as follows: (1) the research of GTI in China is getting mature compared to the energy-innovation related topics and the researches 10 years ago. It is becoming a dominated research subject. (2) The qualitative publications dominates the researches, the empirical researches are in a shortage. (3) The research subjects are multi-perspective and multi-disciplinary, covering environment science, management, energy and fuels, economics and social behavior. New vibrancy of advanced theoretical and methodological research is particularly needed. (4) The trend of green technology research appears an interdisciplinary research with the themes related to environmental subject, science technology, business economics, engineering and energy & fuels. (5) Different policy implementations have different effects due to the cost structure and maturity of renewable energy. (6) GTI cannot be isolated from the policy or regulation regime, and is becoming a new underpin of current sustainable development in China

    How do incumbent companies’ heterogeneous responses affect sustainability transitions? Insights from China’s major incumbent power generators

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    Transitions research has often been unintentionally biased toward novelty and assumes incumbents as homogeneous groups that are “locked-in” to certain socio-technical regimes. In reality, incumbents are heterogeneous at the company and industrial levels and thus have heterogeneous responses that can both accelerate and deter sustainability transitions. To fill the research gap, this paper explores the determinants of such heterogeneous responses and insights for sustainability transitions, taking China’s major incumbent power generators as its case study. The results are: first, incumbent companies respond heterogeneously if firm-specific, socio-economic, and institutional factors give different opportunities and barriers. Policy feedback effects and development of complementarities in infrastructure, instruments, and organizational elements can increase heterogeneous responses. Second, their heterogeneous responses can accelerate sustainability transitions if they go beyond destabilization of regime, legitimization of alternative policy instruments, and development of infrastructure and institutions that trigger co-evolution with socio-economic and institutional factors