9 research outputs found

    Studios in software engineering education

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    Computing has its roots in mathematics, where lectures are the dominant mode of education. Software engineering (SE) education, born from computer science, is also traditionally taught using lectures, but has grown beyond its mathematical roots; as the name implies, it is an engineering discipline. It is arguably necessary for SE to rethink its approach to education. Studio education is one alternative being explored. Studios originated from architecture and design, and are complex spaces used by collocated students to collaboratively and individually work on projects; they emphasise a physical “home” for students, problem-based and peer-based learning, and mentoring by academic staff rather than formal lectures. There are inherent similarities between SE and the original studio disciplines: e.g. we often use the architecture of buildings as metaphors when designing and describing software. This suggests that studios in SE should be further explored, despite its apparent lack of uptake across institutions worldwide. This thesis aims to provide useful information for anyone considering utilizing a studio-based approach. Initially, with no widely accepted definition for studio education available, a series of interviews with design/architecture studio educators was conducted, culminating in an understanding in the form of the ‘studio framework’. This is followed by further interviews, with SE studio educators, to determine their perspective of studio education, and exploring the SE specific elements to studio education. Finally, experiences and observations are shared of Lancaster University’s recent SE studio, comparing it to the studio framework

    Experimenting with Realism in Software Engineering Team Projects: An Experience Report

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    Over Several years, we observed that our students were sceptical of Software Engineering practices, because we did not convey the experience and demands of production quality software development. Assessment focused on features delivered, rather than imposing responsibility for longer term `technical debt'. Academics acting as 'uncertain' customers were rejected as malevolent and implausible. Student teams composed of novices lacked the benefits of leadership provided by more experienced engineers. To address these shortcomings, real customers were introduced, exposing students to real requirements uncertainty. Flipped classroom teaching was adopted, giving teams one day each week to work on their project in a redesigned laboratory. Software process and quality were emphasised in the course assessment, imposing technical debt. Finally, we introduced a leadership course for senior students, who acted as mentors to the project team students. This paper reports on the experience of these changes, from the perspective of different stakeholders

    Observations of a software engineering studio:reflecting with the studio framework

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    Studio-based learning for software engineering is a well-received concept, despite its apparent lack of uptake across institutions worldwide. Studio education affords a variety of highly desirable benefits, and is also popular amongst its students. This paper presents Lancaster University’s software engineering studio, details of its implementation, observations made throughout its first year, evidence of its successes, and reflections against the recently defined studio framework . This paper aims to provide useful information for anyone that is considering utilizing a studio-based approach

    The use of cloud-based workshops in the training of future IT professionals

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    Актуальність теми дослідження. Розкрито вміння та навички, якими повинні оволодіти студенти, що визначені в рамках робочої програми дисципліни «Основи інформаційних технологій». Дистанційна форма навчання є однією з провідних форм навчання в сучасному закладі вищої освіти. В зв’язку з цим актуальність використання хмарних сервісів та хмаро орієнтованих систем не викликає сумніву. Постановка проблеми. Дистанційна форма навчання у закладах вищої освіти, на сьогодні, є переважною для більшості закладів країни. І, якщо для студентів старших курсів перехід до такої форми навчання не є проблематичним, то студенти початкових курсів стикаються із великими проблемами, пов’язаними із організацією робочого простору. Аналіз останніх досліджень і публікацій. Переваги хмарних засобів над традиційними та електронними засобами науково доведені С. О. Семеріковим, І. О. Теплицьким, Ю. В. Єчкало, О. М. Марковою, В. М. Соловйов та А. Ю. Ків. Можливості застосування хмарних технологій у навчальному процесі дослідженнях Е. А. Алдахіл (Е. A. Aldakheel), С. Н. Булл (C. N. Bull), А. М. Стрюка, О. В. Мерзликіна, С. О. Семерікова та М. В. Попель. Постановка завдання. Експериментально перевірити ефективність використання Octave Online як хмаро зорієнтованого практикуму. Виклад основного матеріалу. Розкрито сутність поняття «хмаро зорієнтований практикум». Наведені демонстраційні приклади виконання окремих завдань із курсу «Основи інформаційних технологій». Показано, що зміст завдань спрямовано на формування умінь та практичних навичок з програмування для розв’язання практичних завдань і вправ до лабораторних робіт з основ інформаційних технологій. Наведено фрагменти виконання завдань студентами І-го курсу. Встановлено переваги GNU Octave, як допоміжного засобу, що застосовується в чисельних розрахунках. Результати експериментальної перевірки ефективності використання Octave Online як хмаро зорієнтованого практикуму оцінювались за трьох рівневою шкалою. Кожен рівень визначається за переліком відповідних показників. Висновки. Аналіз експерименту показав, що навчальні досягнення студентів після виконання лабораторних робіт у хмаро зорієнтованому практикумі зросли у порівнянні з їх особистими навчальними досягненнями до початку застосування Octave Online. Зроблено висновки експериментальної перевірки ефективності використання Octave Online як хмаро зорієнтованого практикуму, про зручність та корисність використання даного хмарного засобу у навчанні майбутніх ІТ-фахівців.Urgency of the research. The skills and abilities that students must master, defined in the work program of the discipline "Fundamentals of Information Technology", are revealed. Distance learning is one of the leading forms of education in a modern institution of higher education. Therefore, the relevance of using cloud services and cloud-based systems is not in doubt.Target setting. Distance learning in higher education institutions, today, is preferred for most institutions in the country. And while the transition to this form of education is not a problem for senior students, undergraduate students face major challenges related to the organization of the workspace. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The advantages of cloud means over traditional and electronic means have been scientifically proved by S. O. Semerikov, I. O. Teplytskyi, Yu. V. Yechkalo , O. M Markova, V. M. Soloviev and A. Yu. Kiv. Possibilities of application of cloud technologies in the educational process of researches by Е. A. Aldakheel, C. N. Bull, A. M. Stryuk, O. V. Merzlykin, S. O. Semerikov and M. V. Popel. The research objective. Experimentally test the effectiveness of using Octave Online as a cloud-based workshop. The statement of basic materials. The essence of the concept of "cloud-oriented workshop" is revealed. Demonstration examples of individual tasks from the course "Fundamentals of Information Technology" are given. It is shown that the content of tasks is aimed at the formation of skills and practical skills in programming to solve practical problems and exercises for laboratory work on the basics of information technology. Fragments of tasks performed by first-year students are given. The advantages of GNU Octave as an aid in numerical calculations have been established. The results of an experimental test of the effectiveness of using Octave Online as a cloud-based workshop were evaluated on a three-level scale. Each level is determined by a list of relevant indicators. Conclusions. The analysis of the experiment showed that the students' academic achievements after performing laboratory work in a cloud-oriented workshop increased compared to their personal academic achievements before the use of Octave Online. The conclusions of the experimental test of the effectiveness of the use of Octave Online as a cloud-oriented workshop, on the convenience and usefulness of the use of this cloud tool in the training of future IT professionals

