30 research outputs found

    Russian institute for advanced study as a new form of training of highly trained teaching staff

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    Introduction: The aim of the paper is the analysis of role and capabilities of the Russian Institute for Advanced Study under Moscow State Pedagogical University in preparation of the top qualification scientific and teaching staff, possessing not only high potential in the narrow specialisation, but also inter-And transdisciplinary knowledge. The necessity for such staff is caused by rapid growth of scope and rates of new scientific knowledge accumulation, and, as a result, by development on their basis of new technologies in all sectors and by intensive introduction of such developments into all spheres of human activities. Materials and Methods: The processing of results of survey by the questionnaire method, as well as the synergistic and systemic approaches in their analysis and generalization, constituted the methodological basis for this study. Results: by analysis and generalisation of survey results it was shown that the Russian Institute for Advanced Study is unique form of training of top qualification scientific and teaching staff. The most important role of the Russian Institute for Advanced Study functioning format in implementation for Institute's tasks is shown. During the work period at the Russian Institute for Advanced Study scientific and pedagogical employees are having unique possibility for finding non-standard approaches and methods for solving various problems, arising during projects implementation and which can't be solved due to formal limitations of the traditional education system. Discussion and Conclusions: it is shown that the structure and principles of the Russian Institutes for Advanced Study functioning provide preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff of the highest qualification. The requirement for expanding Institutes for Advanced Study network in Russia is discussed. The results obtained represent practical importance for researchers engaged in the analysis of inter-And transdisciplinary knowledge role in the training of scientific and pedagogical staff. Further studies in this area can be devoted to analysis and generalization of inter-And transdisciplinary approach in the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff

    Identification Skills Fish Diversity and Potential Use of Genome Data

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    Identification skills are essential for students to increase awareness of will importance of diversity and active protection. Grouping species based on information genome is well considered in effort conservation. Research objectives to describe courses diversity and classification vertebrates (KKV) in identifying fish morphology, genome, and perception student about identification diversity through genome data in one LPTK in Bogor. This research uses qualitative with 27 students in The Biology Education Study Program in one LPTK in Bogor in the odd semester 2022/2023. Data collection about results interviews, documentation, and responses implementation of the pre-college program. Analysis of research data done qualitatively. Research results describe that ongoing study. This does not yet give optimal knowledge in fish diversity in a manner morphology until genome. Findings this give description will need students to identify species in a manner morphology until genome and needed databases that can identify diversity in detail and available essential internal identification feature application

    First-year Secondary Students’ Perceptions of the Impact of iPad Use on Their Learning in a BYOD Secondary International School

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    This study uses a statistical survey over three consecutive years to show how the first-year students of a mid-sized Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) secondary international school perceive the impact of using their own iPad on their learning. The students’ perceptions show awareness of the usefulness and challenges associated with using their iPads in school life as well as at home. The students indicate several perceived benefits relating to having instant access to a variety of learning opportunities via the internet. However, they also indicate the challenges of keeping a balanced approach and avoiding overuse of their iPads inside and outside school (e.g., for gaming and social media). The original rationale for implementing the BYOD scheme did not anticipate specific benefits for students’ academic outcomes (grades). However, academic performance has continued to be monitored to identify any adverse effects associated with the scheme. Students’ overall academic performance has not been adversely affected since the scheme was implemented

    Le long chemin de l’intégration des tablettes tactiles dans l’enseignement de l’éducation physique et sportive : récit d’expérience d’un formateur d’enseignants

