24,724 research outputs found

    Student-Centered Learning

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    Integrating Technology With Student-Centered Learning

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    Reviews research on technology's role in personalizing learning, its integration into curriculum-based and school- or district-wide initiatives, and the potential of emerging digital technologies to expand student-centered learning. Outlines implications

    Student-Centered Learning: Dozier-Libbey Medical High School

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    This case study is one of four written by SCOPE about student-centered practices in schools. The case studies address the following questions:1. What are the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student engagement, achievement of knowledge and skills, and attainment (high school graduation, college admission, and college continuation and success), in particular for underserved students?2. What specific practices, approaches, and contextual factors result in these outcomes?The cases focus on the structures, practices, and conditions in the four schools that enable students to experience positive outcomes and consider the ways in which these factors are interrelated and work to reinforce each other

    Seizing the Moment: Realizing the Promise of Student-Centered Learning

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    This brief outlines policy recommendations for supporting student-centered learning at the local, state, and federal level

    Student-Centered Learning: Impact Academy of Arts and Technology

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    This case study is one of four written by SCOPE about student-centered practices in schools. The case studies address the following questions:1. What are the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student engagement, achievement of knowledge and skills, and attainment (high school graduation, college admission, and college continuation and success), in particular for underserved students?2. What specific practices, approaches, and contextual factors result in these outcomes?The cases focus on the structures, practices, and conditions in the four schools that enable students to experience positive outcomes and consider the ways in which these factors are interrelated and work to reinforce each other

    Student-Centered Learning: Life Academy of Health and Bioscience

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    This case study is one of four written by SCOPE about student-centered practices in schools. The case studies address the following questions:1. What are the effects of student-centered learning approaches on student engagement, achievement of knowledge and skills, and attainment (high school graduation, college admission, and college continuation and success), in particular for underserved students?2. What specific practices, approaches, and contextual factors result in these outcomes?The cases focus on the structures, practices, and conditions in the four schools that enable students to experience positive outcomes and consider the ways in which these factors are interrelated and work to reinforce each other


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    ABSTRAK Metode pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa (Student-Centered Learning) memberikan ruang gerak lebih bagi mahasiswa untuk dapat berpartisipasi aktif dalam aktivitas perkuliahan di Perguruan Tinggi sesuai dengan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai. Melalui penerapan Student-Centered Learning ini maka mahasiswa dapat mengoptimalkan kemampuannya dalam belajar kreatif dan mandiri sehingga peran dosen dalam proses pembelajaran lebih diarahkan sebagai pendamping dan fasilitator belajar mahasiswa. Untuk mendukung penerapan Student-Centered Learning ini dapat dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan Information and Communication Technology (ICT) dalam berbagai macam strategi pembelajaran, salah satunya adalah dengan mengimplementasikan konsep kelas virtual (Virtual Class). Kata kunci : student-centered learning, information and communication technology, strategi pembelajaran, virtual class ABSTRACT Student Centered Learning (SCL) gives students some extra space for actively participating in every learning activity in the university according to their aiming competence. In this SCL application, student hopefully could optimize their ability in creative and self study learning so that lecturers are just stay as their study supervisor and facilitator. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is then used to draw on this as a SCL booster in every learning strategy, such as implementing Virtual Class. Key words : student centered learning, information and communication technology, learning strategy, virtual clas


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    Bangunan Perpustakaan Student Centered Learning Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta yang berlokasi di jalan Babarsari merupakan proyek Perpustakaan Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta yang baru yang bertujuan untuk mewadahi proses belajar dan mencari informasi bagi seluruh mahasiswa Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. Bangunan Perpustakaan yang sesuai dengan standar perpustakaan perguruan tinggi dan jumlah mahasiswa yang terus meningkat setiap tahun khususnya mahasiswa Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, menjadi latar belakang perwujudan proyek Perpustakaan Student Centered Learning Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta. Perpustakaan Student Centered Learning Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta dengan Penekanan Tata Ruang Dalam yang Edukatif dan Interaktif melalui Pendekatan Architecture and Human Behaviour menjadi pemasalahan yang diselesaikan pada proyek dengan penambahan sumber pustaka, referensi, jam operasional perpustakaan, ketersediaan ruang perpustakaan untuk mahasiswa, dan penerapan Student Centered Learning

    Practical heutagogy: Promoting personalised learning in management education

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    The purpose of this article is to highlight the benefits to both organizations and individuals in adopting heutagogy within management education to develop individual capability. This conceptual paper is based on a systematic review of the literature relating to heutagogy and learning theory. This article calls for the adoption of heutagogic learning within management education alongside traditional pedagogy and andragogy. It provides a number of practical examples of how heutagogy may be implemented in a variety of contexts, ranging from undergraduate study to senior leadership positions within organizations. This article contributes to the growing interest and literature related to new forms of student-centered learning and, in particular, heutagogy. This article is an original contribution to the discourse on student-centered learning and the contribution that heutagogy may make to the professional development of individuals

    Instructor’s Presence in Student-Centered Learning

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    Education, like almost all social spheres, is changed drastically by the Internet. Distance and e-learning nowadays are synonymous, absorbing and modifying practically the whole didactic experience. Modern learning management systems (LMS) are widely used for adding additional value to the traditional learning process. At New Bulgarian University both the full-time and distance forms of education are enhanced by e-learning. Though e-learning mainly related to distance education it also influences face-to-face teaching. The Moodle NBU platform provides access to e-learning content for each course and supports active communications among instructors and students in both forms of study. The shift from traditional classroom to virtual platform may represent a real challenge for instructors and learners. It is up to the instructor to give the students a perception of community. At the same time students are given opportunities to lead learning activities, participate in discussions, and explore topics that interest them, i.e. a student-centered learning is achieved. Students have the flexibility to learn “anytime and anywhere”. The role of interactivity in establishing the instructor’s presence and live engagement in the course activities is vital to the effectiveness of student-centered learning. Teacher’s visibility and immediacy brings sense of reality and seriousness and at the same time proves their personal identity. This investigation employs survey research to assess the influence of instructor’s presence and immediacy over students' performance in e-learning classes. The analysis is based on our experience in delivering courses via Moodle both for distance and regular courses. In order to enhance understanding of pedagogical processes we developed a proper questionnaire to measure teacher’s presence and immediacy. Data were collected over 200 students across different bachelor programs at New Bulgarian University both in full-time and distance forms of studies. Our results and student's attitude to instructor’s presence in student-centered learning are shown in this paper