6 research outputs found

    Structured pseudospectra for small perturbations

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    In this paper we study the shape and growth of structured pseudospectra for small matrix perturbations of the form AAΔ=A+BΔCA \leadsto A_\Delta=A+B\Delta C, ΔΔ\Delta \in \boldsymbol{\Delta}, Δδ\|\Delta\|\leq \delta. It is shown that the properly scaled pseudospectra components converge to nontrivial limit sets as δ\delta tends to 0. We discuss the relationship of these limit sets with μ\mu-values and structured eigenvalue condition numbers for multiple eigenvalues

    Structured Pseudospectra for Small Perturbations

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    μ-values and spectral value sets for linear perturbation classes defined by a scalar product

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    We study the variation of the spectrum of matrices under perturbations which are self- or skew-adjoint with respect to a scalar product. Computable formulas are given for the associated μ-values. The results can be used to calculate spectral value sets for the perturbation classes under consideration. We discuss the special case of complex Hamiltonian perturbations of a Hamiltonian matrix in detail

    On the computation of structured singular values and pseudospectra

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    Structured singular values and pseudospectra play an important role in assessing the properties of a linear system under structured perturbations. This paper discusses computational aspects of structured pseudospectra for structures that admit an eigenvalue minimization characterization, including the classes of real, skew-symmetric, Hermitian, and Hamiltonian perturbations. For all these structures we develop algorithms that require O (n2) operations per grid point, combining the Schur decomposition with a Lanczos method. These algorithms form the basis of a graphical Matlab interface for plotting structured pseudospectra. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Global properties of eigenvalues of parametric rank one perturbations for unstructured and structured matrices

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    General properties of eigenvalues of A+τuvA+\tau uv^* as functions of \tau\in\Comp or \tau\in\Real or \tau=\e^{\ii\theta} on the unit circle are considered. In particular, the problem of existence of global analytic formulas for eigenvalues is addressed. Furthermore, the limits of eigenvalues with τ\tau\to\infty are discussed in detail. The following classes of matrices are considered: complex (without additional structure), real (without additional structure), complex HH-selfadjoint and real JJ-Hamiltonian

    Backward errors and pseudospectra for structured nonlinear eigenvalue problems

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    Minimal structured perturbations are constructed such that an approximate eigenpair of a nonlinear eigenvalue problem in homogeneous form is an exact eigenpair of an appropriately perturbed nonlinear matrix function. Structured and unstructured backward errors are compared. These results extend previous results for (structured) matrix polynomials to more general functions. Structured and unstructured pseudospectra for nonlinear eigenvalue problems are also discussed