34 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Outdoor Sculptures from Silhouettes under Approximate Circular Motion of an Uncalibrated Hand-Held Camera

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    This paper presents a novel technique for reconstructing an outdoor sculpture from an uncalibrated image sequence acquired around it using a hand-held camera. The technique introduced here uses only the silhouettes of the sculpture for both motion estimation and model reconstruction, and no corner detection nor matching is necessary. This is very important as most sculptures are composed of smooth textureless surfaces, and hence their silhouettes are very often the only information available from their images. Besides, as opposed to previous works, the proposed technique does not require the camera motion to be perfectly circular (e.g., turntable sequence). It employs an image rectification step before the motion estimation step to obtain a rough estimate of the camera motion which is only approximately circular. A refinement process is then applied to obtain the true general motion of the camera. This allows the technique to handle large outdoor sculptures which cannot be rotated on a turntable, making it much more practical and flexible.postprin

    Reconstruction of sculpture from uncalibrated image profiles

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    Profiles of a sculpture provide rich information about its geometry, and can be used for model reconstruction under known camera motion. By exploiting correspondences induced by epipolar tangents on the profiles, a successful solution to motion estimation has been developed for the case of circular motion. Arbitrary general views can then be incorporated to refine the model built from circular motion.published_or_final_versio

    Robust recovery of shapes with unknown topology from the dual space

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    In this paper, we address the problem of reconstructing an object surface from silhouettes. Previous works by other authors have shown that, based on the principle of duality, surface points can be recovered, theoretically, as the dual to the tangent plane space of the object. In practice, however, the identification of tangent basis in the tangent plane space is not trivial given a set of discretely sampled data. This problem is further complicated by the existence of bi-tangents to the object surface. The key contribution of this paper is the introduction of epipolar parameterization in identifying a well-defined local tangent basis. This extends the applicability of existing dual space reconstruction methods to fairly complicated shapes, without making any explicit assumption on the object topology. We verify our approach with both synthetic and real-world data, and compare it both qualitatively and quantitatively with other popular reconstruction algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach produces more accurate estimation, whilst maintaining reasonable robustness towards shapes with complex topologies. © 2007 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Markerless tracking of tennis racket motion using a camera

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    This research is concerned with tracking tennis racket movements. Previously, stereo camera systems have been used to track markers attached to rackets, which allows for racket movements to be obtained in three-dimensions. Typically, markers are manually selected on the image plane but this can be time consuming and inaccurate. This paper discusses a markerless method to measure three-dimensional racket movements using a camera. The method relies on a silhouette of a racket captured with a camera whose relative pose (rotation and translation) is unknown. A candidate relative pose is used to measure the inconsistency between the silhouette and a set of racket silhouettes captured with a fully calibrated camera. The measure of inconsistency can be formulated as a cost function associated with the candidate relative pose. By adjusting parameters of the pose to minimise the cost, an accurate estimation for the true pose of the racket can be made. A validation scheme was developed to compare pose estimates with data obtained using camera calibration software. Rotation about the axis of x, y, z' were accurate to within 2.5° for 88, 90 and 86 % of estimates respectively and resultant translation to within 5 mm for 72% of estimates. This research is the first step in a process to fully validate a novel method for measuring tennis racket movements in real play conditions

    Extracting surface representations from rim curves

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    LNCS v. 3852 is the conference proceedings of ACCV 2006In this paper, we design and implement a novel method for constructing a mixed triangle/quadrangle mesh from the 3D space curves (rims) estimated from the profiles of an object in an image sequence without knowing the original 3D topology of the object. To this aim, a contour data structure for representing visual hull, which is different from that for CT/MRI, is introduced. In this paper, we (1) solve the "branching structure" problem by introducing some additional "directed edge", and (2) extract a triangle/ quadrangle closed mesh from the contour structure with an algorithm based on dynamic programming. Both theoretical demonstration and real world results show that our proposed method has sufficient robustness with respect to the complex topology of the object, and the extracted mesh is of high quality. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.postprintThe 7th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2006), Hyderabad, India, 13-16 January 2006. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2006, v. 3852, p. 732-74

