4 research outputs found

    A Novel Algorithm for the All-Best-Swap-Edge Problem on Tree Spanners

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    Given a 2-edge connected, unweighted, and undirected graph GG with nn vertices and mm edges, a σ\sigma-tree spanner is a spanning tree TT of GG in which the ratio between the distance in TT of any pair of vertices and the corresponding distance in GG is upper bounded by σ\sigma. The minimum value of σ\sigma for which TT is a σ\sigma-tree spanner of GG is also called the {\em stretch factor} of TT. We address the fault-tolerant scenario in which each edge ee of a given tree spanner may temporarily fail and has to be replaced by a {\em best swap edge}, i.e. an edge that reconnects TeT-e at a minimum stretch factor. More precisely, we design an O(n2)O(n^2) time and space algorithm that computes a best swap edge of every tree edge. Previously, an O(n2log4n)O(n^2 \log^4 n) time and O(n2+mlog2n)O(n^2+m\log^2n) space algorithm was known for edge-weighted graphs [Bil\`o et al., ISAAC 2017]. Even if our improvements on both the time and space complexities are of a polylogarithmic factor, we stress the fact that the design of a o(n2)o(n^2) time and space algorithm would be considered a breakthrough.Comment: The paper has been accepted for publication at the 29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2018). 12 pages, 3 figure

    Deterministic Logarithmic Completeness in the Distributed Sleeping Model

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    In this paper we provide a deterministic scheme for solving any decidable problem in the distributed sleeping model. The sleeping model [Valerie King et al., 2011; Soumyottam Chatterjee et al., 2020] is a generalization of the standard message-passing model, with an additional capability of network nodes to enter a sleeping state occasionally. As long as a vertex is in the awake state, it is similar to the standard message-passing setting. However, when a vertex is asleep it cannot receive or send messages in the network nor can it perform internal computations. On the other hand, sleeping rounds do not count towards awake complexity. Awake complexity is the main complexity measurement in this setting, which is the number of awake rounds a vertex spends during an execution. In this paper we devise algorithms with worst-case guarantees on the awake complexity. We devise a deterministic scheme with awake complexity of O(log n) for solving any decidable problem in this model by constructing a structure we call Distributed Layered Tree. This structure turns out to be very powerful in the sleeping model, since it allows one to collect the entire graph information within a constant number of awake rounds. Moreover, we prove that our general technique cannot be improved in this model, by showing that the construction of distributed layered trees itself requires ?(log n) awake rounds. This is obtained by a reduction from message-complexity lower bounds, which is of independent interest. Furthermore, our scheme also works in the CONGEST setting where we are limited to messages of size at most O(log n) bits. This result is shown for a certain class of problems, which contains problems of great interest in the research of the distributed setting. Examples for problems we can solve under this limitation are leader election, computing exact number of edges and average degree. Another result we obtain in this work is a deterministic scheme for solving any problem from a class of problems, denoted O-LOCAL, in O(log ? + log^*n) awake rounds. This class contains various well-studied problems, such as MIS and (?+1)-vertex-coloring. Our main structure in this case is a tree as well, but is sharply different from a distributed layered tree. In particular, it is constructed in the local memory of each processor, rather than distributively. Nevertheless, it provides an efficient synchronization scheme for problems of the O-LOCAL class

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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