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    La révolution numérique bouleverse la société actuelle et le monde de l’éducation. Les responsables de la politique scolaire conscients de l’importance de ce phénomène incitent les enseignants à utiliser les outils numériques avec leurs élèves afin de préparer le citoyen de demain. L’objectif de cette étude est d’identifier les motivations mais aussi les résistances des enseignants d’éducation physique et sportive (EPS) à intégrer des tablettes tactiles dans leur classe au bénéfice du processus d’enseignement-apprentissage. Elle est basée sur le modèle d’intégration du numérique TPACK pour « Technological, Pedagogical And Content Knowledge ». Pour recueillir les données, nous avons mobilisé une approche ethnographique sous la forme de l’observation participante d’un formateur d’enseignants impliqué de longue date dans l’accompagnement des enseignants à l’intégration du numérique dans leur classe d’éducation physique et sportive. Les résultats révèlent des résistances à l’intégration du numérique qui se situent en classe principalement (1) au niveau du matériel à disposition, (2) de l’efficience de l’outil numérique pour l’apprentissage, (3) de la résistance de l’enseignant à la nouveauté. A contrario, les motivations s’appuient sur (1) l’engouement des jeunes pour les outils numériques, (2) la preuve qu’apporte le sport de compétition de l’efficacité de l’image pour progresser, (3) le désir d’innovation de l’enseignant pour garder son enthousiasme. Sur la base de ces résultats, des recommandations sont formulées pour favoriser l’intégration des tablettes tactiles dans l’enseignement de l’EPS.The digital revolution is disrupting today’s society and the world of education. Schools policy makers are aware of this crucial phenomenon and encourage teachers to use digital devices with their students in order to prepare the citizen of tomorrow. Tablet computer seems to be an appropriate tool for teaching-learning in physical education. But how do you integrate the tablet computer in physical education classes? An inventory of resistances and motivations should allow the implementation of strategies to promote the use of this tool among physical education professionals. This inventory, carried out in the light of the “Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge” framework (TPACK, Koehler & Mishra, 2009), is based on three axes of knowledge: technology, pedagogy and content. The obstacles are mainly in terms of (1) the equipment availability, (2) the efficiency of the digital learning tool, (3) the teacher’s resistance to newness. The motivations are based in particular on (1) the enthusiasm of young people for digital tools, (2) the proof that competitive sport provides of the effectiveness of the image to progress, (3) teacher’s desire for innovation to keep his enthusiasm. Based on this analysis, some recommendations are proposed in order to accelerate the integration of tablet computer in physical education teaching

    Ipad henkilökohtaisena oppimisen välineenä 5. ja 6. luokalla

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    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten henkilökohtaisia iPadeja voidaan hyödyntää opetuksessa 5. ja 6. luokalla, ja millaisia kokemuksia viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisilla on iPadien käytöstä. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia eroja kokemuksissa on sukupuolten, luokka-asteiden sekä ensimmäistä ja toista vuotta henkilökohtaista iPadia opiskelussa käyttävien välillä. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii tieto- ja viestintäteknologian (tvt) opetuskäyttö ja erityisesti one-to-one -malli, jossa oppilaat käyttävät henkilökohtaisia tvt-laitteita opiskelussa. Viime vuosina one-to-one -mallin käyttö on lisääntynyt maailmanlaajuisesti. On kuitenkin julkaistu vasta vähän tutkimuksia siitä, kuinka one-to-one -mallia suomalaisissa kouluissa toteutetaan ja miten malli sopii suomalaisiin kouluihin. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin samanaikaista mixed methods -tutkimusasetelmaa. Tutkimukseen osallistui eräästä Etelä-Savon kunnasta yhdeksän luokkaa, joissa jokaisella oppilaalla oli näppäimistöllä varustettu iPad tai iPad mini henkilökohtaisessa käytössään. Aineisto koostui oppilaiden kyselylomakkeesta (n=130), opettajien kyselylomakkeesta (n=10) ja oppilaiden teemahaastatteluista (n=8). Kvalitatiivisen aineiston analyysissa käytettiin sisällönanalyysia, ja kvantitatiivisen aineiston analyysissa käytettiin tilastollisia tunnuslukuja ja frekvenssijakaumia, ristiintaulukointia ja khiin neliö -testiä, Mann U Whitneyn testiä sekä korrelaatiokertoimia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin erilaisia tapoja henkilökohtaisten iPadien opiskelukäyttöön. Ipadia voidaan käyttää niin vihkon korvikkeena kuin monipuolisena oppimisen välineenä, jota hyödynnetään tiedonhaussa, monipuolisessa omassa tuottamisessa, sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa ja arvioinnissa. Suurin osa oppilaista koki henkilökohtaisten iPadien käytön positiivisena asiana. Monissa luokissa iPadeista oli tullut arkipäiväinen opiskeluväline. Poikien asenteet iPadien käyttöä kohtaan olivat positiivisempia kuin tyttöjen. Viidesluokkalaisten iPadin käyttö oli sosiaalisempaa kuin kuudesluokkalaisten, ja he kokivat iPadien tukevan enemmän oppimista kuin kuudesluokkalaiset. Kaksi vuotta iPadeja käyttäneet oppilaat kokivat iPadin arkipäiväisemmäksi opiskeluvälineeksi kuin vuoden käyttäneet, ja he kokivat iPadien myös tukevan enemmän oppimista kuin vuoden iPadeja käyttäneet oppilaat

