46,855 research outputs found

    Capsule-oriented programming

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    Explicit concurrency should be abolished from all higher-level programming languages (i.e. everything except - perhaps- plain machine code.). Dijkstra [1] (paraphrased). A promising class of concurrency abstractions replaces explicit concurrency mechanisms with a single linguistic mechanism that combines state and control and uses asynchronous messages for communications, e.g. active objects or actors, but that doesn\u27t remove the hurdle of understanding non-local control transfer. What if the programming model enabled programmers to simply do what they do best, that is, to describe a system in terms of its modular structure and write sequential code to implement the operations of those modules and handles details of concurrency? In a recently sponsored NSF project we are developing such a model that we call capsule-oriented programming and its realization in the Panini project. This model favors modularity over explicit concurrency, encourages concurrency correctness by construction, and exploits modular structure of programs to expose implicit concurrency

    Instance-Independent View Serializability for Semistructured Databases

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    Semistructured databases require tailor-made concurrency control mechanisms since traditional solutions for the relational model have been shown to be inadequate. Such mechanisms need to take full advantage of the hierarchical structure of semistructured data, for instance allowing concurrent updates of subtrees of, or even individual elements in, XML documents. We present an approach for concurrency control which is document-independent in the sense that two schedules of semistructured transactions are considered equivalent if they are equivalent on all possible documents. We prove that it is decidable in polynomial time whether two given schedules in this framework are equivalent. This also solves the view serializability for semistructured schedules polynomially in the size of the schedule and exponentially in the number of transactions

    Safe Concurrency Introduction through Slicing

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    Traditional refactoring is about modifying the structure of existing code without changing its behaviour, but with the aim of making code easier to understand, modify, or reuse. In this paper, we introduce three novel refactorings for retrofitting concurrency to Erlang applications, and demonstrate how the use of program slicing makes the automation of these refactorings possible

    A Logic with Reverse Modalities for History-preserving Bisimulations

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    We introduce event identifier logic (EIL) which extends Hennessy-Milner logic by the addition of (1) reverse as well as forward modalities, and (2) identifiers to keep track of events. We show that this logic corresponds to hereditary history-preserving (HH) bisimulation equivalence within a particular true-concurrency model, namely stable configuration structures. We furthermore show how natural sublogics of EIL correspond to coarser equivalences. In particular we provide logical characterisations of weak history-preserving (WH) and history-preserving (H) bisimulation. Logics corresponding to HH and H bisimulation have been given previously, but not to WH bisimulation (when autoconcurrency is allowed), as far as we are aware. We also present characteristic formulas which characterise individual structures with respect to history-preserving equivalences.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS 2011, arXiv:1108.407

    The Glory of the Past and Geometrical Concurrency

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    This paper contributes to the general understanding of the geometrical model of concurrency that was named higher dimensional automata (HDAs) by Pratt. In particular we investigate modal logics for such models and their expressive power in terms of the bisimulation that can be captured. The geometric model of concurrency is interesting from two main reasons: its generality and expressiveness, and the natural way in which autoconcurrency and action refinement are captured. Logics for this model, though, are not well investigated, where a simple, yet adequate, modal logic over HDAs was only recently introduced. As this modal logic, with two existential modalities, during and after, captures only split bisimulation, which is rather low in the spectrum of van Glabbeek and Vaandrager, the immediate question was what small extension of this logic could capture the more fine-grained hereditary history preserving bisimulation (hh)? In response, the work in this paper provides several insights. One is the fact that the geometrical aspect of HDAs makes it possible to use for capturing the hh-bisimulation, a standard modal logic that does not employ event variables, opposed to the two logics (over less expressive models) that we compare with. The logic that we investigate here uses standard past modalities and extends the previously introduced logic (called HDML) that had only forward, action-labelled, modalities. Besides, we try to understand better the above issues by introducing a related model that we call ST-configuration structures, which extend the configuration structures of van Glabbeek and Plotkin. We relate this model to HDAs, and redefine and prove the earlier results in the light of this new model. These offer a different view on why the past modalities and geometrical concurrency capture the hereditary history preserving bisimulation. Additional correlating insights are also gained.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    A distributed file service based on optimistic concurrency control

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    The design of a layered file service for the Amoeba Distributed System is discussed, on top of which various applications can easily be intplemented. The bottom layer is formed by the Amoeba Block Services, responsible for implementing stable storage and repficated, highly available disk blocks. The next layer is formed by the Amoeba File Service which provides version management and concurrency control for tree-structured files. On top of this layer, the appficafions, ranging from databases to source code control systems, determine the structure of the file trees and provide an interface to the users