1,609 research outputs found

    Frame Semantics for Social NLP in Italian:Analyzing Responsibility Framing in Femicide News Reports

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    We propose using a FrameNet-based ap- proach for analyzing how socially relevant events are framed in media discourses. Taking femicides as an example, we per- form a preliminary investigation on a large dataset of news reports and event data cov- ering recent femicides in Italy. First, we revisit the EVALITA 2011 shared task on Italian frame labeling, and test a recent multilingual frame semantic parser against this benchmark. Then, we experiment with specializing this model for Italian and perform a human evaluation to test our model’s real-world applicability. We show how FrameNet-based analyses can help to identify linguistic constructions that back- ground the agentivity and responsibility of femicide perpetrators in Italian news

    Grounded Language Interpretation of Robotic Commands through Structured Learning

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    The presence of robots in everyday life is increasing day by day at a growing pace. Industrial and working environments, health-care assistance in public or domestic areas can benefit from robots' services to accomplish manifold tasks that are difficult and annoying for humans. In such scenarios, Natural Language interactions, enabling collaboration and robot control, are meant to be situated, in the sense that both the user and the robot access and make reference to the environment. Contextual knowledge may thus play a key role in solving inherent ambiguities of grounded language as, for example, the prepositional phrase attachment. In this work, we present a linguistic pipeline for semantic processing of robotic commands, that combines discriminative structured learning, distributional semantics and contextual evidence extracted from the working environment. The final goal is to make the interpretation process of linguistic exchanges depending on physical, cognitive and language-dependent aspects. We present, formalize and discuss an adaptive Spoken Language Understanding chain for robotic commands, that explicitly depends on the operational context during both the learning and processing stages. The resulting framework allows to model heterogeneous information concerning the environment (e.g., positional information about the objects and their properties) and to inject it in the learning process. Empirical results demonstrate a significant contribution of such additional dimensions, achieving up to a 25% of relative error reduction with respect to a pipeline that only exploits linguistic evidence

    Text Mining Infrastructure in R

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    During the last decade text mining has become a widely used discipline utilizing statistical and machine learning methods. We present the tm package which provides a framework for text mining applications within R. We give a survey on text mining facilities in R and explain how typical application tasks can be carried out using our framework. We present techniques for count-based analysis methods, text clustering, text classification and string kernels.

    Can humain association norm evaluate latent semantic analysis?

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    This paper presents the comparison of word association norm created by a psycholinguistic experiment to association lists generated by algorithms operating on text corpora. We compare lists generated by Church and Hanks algorithm and lists generated by LSA algorithm. An argument is presented on how those automatically generated lists reflect real semantic relations

    On the Readability of Kernel-based Deep Learning Models in Semantic Role Labeling Tasks over Multiple Languages

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    Sentence embeddings are effective input vectors for the neural learning of a number of inferences about content and meaning. Unfortunately, most of such decision processes are epistemologically opaque as for the limited interpretability of the acquired neural models based on the involved embeddings. In this paper, we concentrate on the readability of neural models, discussing an embedding technique (the Nyström methodology) that corresponds to the reconstruction of a sentence in a kernel space, capturing grammatical and lexical semantic information. From this method, we build a Kernel-based Deep Architecture that is characterized by inherently high interpretability properties, as the proposed embedding is derived from examples, i.e., landmarks, that are both human readable and labeled. Its integration with an explanation methodology, the Layer-wise Relevance Propagation, supports here the automatic compilation of argumentations for the Kernel-based Deep Architecture decisions, expressed in form of analogy with activated landmarks. Quantitative evaluation against the Semantic Role Labeling task, both in English and Italian, suggests that explanations based on semantic and syntagmatic structures are rich and characterize convincing arguments, as they effectively help the user in assessing whether or not to trust the machine decisions

    SocioFillmore:A Tool for Discovering Perspectives

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    SOCIOFILLMORE is a multilingual tool which helps to bring to the fore the focus or the perspective that a text expresses in depicting an event. Our tool, whose rationale we also support through a large collection of human judgements, is theoretically grounded on frame semantics and cognitive linguistics, and implemented using the LOME frame semantic parser. We describe SOCIOFILLMORE’s development and functionalities, show how non-NLP researchers can easily interact with the tool, and present some example case studies which are already incorporated in the system, together with the kind of analysis that can be visualised
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