249,006 research outputs found

    Micro Fourier Transform Profilometry (μ\muFTP): 3D shape measurement at 10,000 frames per second

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    Recent advances in imaging sensors and digital light projection technology have facilitated a rapid progress in 3D optical sensing, enabling 3D surfaces of complex-shaped objects to be captured with improved resolution and accuracy. However, due to the large number of projection patterns required for phase recovery and disambiguation, the maximum fame rates of current 3D shape measurement techniques are still limited to the range of hundreds of frames per second (fps). Here, we demonstrate a new 3D dynamic imaging technique, Micro Fourier Transform Profilometry (μ\muFTP), which can capture 3D surfaces of transient events at up to 10,000 fps based on our newly developed high-speed fringe projection system. Compared with existing techniques, μ\muFTP has the prominent advantage of recovering an accurate, unambiguous, and dense 3D point cloud with only two projected patterns. Furthermore, the phase information is encoded within a single high-frequency fringe image, thereby allowing motion-artifact-free reconstruction of transient events with temporal resolution of 50 microseconds. To show μ\muFTP's broad utility, we use it to reconstruct 3D videos of 4 transient scenes: vibrating cantilevers, rotating fan blades, bullet fired from a toy gun, and balloon's explosion triggered by a flying dart, which were previously difficult or even unable to be captured with conventional approaches.Comment: This manuscript was originally submitted on 30th January 1

    Temporal phase unwrapping using deep learning

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    The multi-frequency temporal phase unwrapping (MF-TPU) method, as a classical phase unwrapping algorithm for fringe projection profilometry (FPP), is capable of eliminating the phase ambiguities even in the presence of surface discontinuities or spatially isolated objects. For the simplest and most efficient case, two sets of 3-step phase-shifting fringe patterns are used: the high-frequency one is for 3D measurement and the unit-frequency one is for unwrapping the phase obtained from the high-frequency pattern set. The final measurement precision or sensitivity is determined by the number of fringes used within the high-frequency pattern, under the precondition that the phase can be successfully unwrapped without triggering the fringe order error. Consequently, in order to guarantee a reasonable unwrapping success rate, the fringe number (or period number) of the high-frequency fringe patterns is generally restricted to about 16, resulting in limited measurement accuracy. On the other hand, using additional intermediate sets of fringe patterns can unwrap the phase with higher frequency, but at the expense of a prolonged pattern sequence. Inspired by recent successes of deep learning techniques for computer vision and computational imaging, in this work, we report that the deep neural networks can learn to perform TPU after appropriate training, as called deep-learning based temporal phase unwrapping (DL-TPU), which can substantially improve the unwrapping reliability compared with MF-TPU even in the presence of different types of error sources, e.g., intensity noise, low fringe modulation, and projector nonlinearity. We further experimentally demonstrate for the first time, to our knowledge, that the high-frequency phase obtained from 64-period 3-step phase-shifting fringe patterns can be directly and reliably unwrapped from one unit-frequency phase using DL-TPU

    Structured Light-Based 3D Reconstruction System for Plants.

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    Camera-based 3D reconstruction of physical objects is one of the most popular computer vision trends in recent years. Many systems have been built to model different real-world subjects, but there is lack of a completely robust system for plants. This paper presents a full 3D reconstruction system that incorporates both hardware structures (including the proposed structured light system to enhance textures on object surfaces) and software algorithms (including the proposed 3D point cloud registration and plant feature measurement). This paper demonstrates the ability to produce 3D models of whole plants created from multiple pairs of stereo images taken at different viewing angles, without the need to destructively cut away any parts of a plant. The ability to accurately predict phenotyping features, such as the number of leaves, plant height, leaf size and internode distances, is also demonstrated. Experimental results show that, for plants having a range of leaf sizes and a distance between leaves appropriate for the hardware design, the algorithms successfully predict phenotyping features in the target crops, with a recall of 0.97 and a precision of 0.89 for leaf detection and less than a 13-mm error for plant size, leaf size and internode distance

    Absolute height measurement of specular surfaces with modified active fringe reflection photogrammetry

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    Deflectometric methods have existed for more than a decade for slope measurement of specular freeform surfaces through utilization of the deformation of a sample pattern after reflection from a test surface. Usually, these approaches require two-directional fringe patterns to be projected on a LCD screen or ground glass and require slope integration, which leads to some complexity for the whole measuring process. This paper proposes a new mathematical measurement model for measuring topography information of freeform specular surfaces, which integrates a virtual reference specular surface into the method of active fringe reflection delfectometry and presents a straight-forward relation between height and phase. This method only requires one direction of horizontal or vertical sinusoidal fringe patterns to be projected on a LCD screen, resulting in a significant reduction in capture time over established method. Assuming the whole system has been pre-calibrated, during the measurement process, the fringe patterns are captured separately via the virtual reference and detected freeform surfaces by a CCD camera. The reference phase can be solved according to spatial geometrical relation between LCD screen and CCD camera. The captured phases can be unwrapped with a heterodyne technique and optimum frequency selection method. Based on this calculated unwrapped-phase and that proposed mathematical model, absolute height of the inspected surface can be computed. Simulated and experimental results show that this methodology can conveniently calculate topography information for freeform and structured specular surfaces without integration and reconstruction processes
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