5 research outputs found

    Structure and content semantic similarity detection of eXtensible markup language documents using keys

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    XML (eXtensible Mark-up Language) has become the fundamental standard for efficient data management and exchange. Due to the widespread use of XML for describing and exchanging data on the web, XML-based comparison is central issues in database management and information retrieval. In fact, although many heterogeneous XML sources have similar content, they may be described using different tag names and structures. This work proposes a series of algorithms for detection of structural and content changes among XML data. The first is an algorithm called XDoI (XML Data Integration Based on Content and Structure Similarity Using Keys) that clusters XML documents into subtrees using leaf-node parents as clustering points. This algorithm matches subtrees using the key concept and compares unmatched subtrees for similarities in both content and structure. The experimental results show that this approach finds much more accurate matches with or without the presence of keys in the subtrees. A second algorithm proposed here is called XDI-CSSK (a system for detecting xml similarity in content and structure using relational database); it eliminates unnecessary clustering points using instance statistics and a taxonomic analyzer. As the number of subtrees to be compared is reduced, the overall execution time is reduced dramatically. Semantic similarity plays a crucial role in precise computational similarity measures. A third algorithm, called XML-SIM (structure and content semantic similarity detection using keys) is based on previous work to detect XML semantic similarity based on structure and content. This algorithm is an improvement over XDI-CSSK and XDoI in that it determines content similarity based on semantic structural similarity. In an experimental evaluation, it outperformed previous approaches in terms of both execution time and false positive rates. Information changes periodically; therefore, it is important to be able to detect changes among different versions of an XML document and use that information to identify semantic similarities. Finally, this work introduces an approach to detect XML similarity and thus to join XML document versions using a change detection mechanism. In this approach, subtree keys still play an important role in order to avoid unnecessary subtree comparisons within multiple versions of the same document. Real data sets from bibliographic domains demonstrate the effectiveness of all these algorithms --Abstract, page iv-v


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    With the recent development of new information and communication technologies, the paper documents are transformed to digital documents. Furthermore, it considers that the document is no longer seen as a whole, or as a monolithic bloc, but as organized entities. Exploiting these documents amount to identify and locate these entities. These entities are connected by relationships to give a "form" to document. Several types of relationships may occur, so that several "forms" of a document emerge. These different materializations of the same document are related to different uses of the same document and are essential for optimal management and shared of holdings. The work presented in this thesis aims to address the challenges of representing different materializations of a document through its representation of entities and their relationships. If those materializations are translated through structures, the issues are related to the representation of multistructured documents. Our work focuses mainly on the modeling, integration and exploitation of multistructured documents: (1) Proposal of multistructured document model. This model incorporates two levels of description: a specific level to describe each document through entities that compose and a generic level to identify document kinds through the grouping of similar structures. (2) Proposal of techniques for extracting structure (implicit or explicit) of a document (the specific level) and classification of this structure with respect to common structures (the generic level). The classification algorithm proposed includes a calculation of distance called "structural" (comparison of trees and graphs). This classification is associated with a process of verification of the "cohesion" of classes and possible reorganization of disrupted classes. (3) Proposal of document exploitation technical from their structures and their contents: (a) a document search that can reproduce documentary granules through criteria based on research of structures and / or content, (b) a multidimensional analysis that is to analyze and visualize the documentary information across multiple dimensions (of structures and / or content). In order to validate our proposals, we have developed a tool for integration and analysis of multistructured documents, called MDOCREP (Multistructured Document Repository). This tool provides on the one hand, the extraction and classification of document structures, and on the other hand, the querying and the multidimensional analysis of documents from their different structures.Avec l'évolution des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication, les documents papier ont laissé la place aux documents numériques. On considère de plus que le document n'est plus vu comme un tout, ni comme un bloc monolithique, mais comme un ensemble organisé d'entités. Exploiter ces documents revient à identifier et retrouver ces entités. Ces dernières sont reliées par des relations permettant de donner une « forme » au document. Plusieurs types de relations peuvent apparaître, de sorte à ce que plusieurs « formes » d'un même document émergent. Ces différentes matérialisations d'un même document sont liées à des usages différents d'un même document et sont primordiales pour une gestion optimale et partagée des fonds documentaires. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse visent à faire face aux défis de représentation des différentes matérialisations d'un document au travers de la représentation de ses entités et de leurs relations. Si ces matérialisations sont traduites par des structures, les enjeux concernent la représentation des documents à structures multiples. Nos travaux portent essentiellement sur la modélisation, l'intégration et l'exploitation des documents à structures multiples : (1) Proposition d'un modèle de documents multistructurés. Ce modèle intègre deux niveaux de description : un niveau spécifique permettant de décrire chaque document au travers des entités qui le composent et un niveau générique permettant de définir des typologies de documents au travers du regroupement de structures similaires. (2) Proposition des techniques d'extraction de structure (implicite ou explicite) d'un document (niveau spécifique) et de classification de cette structure par rapport à des structures communes (niveau générique). L'algorithme de classification proposé intègre un calcul d'une distance dite « structurelle » (comparaison d'arbres et de graphes). Cette démarche de classification est associée à une démarche de vérification de la « cohésion » des classes et de réorganisation éventuelle des classes perturbées. (3) Proposition de techniques d'exploitation des documents à partir de leurs structures et de leur contenu : (a) une recherche de documents qui permet de restituer des granules documentaires selon des critères de recherches basés sur la ou les structures et/ou le contenu ; (b) une analyse multidimensionnelle qui consiste à analyser et visualiser les informations documentaires selon plusieurs dimensions (de structures et/ou de contenu). Pour valider nos propositions, nous avons développé un outil d'aide à l'intégration et à l'analyse de documents à structures multiples, intitulé MDOCREP (Multistructured DOCument REPository). Cet outil assure d'une part, l'extraction et la classification des structures de documents, et d'autre part, l'interrogation et la restitution multidimensionnelle des documents à partir de leurs différentes structures