9,822 research outputs found

    Thesaurus-assisted search term selection and query expansion: a review of user-centred studies

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    This paper provides a review of the literature related to the application of domain-specific thesauri in the search and retrieval process. Focusing on studies which adopt a user-centred approach, the review presents a survey of the methodologies and results from empirical studies undertaken on the use of thesauri as sources of term selection for query formulation and expansion during the search process. It summaries the ways in which domain-specific thesauri from different disciplines have been used by various types of users and how these tools aid users in the selection of search terms. The review consists of two main sections covering, firstly studies on thesaurus-aided search term selection and secondly those dealing with query expansion using thesauri. Both sections are illustrated with case studies that have adopted a user-centred approach

    Concept-based Interactive Query Expansion Support Tool (CIQUEST)

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    This report describes a three-year project (2000-03) undertaken in the Information Studies Department at The University of Sheffield and funded by Resource, The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries. The overall aim of the research was to provide user support for query formulation and reformulation in searching large-scale textual resources including those of the World Wide Web. More specifically the objectives were: to investigate and evaluate methods for the automatic generation and organisation of concepts derived from retrieved document sets, based on statistical methods for term weighting; and to conduct user-based evaluations on the understanding, presentation and retrieval effectiveness of concept structures in selecting candidate terms for interactive query expansion. The TREC test collection formed the basis for the seven evaluative experiments conducted in the course of the project. These formed four distinct phases in the project plan. In the first phase, a series of experiments was conducted to investigate further techniques for concept derivation and hierarchical organisation and structure. The second phase was concerned with user-based validation of the concept structures. Results of phases 1 and 2 informed on the design of the test system and the user interface was developed in phase 3. The final phase entailed a user-based summative evaluation of the CiQuest system. The main findings demonstrate that concept hierarchies can effectively be generated from sets of retrieved documents and displayed to searchers in a meaningful way. The approach provides the searcher with an overview of the contents of the retrieved documents, which in turn facilitates the viewing of documents and selection of the most relevant ones. Concept hierarchies are a good source of terms for query expansion and can improve precision. The extraction of descriptive phrases as an alternative source of terms was also effective. With respect to presentation, cascading menus were easy to browse for selecting terms and for viewing documents. In conclusion the project dissemination programme and future work are outlined

    Visualization of database structures for information retrieval

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    This paper describes the Book House system, which is designed to support children's information retrieval in libraries as part of their education. It is a shareware program available on CD‐ROM or floppy disks, and comprises functionality for database searching as well as for classifying and storing book information in the database. The system concept is based on an understanding of children's domain structures and their capabilities for categorization of information needs in connection with their activities in schools, in school libraries or in public libraries. These structures are visualized in the interface by using metaphors and multimedia technology. Through the use of text, images and animation, the Book House encourages children ‐ even at a very early age ‐ to learn by doing in an enjoyable way, which plays on their previous experiences with computer games. Both words and pictures can be used for searching; this makes the system suitable for all age groups. Even children who have not yet learned to read properly can, by selecting pictures, search for and find those books they would like to have read aloud. Thus, at the very beginning of their school life, they can learn to search for books on their own. For the library community, such a system will provide an extended service which will increase the number of children's own searches and also improve the relevance, quality and utilization of the book collections in the libraries. A market research report on the need for an annual indexing service for books in the Book House format is in preparation by the Danish Library Centre A/S

    Terminology server for improved resource discovery: analysis of model and functions

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    This paper considers the potential to improve distributed information retrieval via a terminologies server. The restriction upon effective resource discovery caused by the use of disparate terminologies across services and collections is outlined, before considering a DDC spine based approach involving inter-scheme mapping as a possible solution. The developing HILT model is discussed alongside other existing models and alternative approaches to solving the terminologies problem. Results from the current HILT pilot are presented to illustrate functionality and suggestions are made for further research and development

    Customized Learning Sequences (CLS) by Metadata.