    Specular surface recovery from reflections of a planar pattern undergoing an unknown pure translation

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    LNCS v. 6493 entitled: Computer Vision – ACCV 2010: 10th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Queenstown, New Zealand, November 8-12, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, Part 2This paper addresses the problem of specular surface recovery, and proposes a novel solution based on observing the reflections of a translating planar pattern. Previous works have demonstrated that a specular surface can be recovered from the reflections of two calibrated planar patterns. In this paper, however, only one reference planar pattern is assumed to have been calibrated against a fixed camera observing the specular surface. Instead of introducing and calibrating a second pattern, the reference pattern is allowed to undergo an unknown pure translation, and a closed form solution is derived for recovering such a motion. Unlike previous methods which estimate the shape by directly triangulating the visual rays and reflection rays, a novel method based on computing the projections of the visual rays on the translating pattern is introduced. This produces a depth range for each pixel which also provides a measure of the accuracy of the estimation. The proposed approach enables a simple auto-calibration of the translating pattern, and data redundancy resulting from the translating pattern can improve both the robustness and accuracy of the shape estimation. Experimental results on both synthetic and real data are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. © 2011 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.postprintThe 10th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Queenstown, New Zealand, 8-12 November 2010. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, v. 6493, p. 137-14

    Reconstruction of surfaces of revolution from single uncalibrated views

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    This paper addresses the problem of recovering the 3D shape of a surface of revolution from a single uncalibrated perspective view. The algorithm introduced here makes use of the invariant properties of a surface of revolution and its silhouette to locate the image of the revolution axis, and to calibrate the focal length of the camera. The image is then normalized and rectified such that the resulting silhouette exhibits bilateral symmetry. Such a rectification leads to a simpler differential analysis of the silhouette, and yields a simple equation for depth recovery. It is shown that under a general camera configuration, there will be a 2-parameter family of solutions for the reconstruction. The first parameter corresponds to an unknown scale, whereas the second one corresponds to an unknown attitude of the object. By identifying the image of a latitude circle, the ambiguity due to the unknown attitude can be resolved. Experimental results on real images are presented, which demonstrate the quality of the reconstruction. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.postprin

    1D camera geometry and its application to the self-calibration of circular motion sequences

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    This paper proposes a novel method for robustly recovering the camera geometry of an uncalibrated image sequence taken under circular motion. Under circular motion, all the camera centers lie on a circle and the mapping from the plane containing this circle to the horizon line observed in the image can be modelled as a 1D projection. A 2×2 homography is introduced in this paper to relate the projections of the camera centers in two 1D views. It is shown that the two imaged circular points of the motion plane and the rotation angle between the two views can be derived directly from such a homography. This way of recovering the imaged circular points and rotation angles is intrinsically a multiple view approach, as all the sequence geometry embedded in the epipoles is exploited in the estimation of the homography for each view pair. This results in a more robust method compared to those computing the rotation angles using adjacent views only. The proposed method has been applied to self-calibrate turntable sequences using either point features or silhouettes, and highly accurate results have been achieved. © 2008 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Motion estimation from spheres

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    Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2006, v. 1, p. 1238-1243This paper addresses the problem of recovering epipolar geometry from spheres. Previous works have exploited epipolar tangencies induced by frontier points on the spheres for motion recovery. It will be shown in this paper that besides epipolar tangencies, N2 point features can be extracted from the apparent contours of the N spheres when N > 2. An algorithm for recovering the fundamental matrices from such point features and the epipolar tangencies from 3 or more spheres is developed, with the point features providing a homography over the view pairs and the epipolar tangencies determining the epipoles. In general, there will be two solutions to the locations of the epipoles. One of the solutions corresponds to the true camera configuration, while the other corresponds to a mirrored configuration. Several methods are proposed to select the right solution. Experiments on using 3 and 4 spheres demonstrate that our algorithm can be carried out easily and can achieve a high precision. © 2006 IEEE.published_or_final_versio