3,914 research outputs found

    The czech broadcast conversation corpus

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    This paper presents the final version of the Czech Broadcast Conversation Corpus that will shortly be released at the Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). The corpus contains 72 recordings of a radio discussion program, which yields about 33 hours of transcribed conversational speech from 128 speakers. The release does not only include verbatim transcripts and speaker information, but also structural metadata (MDE) annotation that involves labeling of sentence-like unit boundaries, marking of non-content words like filled pauses and discourse markers, and annotation of speech disfluencies. The MDE annotation is based on the LDC's annotation standard for English, with changes applied to accommodate phenomena that are specific for Czech. In addition to its importance to speech recognition, speaker diarization, and structural metadata extraction research, the corpus is also useful for linguistic analysis of conversational Czech

    Access to recorded interviews: A research agenda

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    Recorded interviews form a rich basis for scholarly inquiry. Examples include oral histories, community memory projects, and interviews conducted for broadcast media. Emerging technologies offer the potential to radically transform the way in which recorded interviews are made accessible, but this vision will demand substantial investments from a broad range of research communities. This article reviews the present state of practice for making recorded interviews available and the state-of-the-art for key component technologies. A large number of important research issues are identified, and from that set of issues, a coherent research agenda is proposed

    Harvesting for disseminating, open archives and role of academic libraries

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    The Scholarly communication system is in a critical stage, due to a number of factors.The Open Access movement is perhaps the most interesting response that the scientific community has tried to give to this problem. The paper examines strengths and weaknesses of the Open Access strategy in general and, more specifically, of the Open Archives Initiative, discussing experiences, criticisms and barriers. All authors that have faced the problems of implementing an OAI compliant e-print server agree that technical and practical problems are not the most difficult to overcome and that the real problem is the change in cultural attitude required. In this scenario the university library is possibly the standard bearer for the advent and implementation of e-prints archives and Open Archives services. To ensure the successful implementation of this service the Library has a number of distinct roles to play

    A Model-Driven Architecture based Evolution Method and Its Application in An Electronic Learning System

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    Software products have been racing against aging problem for most of their lifecycles, and evolution is the most effective and efficient solution to this problem. Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) is a new technique for software product for evolving development and reengineering methods. The main steps for MDA are to establish models in different levels and phases, therefore to solve the challenges of requirement and technology change. However, there is only a standard established by Object Management Group (OMG) but without a formal method and approach. Presently, MDA is widely researched in both industrial and research areas, however, there is still without a smooth approach to realise it especially in electronic learning (e-learning) system due to the following reasons: (1) models’ transformations are hard to realise because of lack of tools, (2) most of existing mature research results are working for business and government services but not education area, and (3) most of existing model-driven researches are based on Model-Driven Development (MDD) but not MDA because of OMG standard’s preciseness. Hence, it is worth to investigate an MDA-based method and approach to improve the existing software development approach for e-learning system. Due to the features of MDA actuality, a MDA-based evolution method and approach is proposed in this thesis. The fundamental theories of this research are OMG’s MDA standard and education pedagogical knowledge. Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Unified Modelling Language Profile are hired to represent the information of software system from different aspects. This study can be divided into three main parts: MDA-based evolution method and approach research, Platform-Independent Model (PIM) to Platform-Specific Model (PSM) transformation development, and MDA-based electronic learning system evolution. Top-down approach is explored to develop models for e-learning system. A transformation approach is developed to generate Computation Independent Model (CIM), Platform-Independent Model (PIM), and Platform-Specific Model (PSM); while a set of transformation rules are defined following MDA standard to support PSM’ s generation. In addition, proposed method is applied in an e-learning system as a case study with the prototype rules support. In the end, conclusions are drawn based on analysis and further research directions are discussed as well. The kernel contributions are the proposed transformation rules and its application in electronic learning system

    Rigorous Infidelity: Whole Text Sampling in the Curatorial Work of Henri Langlois, Dewey Phillips, and Jean-François Lyotard

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    John Rajchman asks, “In what ways have exhibitions, more than simple displays and confi gurations of objects, helped change ideas about art, intersecting at particular junctions with technical innovations, discursive shift s and larger kinds of philosophical investigations, thus forming part of these larger histories?” This essay attempts to answer his question by discussing curating as whole text sampling

    An introduction to deep learning

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    Deep learning (DL) is currently being researched and implemented to solve civil engineering related problems, including autonomous inspection and inventory of civil infrastructure projects. The article introduces DL, specifically a convolutional neural network and the supervised learning process used to train a model that will enable professional structural engineers to automatically detect types of earthquake damage

    Surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in veterinary medicine in the United States: Current efforts, challenges, and opportunities

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global problem facing human, animal, plant, and environmental health by threatening our ability to effectively treat bacterial infections with antimicrobials. In the United States, robust surveillance efforts exist to collect, analyze, and disseminate AMR data in human health care settings. These tools enable the development of effective infection control methods, the detection of trends, and provide the evidence needed to guide stewardship efforts to reduce the potential for emergence and further spread of AMR. However, in veterinary medicine, there are currently no known equivalent tools. This paper reviews efforts to reduce the potential for emergence and further spread of AMR. However, in veterinary medicine, there are currently no known equivalent tools. This paper reviews efforts in the United States related to surveillance of AMR in veterinary medicine and discusses the challenges and opportunities of using data from veterinary diagnostic laboratories to build a comprehensive AMR surveillance program that will support stewardship efforts and help control AMR in both humans and animals

    Institutional Repositories and its Consequences for Government College Libraries

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    This paper describes the relevance of institutional repository and seeks to give a plan for formation of institutional repositories at government colleges particularly in India. It also discusses the benefits and obstacles of setting up an Institutional Repository, and librarians’ and authors’ roles in the successful setting up and management of an Institutional Repository. This concept directly or indirectly insists to all the colleges should come up with the institutional repositories
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