284,940 research outputs found

    Building student support for computing students:How do students respond to different models?

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    Over the last two years in the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, we have implemented a new approach to student support for our undergraduate and masters students, integrating new approaches to practical support and well-being with a range of co- and extra-curricula events, designed to help computing students develop more completely as future employees and citizens. In this paper, we outline the new approach, comparing it with our traditional approach to student support in our department, and consider how successful this switch has been through interviews with twenty-six students. Our research indicates that the key things that students value in student support are reliability and consistency, and that whilst engaging computing students in non-core activities is challenging, there are approaches that can help - in particular, being very specific how students will benefit through attending and allowing flexibility in routes to engagement

    Computing Graduate Employability: Sharing Practice

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    Computing is one of the largest subject areas in Higher Education, and is taught in almost every institution, graduating around 9,000 students each year. However Computing graduates are recorded as having the highest unemployment rates for all subjects (11% for Computing compared with an overall rate of 7% for graduates of all subjects). This new report, jointly published by the Council of Professors and Heads of Computing (CPHC) and Higher Education Academy (HEA) highlights the depth, complexity and richness of employability practices in the sector, and aims to share those practices more widely. The report places practice in a comparative context so that departments may learn what works from each other. It draws on research gathered from over fifty Higher Education institutions in a series of workshops, focus groups and interviews. Throughout, participants’ voices are given priority, with the report structured around the common employability challenges faced by academics. Within that structure, clusters of similar practice (those which appear in several institutions) are presented, together with a series of showcases providing rich detail of specific interventions. Challenges discussed within the report’s three themes of ‘Addressing Employability’, ‘Curriculum Issues’ and ‘Placements’ include ‘the employability agenda’, ‘student engagement’, ‘curriculum design’, ‘reaching “tipping point”’ and ‘finding alternatives to the “sandwich year”’ and are balanced throughout with a ‘View from Employers’. Clusters identify good practice from ‘hackathons’, competitions, mentoring, ‘compulsion’, an employer-led curriculum, industry-focused projects and placement preparation, application, monitoring, return, assessment and alternatives. Showcases highlight practice in ‘auditing employability’, ‘dedicated placement support’, ‘multiplicity of opportunities’, ‘short placement modules’, ‘think future’, ‘summer internships’ and ‘transition week’ from the universities of York, Kent, London South Bank, West of Scotland, Edinburgh Napier, Southampton and Brunel London, amongst other

    Creating Pathways to Develop Student Professionalism - A New Direction

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    The 2007-2008 academic year brought a new program of student employment to our IT department called IT Fellows. This program brings together the technological skills of IT along with soft business skills to assist our student employees in becoming well-rounded individuals fully prepared for life after college. In previous years our primary area of student employment was the Help Desk in which there was a tiered system in place with opportunities for resume and interview experience, raises, and promotions. The area of training needed further development and the move to the new program provided enhanced opportunities for training at all levels of employment. First-year candidates attend a week-long Leadership Academy, followed by a full year of training in four six-week rotations of their choice, after which they interview for year-long assignments as interns. Internship opportunities are provided in all areas of the department as well as some campus departments outside of IT, and provide transcript credit for them to carry forward in their prospective careers. As they progress, some upper-class Fellows become mentors, coaches, managers, and trainers themselves. All Fellows participate in educational seminars throughout the year which address many areas of technology and professionalism. Come journey with us as we explore the new terrain of students as colleagues, and the benefits of expanding time staff as well as student employees

    Electronic peer review: a large cohort teaching themselves?

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    [Abstract]: Electronic peer review can empower lecturers of large courses to produce rapid feedback, promote social interaction and encourage higher order learning for students. But what are the payoffs to educators? Do students recognise the benefits of such a system? Foundation Computing is one of the largest courses at the University of Southern Queensland. A system of electronic submission and peer reviewing with instructor moderation is now being used in this course. This system is innovative and unique and delivers benefits to students, lecturers and the University. This system has been evaluated, proven successful and is being considered for wider use

    Recruitment, Preparation, Retention: A case study of computing culture at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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    Computer science is seeing a decline in enrollment at all levels of education, including undergraduate and graduate study. This paper reports on the results of a study conducted at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign which evaluated students attitudes regarding three areas which can contribute to improved enrollment in the Department of Computer Science: Recruitment, preparation and retention. The results of our study saw two themes. First, the department's tight research focus appears to draw significant attention from other activities -- such as teaching, service, and other community-building activities -- that are necessary for a department's excellence. Yet, as demonstrated by our second theme, one partial solution is to better promote such activities already employed by the department to its students and faculty. Based on our results, we make recommendations for improvements and enhancements based on the current state of practice at peer institutions.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figures. For better quality figures, please download the .pdf from http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/research/techreports.php?report=UIUCDCS-R-2007-281

    Student compliance with ethical guidelines: the Glasgow ethics code

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    While disciplines like medicine and psychology have for several years followed strict procedures for ethical approval of experiments involving humans, only recently has the use of human participants within Computing Science been subject to the same scrutiny. Although we may wish to put a case forward for Computing Science to be exempt from such formal ethics procedures, funding bodies and universities typically insist that we seek the same approval as other disciplines for our experiments, including any use of human participants by our students during the course of their studies. We have introduced a simple, scalable ethics procedure for student assessment, that identifies ethical concerns, yet does not overwhelm the limited staff resources available for supporting this initiative. The process is based around a form of triage that filters the approximately 8000 assessments that are submitted annually. This paper summarises this procedure, discusses the underlying assumptions, and outlines the problems encountered

    Case study : The University of Strathclyde in Glasgow

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    Describes the Millennium Student Initiative which equipped students in the business school with laptops. Curricular redesign made these an essential part of the pedagogic proces

    Reframing e-assessment: building professional nursing and academic attributes in a first year nursing course

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    This paper documents the relationships between pedagogy and e-assessment in two nursing courses offered at the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. The courses are designed to build the academic, numeracy and technological attributes student nurses need if they are to succeed at university and in the nursing profession. The paper first outlines the management systems supporting the two courses and how they intersect with the e-learning and e-assessment components of course design. These pedagogical choices are then reviewed. While there are lessons to be learnt and improvements to be made, preliminary results suggest students and staff are extremely supportive of the courses. The e-assessment is very positively received with students reporting increased confidence and competency in numeracy, as well as IT, academic, research and communication skills