    Things coming together: Learning experiences in a software studio

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    We have evidence that the software studio provides learning that genuinely prepares students for professional practice. Learning that entails dealing with complex technical problems and tools. Learning that involves working effectively in groups. Learning that results in the building of students'self-confidence and the conviction that they can successfully deal with the challenges of modern software system development. Learning that allows the accomplishment of the more elusive professional competencies. In order for students to achieve this type of deep learning, they need time to immerse themselves in complex problems within a rich environment - such as the software studio. The studio also enables each student group to develop and succeed according to their needs, and in different ways. The conclusions above arise from an ethnographic study in an undergraduate software studio prototype with two student groups and their mentors. Copyright © 2014 ACM

    What Do We Do When We Teach Software Engineering?

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    Many UK higher education institutions offer software engineering programmes, but the purpose and relevance of these programmes within computing science departments is not always obvious. The reality is that while advanced economies require many more skilled software engineers, universities are not delivering them. This is at least true in the context of the United Kingdom, where there are high numbers of software engineering vacancies and unemployed software engineering graduates. A possible explanation could be that curriculum content of software engineering programmes in universities needs to be reconsidered to meet the needs of industry. However, reconsidering curriculum content alone is unlikely to be transformative as there is little to be gained from changing to an emerging methodology, language or framework. Instead, an alternative direction could be to reconsider curriculum delivery and the identity of software engineering within computing science itself. In this paper, we contextualise the challenge by considering the history of software engineering education and some of its key developments. We then consider some of the alternative delivery approaches, before arguing cooperative programmes provide a opportunity for institutions to reconsider software engineering education

    ShapeClip: towards rapid prototyping with shape-changing displays for designers

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    This paper presents ShapeClip: a modular tool capable of transforming any computer screen into a z-actuating shape-changing display. This enables designers to produce dynamic physical forms by "clipping" actuators onto screens. ShapeClip displays are portable, scalable, fault-tolerant, and support runtime re-arrangement. Users are not required to have knowledge of electronics or programming, and can develop motion designs with presentation software, image editors, or web-technologies. To evaluate ShapeClip we carried out a full-day workshop with expert designers. Participants were asked to generate shape-changing designs and then construct them using ShapeClip. ShapeClip enabled participants to rapidly and successfully transform their ideas into functional systems

    LAB studio model : Developing external networks for learning entrepreneurship in higher education

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    Acknowledgements The Oulu App LAB was supported by The Finnish Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, ELY-keskus, in Finnish.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Toolkit support for interactive projected displays

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    Interactive projected displays are an emerging class of computer interface with the potential to transform interactions with surfaces in physical environments. They distinguish themselves from other visual output technologies, for instance LCD screens, by overlaying content onto the physical world. They can appear, disappear, and reconfigure themselves to suit a range of application scenarios, physical settings, and user needs. These properties have attracted significant academic research interest, yet the surrounding technical challenges and lack of application developer tools limit adoption to those with advanced technical skills. These barriers prevent people with different expertise from engaging, iteratively evaluating deployments, and thus building a strong community understanding of the technology in context. We argue that creating and deploying interactive projected displays should take hours, not weeks. This thesis addresses these difficulties through the construction of a toolkit that effectively facilitates user innovation with interactive projected displays. The toolkit’s design is informed by a review of related work and a series of in-depth research probes that study different application scenarios. These findings result in toolkit requirements that are then integrated into a cohesive design and implementation. This implementation is evaluated to determine its strengths, limitations, and effectiveness at facilitating the development of applied interactive projected displays. The toolkit is released to support users in the real-world and its adoption studied. The findings describe a range of real application scenarios, case studies, and increase academic understanding of applied interactive projected display toolkits. By significantly lowering the complexity, time, and skills required to develop and deploy interactive projected displays, a diverse community of over 2,000 individual users have applied the toolkit to their own projects. Widespread adoption beyond the computer-science academic community will continue to stimulate an exciting new wave of interactive projected display applications that transfer computing functionality into physical spaces