    The Effects of a One-to-One iPad Initiative: A Case Study

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    This qualitative case study explored the ways that teachers in a single private middle school integrated one-to-one tablet use in to their classroom practice. The case study also explored how and in what ways the students and teachers perceived that school-provided one-to-one student access to tablets affected student learning. The review of relevant literature included the use of technology in instruction, external factors affecting teachers, and the perception of the effect of technology on student learning. Over the last thirty years, there has been an increase of computer and tablet use in the classroom (Harold, 2016; Reidel, 2014; Smerdon, Cronen, Lanahan, Anderson, Iannott, & Angeles, 2000; U.S. Department of Education, 2010). As schools implement new computer technologies, they are often soon faced with yet another technology reform effort, as technology changes quickly (Barack, 2010). Students also now use technology and are often more knowledgeable about tablet devices than teachers and administrators. However, students often show teachers how to use the tablet devices, which highlights how what could be perceived as a challenge is also a benefit (Bradley, Goodman-Deane, Waller, Tenneti, Langdon, & Clarkson, 2013; O’Brien, Rogers, & Fisk, 2012). Over the last fifteen years, enrollments have increased in private and independent schools (U.S. Department of Education, 2010). Independent and private schools face both opportunities and challenges because they are not supported within a public school district. Administrators and teachers in private and independent schools may have more freedom than those working in public school districts; however, they also have fewer resources available (Davies & Davies, 2014). Private and independent schools must determine the best ways to use resources, which suggest that administrators should be well-informed when investing their limited resources in equipment and programs. To improve understanding of how private and independent schools might implement a new computer technology initiative, this research involved a single case study of one school nearly three years after the school had provided iPad tablets to all teachers and students in its middle school class sections. According to Patton (2015), a case study is an appropriate mode of inquiry in which a “researcher examines in depth a program…or one or more individuals…using a variety of data.” The case study addressed the following research questions: 1. Under what conditions and in what ways do teachers in a private school integrate one-to-one tablet use into their classroom practice? 2. How and in what ways do students and teachers perceive that school-provided access to students’ own tablets affects student learning? This study is guided by the worldview of critical realism (Bhaskar, 1998; Maxwell, 2012). A critical realist point of view is one which allows for two concurrent views of reality. In the critical realist worldview, there is an understanding that reality exists independent of individuals’ perceptions. At the same time, individuals’ perceptions of reality are also valid and their perceptions affect their understandings and behaviors (Maxwell, 2012). By adopting the worldview of critical realism, I was able to recognize that the perceptions of the stakeholders in a school implementing a new technology initiative were real and affected their engagement in the implementation, while at the same I recognized that there was an observable reality of the tablet program implementation that existed independently of each individual’s perceived reality. Data collection involved triangulation of three qualitative methods approaches: administrator and teacher interviews, external observations, and student surveys. As this case study was guided by critical realism, the administrators’, teachers’ and students’ perceptions were considered real, as were the observations of the researcher. Odyssey School, the private school which was site for the case study, had two class sections each of grades six, seven, and eight. All students in these six classes had been individually assigned an iPad as part of instruction for the previous two years and the current school year at the time of data collection. Nine teachers and two administrators were interviewed, each section of classes was observed twice, and all students in grades six through eight were asked to complete a short survey during their technology classes. The teachers and administrators at Odyssey School had wide range of previous teaching and technology experiences and varied in age. Prior to implementation of the one-to-one iPad tablet initiative, teachers were allowed to use the tablets themselves in order to learn the devices and plan for using them for instruction. Regardless of previous experience, teachers found that the tablet devices were easy to learn. Odyssey teachers’ and administrators’ perceptions of whether the iPad initiative affected teaching strategies were mixed. Five of the nine teachers reported that integrating the iPads had influenced their teaching strategies, whereas four did not. The two administrators reported that integrating the iPads into classroom work had a positive effect on teaching strategies. The iPad tablets were used by Odyssey School teachers and students in varied ways. Students used the devices in all of the classrooms, although the level and type of use depended on the teacher. Students generally used the iPads to complete course content, access information quickly, and have content delivered electronically. Teachers’ perceptions of benefits including processing content efficiently, and preparing students for use of future modern technologies. Concerns included teachers’ perceptions of the iPad as a cause of student distraction, particularly if the tablets were used for other than school-related activities. Odyssey teachers’ prior teaching experience was weakly associated with the depth of their use of iPads in instruction; however, there was no association between their prior technology experience and their uses of iPads for instruction. Students, teachers, and administrators had differing perceptions of whether and how the one-to-one iPad tablet initiative affected students’ learning. Whereas students as a whole reported neither a positive or negative effect of iPad availability on their learning, sixth grade students reported that the iPads had a more positive effect on their learning than did eighth graders. Most of the Odyssey School teachers did not perceive a positive effect of iPad availability on student learning, although the administrators did. Additionally, reported and observed uses of iPads for instruction were analyzed through the SAMR model, and the results indicated that very few of the iPad uses could be considered transformative (Puentedura, 2006). Key lessons learned from this single case study this study include: a) decision making about technology initiatives should be informed, b) teachers and administrators are also learners, c) students may be using technology devices for learning more than teachers realize, and new programs should be evaluated to inform and improve practice. Implications for practice include a) allotting sufficient time for teachers to learn new technology, b) determining desired teaching strategies and goals for the initiative prior to implementation, c) teachers should explore new resources and uses for the technology on an ongoing basis, and d) professional development may help teachers distinguish between students who are distracted by the technology and those who are using the devices appropriately for learning. Implications for future research include a) exploring what might be learned from additional studies of technology implementation at private and independent schools, b) investigating how different types of professional development might affect effectiveness of implementing new technology initiatives, c) conducting larger scale studies to validate the SAMR model, and d) conducting larger quantitative studies to assess the impact of technology initiatives on student learning as measured by standardized tests

