7 research outputs found

    On the Impact of Lecture Recording Reduction: Evidence from a Randomised Trial

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    Students often use lecture recordings to learn and revise. This approach, however, demands time to locate and review relevant topics. The automatic reduction and indexing of lecture recordings, then, could focus students' attention on the most relevant content. This article investigates whether lecture recording reduction leads to improved learning outcomes on an undergraduate computer networking module. Students participated in a randomized trial which compared lightly edited full lecture recordings to those that had been significantly reduced in duration and indexed. A pre-test conducted after the initial lecture series was followed up with a post-test after several weeks of using the recordings. The results show a statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of perceived effort. However, only the students with little prior knowledge showed a statistically significant difference in learning outcome in favor of the reduced lecture recordings. Moderating factors, such as prior knowledge, warrant further research to help elicit design guidelines to inform the design and deployment of future lecture video reduction approaches

    Pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif materi pokok sistem tata surya untuk siswa Kelas VI SD

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    Tujuan dari penelitian dan pengembangan yaitu untuk menghasilkan suatu produk multimedia pembelajaran interaktif yang valid sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai sumber belajar yang efektif dan menarik untuk materi pokok sistem tata surya kelas VI SD. Model penelitian dan pengembangan yang digunakan diadaptasi dari model pengembangan multimedia Lee dan Owens. Pengembangan Multimedia pembelajaran interaktif divalidasi oleh 1 orang ahli media, 1 orang ahli materi serta pada ujicoba perorangan sebanyak 2 orang, kemudian sebanyak 4 orang untuk uji coba kelompok kecil dan 10 orang untuk uji lapangan. Setelah dilakukan metode analisis, hasil validasi multimedia pembelajaran interaktif ini dinyatakan valid dengan menyimpulkan hasil perhitungan ahli media, ahli materi dan siswa

    Lecture capture literature review: A review of the literature from 2012-2015

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    Lecture capture literature review: A review of the literature from 2012-201

    Distinguishing a ‘hit’ from a ‘view’: Using the access durations of lecture recordings to tell whether learning might have happened

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    Audiovisual recordings of lectures are available to many students in all disciplines. The use of lecture recordings has been studied extensively, but it is still not clear how, or how much, they are actually used. Previous analysis of their use has been based on either survey data or computer logs of access. In the latter case, measurements of actual use have usually been based on counts of the number of times recordings have been accessed. This does not distinguish those that happen accidentally (‘hits’), from those that might permit learning (‘views’). This distinction is essential to the meaningful analysis of the log of the actual use of recorded lectures. Using the access logs of undergraduate science students, we show that the distribution of the durations of the access of recordings of scheduled lectures has two distinct components. The most rapid of these is complete within three minutes and we infer that it reflects the behaviour of students searching among recordings. This inference is based on a comparison of these distributions with those of (i) recordings made automatically during a non-teaching period and (ii) individual users. This is also consistent with the pattern of usage by students searching for a specific recording