147,296 research outputs found

    Semantics representation in a sentence with concept relational model (CRM)

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    The current way of representing semantics or meaning in a sentence is by using the conceptual graphs. Conceptual graphs define concepts and conceptual relations loosely. This causes ambiguity because a word can be classified as a concept or relation. Ambiguity disrupts the process of recognizing graphs similarity, rendering difficulty to multiple graphs interaction. Relational flow is also altered in conceptual graphs when additional linguistic information is input. Inconsistency of relational flow is caused by the bipartite structure of conceptual graphs that only allows the representation of connection between concept and relations but never between relations per se. To overcome the problem of ambiguity, the concept relational model (CRM) described in this article strictly organizes word classes into three main categories; concept, relation and attribute. To do so, CRM begins by tagging the words in text and proceeds by classifying them according to a predefi ned mapping. In addition, CRM maintains the consistency of the relational flow by allowing connection between multiple relations as well. CRM then uses a set of canonical graphs to be worked on these newly classified components for the representation of semantics. The overall result is better accuracy in text engineering related task like relation extraction

    Concurrent Lexicalized Dependency Parsing: A Behavioral View on ParseTalk Events

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    The behavioral specification of an object-oriented grammar model is considered. The model is based on full lexicalization, head-orientation via valency constraints and dependency relations, inheritance as a means for non-redundant lexicon specification, and concurrency of computation. The computation model relies upon the actor paradigm, with concurrency entering through asynchronous message passing between actors. In particular, we here elaborate on principles of how the global behavior of a lexically distributed grammar and its corresponding parser can be specified in terms of event type networks and event networks, resp.Comment: 68kB, 5pages Postscrip

    Concurrent Lexicalized Dependency Parsing: The ParseTalk Model

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    A grammar model for concurrent, object-oriented natural language parsing is introduced. Complete lexical distribution of grammatical knowledge is achieved building upon the head-oriented notions of valency and dependency, while inheritance mechanisms are used to capture lexical generalizations. The underlying concurrent computation model relies upon the actor paradigm. We consider message passing protocols for establishing dependency relations and ambiguity handling.Comment: 90kB, 7pages Postscrip

    How Does Positive Work-Related Stress Affect the Degree of Innovation Development?

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    Many studies sustain that work-related stress exerts pervasive consequences on the employees’ levels of performance, productivity, and wellbeing. However, it remains unclear whether certain levels of stress might lead to positive outcomes regarding employees’ innovativeness. Hence, this paper examines how the five dimensions of work-related stress impact on the employees’ levels of innovation performance. To this aim, this study focused on a sample of 1487 employees from six Italian companies. To test the research hypotheses under assessment, we relied on the use of the partial least squares (PLS) technique. Our results reveal that, in summary, the stressors job autonomy, job demands, and role ambiguity exert a positive and significant impact on the employees’ levels of innovativeness. However, this study failed to find evidence that the supervisors’ support–innovation and colleagues’ support–innovation links are not statistically significant. View Full-Tex

    Uniform Representations for Syntax-Semantics Arbitration

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    Psychological investigations have led to considerable insight into the working of the human language comprehension system. In this article, we look at a set of principles derived from psychological findings to argue for a particular organization of linguistic knowledge along with a particular processing strategy and present a computational model of sentence processing based on those principles. Many studies have shown that human sentence comprehension is an incremental and interactive process in which semantic and other higher-level information interacts with syntactic information to make informed commitments as early as possible at a local ambiguity. Early commitments may be made by using top-down guidance from knowledge of different types, each of which must be applicable independently of others. Further evidence from studies of error recovery and delayed decisions points toward an arbitration mechanism for combining syntactic and semantic information in resolving ambiguities. In order to account for all of the above, we propose that all types of linguistic knowledge must be represented in a common form but must be separable so that they can be applied independently of each other and integrated at processing time by the arbitrator. We present such a uniform representation and a computational model called COMPERE based on the representation and the processing strategy.Comment: 7 pages, uses cogsci94.sty macr

    Understanding Science Through Knowledge Organizers: An Introduction

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    We propose, in this paper, a teaching program based on a grammar of scientific language borrowed mostly from the area of knowledge representation in computer science and logic. The paper introduces an operationizable framework for understanding knowledge using knowledge representation (KR) methodology. We start with organizing concepts based on their cognitive function, followed by assigning valid and authentic semantic relations to the concepts. We propose that in science education, students can understand better if they organize their knowledge using the KR principles. The process, we claim, can help them to align their conceptual framework with that of experts which we assume is the goal of science education

    Message-Passing Protocols for Real-World Parsing -- An Object-Oriented Model and its Preliminary Evaluation

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    We argue for a performance-based design of natural language grammars and their associated parsers in order to meet the constraints imposed by real-world NLP. Our approach incorporates declarative and procedural knowledge about language and language use within an object-oriented specification framework. We discuss several message-passing protocols for parsing and provide reasons for sacrificing completeness of the parse in favor of efficiency based on a preliminary empirical evaluation.Comment: 12 pages, uses epsfig.st

    Exploiting conceptual spaces for ontology integration

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    The widespread use of ontologies raises the need to integrate distinct conceptualisations. Whereas the symbolic approach of established representation standards – based on first-order logic (FOL) and syllogistic reasoning – does not implicitly represent semantic similarities, ontology mapping addresses this problem by aiming at establishing formal relations between a set of knowledge entities which represent the same or a similar meaning in distinct ontologies. However, manually or semi-automatically identifying similarity relationships is costly. Hence, we argue, that representational facilities are required which enable to implicitly represent similarities. Whereas Conceptual Spaces (CS) address similarity computation through the representation of concepts as vector spaces, CS rovide neither an implicit representational mechanism nor a means to represent arbitrary relations between concepts or instances. In order to overcome these issues, we propose a hybrid knowledge representation approach which extends FOL-based ontologies with a conceptual grounding through a set of CS-based representations. Consequently, semantic similarity between instances – represented as members in CS – is indicated by means of distance metrics. Hence, automatic similarity detection across distinct ontologies is supported in order to facilitate ontology integration