1,577 research outputs found

    Structure-Aware Mesh Decimation

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    International audienceWe present a novel approach for the decimation of trian-gle surface meshes. Our algorithm takes as input a triangle surface mesh and a set of planar proxies detected in a pre-processing analysis step, and structured via an adjacency graph. It then performs greedy mesh decimation through a series of edge collapse, designed to approximate the local mesh geometry as well as the geometry and structure of proxies. Such structure-preserving approach is well suited to planar abstraction, i.e., extreme decimation approxi-mating well the planar parts while filtering out the others. Our experiments on a variety of inputs illustrate the po-tential of our approach in terms of improved accuracy and preservation of structure

    The Implementation of the Colored Abstract Simplicial Complex and its Application to Mesh Generation

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    We introduce CASC: a new, modern, and header-only C++ library which provides a data structure to represent arbitrary dimension abstract simplicial complexes (ASC) with user-defined classes stored directly on the simplices at each dimension. This is accomplished by using the latest C++ language features including variadic template parameters introduced in C++11 and automatic function return type deduction from C++14. Effectively CASC decouples the representation of the topology from the interactions of user data. We present the innovations and design principles of the data structure and related algorithms. This includes a metadata aware decimation algorithm which is general for collapsing simplices of any dimension. We also present an example application of this library to represent an orientable surface mesh.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    3D Mesh Simplification. A survey of algorithms and CAD model simplification tests

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    Simplification of highly detailed CAD models is an important step when CAD models are visualized or by other means utilized in augmented reality applications. Without simplification, CAD models may cause severe processing and storage is- sues especially in mobile devices. In addition, simplified models may have other advantages like better visual clarity or improved reliability when used for visual pose tracking. The geometry of CAD models is invariably presented in form of a 3D mesh. In this paper, we survey mesh simplification algorithms in general and focus especially to algorithms that can be used to simplify CAD models. We test some commonly known algorithms with real world CAD data and characterize some new CAD related simplification algorithms that have not been surveyed in previous mesh simplification reviews.Siirretty Doriast

    Multitissue Tetrahedral Image-to-Mesh Conversion with Guaranteed Quality and Fidelity

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    We present a novel algorithm for tetrahedral image-to-mesh conversion which allows for guaranteed bounds on the smallest dihedral angle and on the distance between the boundaries of the mesh and the boundaries of the tissues. The algorithm produces a small number of mesh elements that comply with these bounds. We also describe and evaluate our implementation of the proposed algorithm that is compatible in performance with a state-of-the art Delaunay code, but in addition solves the small dihedral angle problem. Read More: http://epubs.siam.org/doi/10.1137/10081525

    Revisiting Poisson-disk Subsampling for Massive Point Cloud Decimation

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    Scanning devices often produce point clouds exhibiting highly uneven distributions of point samples across the surfaces being captured. Different point cloud subsampling techniques have been proposed to generate more evenly distributed samples. Poisson-disk sampling approaches assign each sample a cost value so that subsampling reduces to sorting the samples by cost and then removing the desired ratio of samples with the highest cost. Unfortunately, these approaches compute the sample cost using pairwise distances of the points within a constant search radius, which is very costly for massive point clouds with uneven densities. In this paper, we revisit Poisson-disk sampling for point clouds. Instead of optimizing for equal densities, we propose to maximize the distance to the closest point, which is equivalent to estimating the local point density as a value inversely proportional to this distance. This algorithm can be efficiently implemented using k nearest-neighbors searches. Besides a kd-tree, our algorithm also uses a voxelization to speed up the searches required to compute per-sample costs. We propose a new strategy to minimize cost updates that is amenable for out-of-core operation. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach in terms of performance, scalability, and output quality. We also discuss extensions based on adding orientation-based and color-based terms to the cost function

    LiveVV: Human-Centered Live Volumetric Video Streaming System

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    Volumetric video has emerged as a prominent medium within the realm of eXtended Reality (XR) with the advancements in computer graphics and depth capture hardware. Users can fully immersive themselves in volumetric video with the ability to switch their viewport in six degree-of-freedom (DOF), including three rotational dimensions (yaw, pitch, roll) and three translational dimensions (X, Y, Z). Different from traditional 2D videos that are composed of pixel matrices, volumetric videos employ point clouds, meshes, or voxels to represent a volumetric scene, resulting in significantly larger data sizes. While previous works have successfully achieved volumetric video streaming in video-on-demand scenarios, the live streaming of volumetric video remains an unresolved challenge due to the limited network bandwidth and stringent latency constraints. In this paper, we for the first time propose a holistic live volumetric video streaming system, LiveVV, which achieves multi-view capture, scene segmentation \& reuse, adaptive transmission, and rendering. LiveVV contains multiple lightweight volumetric video capture modules that are capable of being deployed without prior preparation. To reduce bandwidth consumption, LiveVV processes static and dynamic volumetric content separately by reusing static data with low disparity and decimating data with low visual saliency. Besides, to deal with network fluctuation, LiveVV integrates a volumetric video adaptive bitrate streaming algorithm (VABR) to enable fluent playback with the maximum quality of experience. Extensive real-world experiment shows that LiveVV can achieve live volumetric video streaming at a frame rate of 24 fps with a latency of less than 350ms

    System Development for Geolocation in Harsh Environments

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) consist of a set of distributed devices equipped with multiple sensors, which can be employed in different environments of varying characteristics. Nowadays, node localization has become one of their most basic and important requirements. Due to the nature of certain environments, typical positioning systems, such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), cannot be employed. Therefore, in recent years several alternative positioning mechanisms have risen. ROMOVI is a project which has as its main goal the development of low cost autonomous robots capable of monitoring and perform logistic tasks on the steep slopes of the Douro river vineyards. Integrated in this project, this dissertation proposes the development of a full-custom wireless communication system for geolocation purposes in harsh environments. Using a Symmetric Double Sided Two Way Ranging (SDS-TWR) algorithm, it is possible to achieve ranging measures between nodes, thus providing accurate relative positioning. This work focuses mainly on the study of the SDS-TWR algorithm and its major error sources, such as those due to digital clock drift, among others. A preamble based on Frank-Zadoff-Chu sequence was developed and, due to its good periodic autocorrelation properties, a system employing the transmission and reception of this preamble was implemented in hardware, through a field programmable gate array (FPGA). By employing an embedded logic processor, the Altera Nios II, control over the complete procedure of the aforementioned algorithm is possible, to perform and analyze the main advantages of the SDS-TWR algorithm. Finally, a medium access control (MAC) layer frame format was defined, in order to enable future development of communication among multiple nodes, to enhance the original algorithm and, as such, provide the capability of trilateration