35,300 research outputs found

    The use of narrative to provide a cohesive structure for a web based computing course

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    Narrative has long been used as an educational tool. This article explains how narrative, in the form of popular accounts, has been used to provide context, structure and broad appeal to a large-scale, entry-level university course on Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This course is delivered via the web with online tuition. Students' responses to the use of narrative and the scope of the material has been encouraging. It is argued that narrative performs an enculturation function that is often under-utilised in ICT education

    The provision of distance education within the HE sector - some areas for concern

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    This paper presents a summary of the findings of a recent survey of the way in which UK higher education institutions (HEIs) are offering distance education (DE) courses, the types of courses being offered, and their modes of delivery. From analysis of the findings of this survey, it is apparent that the emphasis of HEIs is very much on the exploitation of available teaching technology in the delivery of DE courses. However, teaching at a distance is quite different from face-toface teaching, and the evidence suggests that many HEIs fail to implement any meaningful academic staff training for the new role of DE tutor. The authors consider the difficulties this presents to academic staff who are required to move from face-to-face teaching to online facilitating. The paper concludes with an examination of the current provision of staff development and training within UK HEIs and suggests the type of academic staff training required if DE courses are to become truly core activities

    INSPIRAL: investigating portals for information resources and learning. Final project report

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    INSPIRAL's aims were to identify and analyse, from the perspective of the UK HE learner, the nontechnical, institutional and end-user issues with regard to linking VLEs and digital libraries, and to make recommendations for JISC strategic planning and investment. INSPIRAL's objectives -To identify key stakeholders with regard to the linkage of VLEs, MLEs and digital libraries -To identify key stakeholder forum points and dissemination routes -To identify the relevant issues, according to the stakeholders and to previous research, pertaining to the interaction (both possible and potential) between VLEs/MLEs and digital libraries -To critically analyse identified issues, based on stakeholder experience and practice; output of previous and current projects; and prior and current research -To report back to JISC and to the stakeholder communities, with results situated firmly within the context of JISC's strategic aims and objectives

    A New Generation Gap? Some thoughts on the consequences of increasingly early ICT first contact

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    One possible consequence of ICT’s rapid rise will be a new ‘generation gap’ arising from differing perceptions of the learning technologies. The nature, causes and consequences of this gap are of interest to educational practitioners and policymakers. This paper uses data from an ongoing project together with a synopsis of research to describe the ICT-based generation gap that currently exists between students and their teachers and parents. It is argued that this gap may exist between students differing in age by as little as five years. Results from a related project exploring Networked Information and Communication Literacy Skills (NICLS), are used to introduce a discussion on the nature of any skills gap that must be addressed in the light of this generation gap

    Pre-service teachers use e-learning technologies to enhance their learning

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    The purpose of this study was twofold. The primary purpose was to improve pre-service teacher education by using technology to help pre-service teachers bridge the gap between academic preparation and practice. The secondary, but still important, objective was to familiarize pre-service teachers in the use of technology to support their future pedagogical activities. Therefore, this research sought to develop a method for training undergraduate students in designing, implementing, and evaluating lesson plans to solidify the relationship between research, pedagogy, and teaching practice. Specifically, this study investigated the implementation of e-learning as a method of instruction to help pre-service teachers evaluate and improve upon the implementation of their lesson plans during their real world practicum experiences. The study was guided by the following research questions: 1) What successes, challenges, and benefits do university instructors and pre-service teachers experience in using and analyzing video in teacher education methods coursework? 2) In what ways did the use of e-learning help the pre-service teachers improve their teaching during the practicum experience? Results showed that participants reported improved lesson planning, improved lesson implementation, visual interpretations of best practices, modeling, and peer and university instructor feedback as successes of the e-learning project. Challenges included participants’ frustrations of being overworked and overwhelmed with the technical problems associated with e-learning. Overall participants judged the e-learning project as a very positive aspect of their teacher training

    Marketing education, distance learning and hypermedia: teaching current issues in marketing in a virtual campus

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    This article reports on a project at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC: The Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona) to develop an innovative package of hypermedia-based learning materials for a new course entitled 'Current Issues in Marketing'. The UOC is a distance university entirely based on a virtual campus. The learning materials project was undertaken in order to benefit from the advantages which new communication technologies offer to the teaching of marketing in distance education. The article reviews the main issues involved in incorporating new technologies in learning materials, the development of the learning materials, and their functioning within the hypermedia based virtual campus of the UOC. An empirical study is then carried out in order to evaluate the attitudes of students to the project. Finally, suggestions for improving similar projects in the future are put forward.Aquest article informa sobre un projecte de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya per a desenvolupar un paquet innovador de materials didĂ ctics hipermĂšdia basat en un nou curs titulat "QĂŒestions Actuals de MĂ rqueting". La UOC Ă©s una universitat a distĂ ncia es basa Ă­ntegrament en un campus virtual. El projecte es va dur a terme els materials d'aprenentatge per tal de beneficiar-se dels avantatges que ofereixen les noves tecnologies de comunicaciĂł a l'ensenyament del mĂ rqueting en l'educaciĂł a distĂ ncia. L'article repassa els principals temes implicats en la incorporaciĂł de noves tecnologies en materials d'aprenentatge, el desenvolupament dels materials d'aprenentatge, i el seu funcionament dins del hipermĂšdia basat en el campus virtual de la UOC. DesprĂ©s s'ha portat a terme un estudi empĂ­ric per a avaluar les actituds dels estudiants del projecte. Finalment, es presenten suggeriments per a la millora de projectes similars en el futur.Este artĂ­culo informa sobre un proyecto de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya para desarrollar un paquete innovador de materiales didĂĄcticos hipermedia basado en un nuevo curso titulado "Cuestiones Actuales de Marketing". La UOC es una universidad a distancia se basa Ă­ntegramente en un campus virtual. El proyecto de materiales didĂĄcticos se llevĂł a cabo con el fin de beneficiarse de las ventajas que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologĂ­as de la comunicaciĂłn para la enseñanza del marketing en la educaciĂłn a distancia. El artĂ­culo repasa los principales temas implicados en la incorporaciĂłn de nuevas tecnologĂ­as en materiales docentes, el desarrollo de los materiales didĂĄcticos, y su funcionamiento dentro del hipermedia basado en el campus virtual de la UOC. Entonces se ha llevado a cabo un estudio empĂ­rico para evaluar las actitudes de los estudiantes al proyecto. Por Ășltimo, se presentan sugerencias para la mejora de proyectos similares en el futuro

    Creating and collaborating: students’ and tutors’ perceptions of an online group project

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    Although collaboration skills are highly valued by employers, convincing students that collaborative learning activities are worthwhile, and ensuring that the experience is both useful and enjoyable, are significant challenges for educators. This paper addresses these challenges by exploring students’ and tutors’ experiences of a group project where part-time distance learners collaborate online to create a website. Focus groups were conducted with students who had recently completed the project, and discussion forums were used to gather feedback from tutors who supported students and marked their group work. The research showed that students’ attitudes towards the group project on completion were generally favourable. Findings highlighted key aspects for successful online group projects and for motivating students to participate fully. These included: the design of authentic tasks, with skills development relevant to the workplace; careful attention to how the group work is assessed; and enabling students to develop websites they could be proud of. Frustrations for students were associated with the lack of engagement of fellow students and with limitations of the tool provided for building the website. Tutors found marking the work a time-consuming and complex process. Tutors were also unconvinced of the value and fairness of assessing students partly on a group, as opposed to an individual, basis