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    In response to a longterm research program for a didactical ontology, this report intends to present the results and methods for representing didactical models from the ontology we developed. The question is: How can computer technology be used to support the communication of knowledge in an educational context? This question cannot be answered by psychological experiments that ignore the core of educational behaviour: the transmission of meaning (Hönigswald 1927). Therefore this article focuses on the didactical tradition. Computer technology as a medium requires a special form of knowledge organisation, which allows learners to go individually and in a reflective way through the content (Customized Learning Sequences), thus requiring teachers to produce individually navigable hypertexts. Individualization does not mean offering "pureâ€? self-directed learning, as learning presupposes instruction by others. We have to aid teachers in reorganizing knowledge to hypertexts that allows individual navigation. Supporting learners in finding their individual path is also a crucial factor.How to aid teachers and how to set up meaningful navigation aids will be discussed in four steps:\ud 1.) Theoretical considerations; 2.) First step of Web-Didactics: Decontextualisation; 3.) Second step of Web-\ud Didactics: Recontextualisation; 4.) Research. Which theoretical considerations are eternal for Web-Didactics

    A study of the relative effectiveness and cost of computerized information retrieval in the interactive mode

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    Results of a number of experiments to illuminate the relative effectiveness and costs of computerized information retrieval in the interactive mode are reported. It was found that for equal time spent in preparing the search strategy, the batch and interactive modes gave approximately equal recall and relevance. The interactive mode however encourages the searcher to devote more time to the task and therefore usually yields improved output. Engineering costs as a result are higher in this mode. Estimates of associated hardware costs also indicate that operation in this mode is more expensive. Skilled RECON users like the rapid feedback and additional features offered by this mode if they are not constrained by considerations of cost

    HILT : High-Level Thesaurus Project. Phase IV and Embedding Project Extension : Final Report

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    Ensuring that Higher Education (HE) and Further Education (FE) users of the JISC IE can find appropriate learning, research and information resources by subject search and browse in an environment where most national and institutional service providers - usually for very good local reasons - use different subject schemes to describe their resources is a major challenge facing the JISC domain (and, indeed, other domains beyond JISC). Encouraging the use of standard terminologies in some services (institutional repositories, for example) is a related challenge. Under the auspices of the HILT project, JISC has been investigating mechanisms to assist the community with this problem through a JISC Shared Infrastructure Service that would help optimise the value obtained from expenditure on content and services by facilitating subject-search-based resource sharing to benefit users in the learning and research communities. The project has been through a number of phases, with work from earlier phases reported, both in published work elsewhere, and in project reports (see the project website: http://hilt.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/). HILT Phase IV had two elements - the core project, whose focus was 'to research, investigate and develop pilot solutions for problems pertaining to cross-searching multi-subject scheme information environments, as well as providing a variety of other terminological searching aids', and a short extension to encompass the pilot embedding of routines to interact with HILT M2M services in the user interfaces of various information services serving the JISC community. Both elements contributed to the developments summarised in this report

    A case of using formal concept analysis in combination with emergent self organizing maps for detecting domestic violence.

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    In this paper, we propose a framework for iterative knowledge discovery from unstructured text using Formal Concept Analysis and Emergent Self Organizing Maps. We apply the framework to a real life case study using data from the Amsterdam-Amstelland police. The case zooms in on the problem of distilling concepts for domestic violence from the unstructured text in police reports. Our human-centered framework facilitates the exploration of the data and allows for an efficient incorporation of prior expert knowledge to steer the discovery process. This exploration resulted in the discovery of faulty case labellings, common classification errors made by police officers, confusing situations, missing values in police reports, etc. The framework was also used for iteratively expanding a domain-specific thesaurus. Furthermore, we showed how the presented method was used to develop a highly accurate and comprehensible classification model that automatically assigns a domestic or non-domestic violence label to police reports.Formal concept analysis; Emergent self organizing map; Text mining; Actionable knowledge discovery; Domestic violence;
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