    Eighth-Grade Teachers\u27 and Students\u27 Experiences With iPads in Math Inclusion Classes

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    Although educators have embraced technology in mathematics inclusion classrooms, students with math learning disabilities (MLD) still have anxiety and negative attitudes about mathematics and score lower than their counterparts. The purpose of this qualitative single case study was to investigate and describe the experiences of middle school 8th grade inclusion iPad math app users. The technological pedagogical content knowledge model, the universal design for learning model, and the experiential learning theory provided the conceptual framework of technology integration. The research questions addressed the experiences of middle school inclusion teachers and students with MLD regarding iPad use in a Common Core standards-based math curriculum. Two inclusion co-teachers and 8 special education students from 2 inclusion classes in a middle school participated in the study. Data were collected from direct lesson observations, document analysis, and individual teacher and student interviews. An interpretative approach of clustering codes and categories was employed to identify emerging themes. Findings indicated that iPads increased student engagement and student access to the Common Core math curriculum. Teachers and students using iPads faced some challenges including lack of knowledge of using text-to-speech and keeping up with relevant new apps. Educators may use findings to understand how technology integration can provide equal access to the Common Core standards-based math curriculum for students with MLD and can reduce learning barriers for all student

    Analysis of Problems in Managing the Innovative Development of Secondary Education in Modern Russia

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    Acquisition or Disposal: the Problem of the Choice of a Self-Improvement Strategy by Students

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