68,184 research outputs found

    Higher-Order Termination: from Kruskal to Computability

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    Termination is a major question in both logic and computer science. In logic, termination is at the heart of proof theory where it is usually called strong normalization (of cut elimination). In computer science, termination has always been an important issue for showing programs correct. In the early days of logic, strong normalization was usually shown by assigning ordinals to expressions in such a way that eliminating a cut would yield an expression with a smaller ordinal. In the early days of verification, computer scientists used similar ideas, interpreting the arguments of a program call by a natural number, such as their size. Showing the size of the arguments to decrease for each recursive call gives a termination proof of the program, which is however rather weak since it can only yield quite small ordinals. In the sixties, Tait invented a new method for showing cut elimination of natural deduction, based on a predicate over the set of terms, such that the membership of an expression to the predicate implied the strong normalization property for that expression. The predicate being defined by induction on types, or even as a fixpoint, this method could yield much larger ordinals. Later generalized by Girard under the name of reducibility or computability candidates, it showed very effective in proving the strong normalization property of typed lambda-calculi..

    Fast Offline Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs

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    One of the most important challenges in partial evaluation is the design of automatic methods for ensuring the termination of the process. In this work, we introduce sufficient conditions for the strong (i.e., independent of a computation rule) termination and quasitermination of logic programs which rely on the construction of size-change graphs. We then present a fast binding-time analysis that takes the output of the termination analysis and annotates logic programs so that partial evaluation terminates. In contrast to previous approaches, the new binding-time analysis is conceptually simpler and considerably faster, scaling to medium-sized or even large examples. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion under grant TIN2008-06622-C03-02 and by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEO/2011/052.Leuschel, M.; Vidal Oriola, GF. (2014). Fast Offline Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs. Information and Computation. 235:70-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ic.2014.01.005S709723

    Relational Programming in miniKanren: Techniques, Applications, and Implementations

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) - Indiana University, Computer Sciences, 2009The promise of logic programming is that programs can be written relationally, without distinguishing between input and output arguments. Relational programs are remarkably flexible—for example, a relational type-inferencer also performs type checking and type inhabitation, while a relational theorem prover generates theorems as well as proofs and can even be used as a simple proof assistant. Unfortunately, writing relational programs is difficult, and requires many interesting and unusual tools and techniques. For example, a relational interpreter for a subset of Scheme might use nominal unification to support variable binding and scope, Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains (CLP(FD)) to implement relational arithmetic, and tabling to improve termination behavior. In this dissertation I present miniKanren, a family of languages specifically designed for relational programming, and which supports a variety of relational idioms and techniques. I show how miniKanren can be used to write interesting relational programs, including an extremely flexible lean tableau theorem prover and a novel constraint-free binary arithmetic system with strong termination guarantees. I also present interesting and practical techniques used to implement miniKanren, including a nominal unifier that uses triangular rather than idempotent substitutions and a novel “walk”-based algorithm for variable lookup in triangular substitutions. The result of this research is a family of languages that supports a variety of relational idioms and techniques, making it feasible and useful to write interesting programs as relations

    Classes of Terminating Logic Programs

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    Termination of logic programs depends critically on the selection rule, i.e. the rule that determines which atom is selected in each resolution step. In this article, we classify programs (and queries) according to the selection rules for which they terminate. This is a survey and unified view on different approaches in the literature. For each class, we present a sufficient, for most classes even necessary, criterion for determining that a program is in that class. We study six classes: a program strongly terminates if it terminates for all selection rules; a program input terminates if it terminates for selection rules which only select atoms that are sufficiently instantiated in their input positions, so that these arguments do not get instantiated any further by the unification; a program local delay terminates if it terminates for local selection rules which only select atoms that are bounded w.r.t. an appropriate level mapping; a program left-terminates if it terminates for the usual left-to-right selection rule; a program exists-terminates if there exists a selection rule for which it terminates; finally, a program has bounded nondeterminism if it only has finitely many refutations. We propose a semantics-preserving transformation from programs with bounded nondeterminism into strongly terminating programs. Moreover, by unifying different formalisms and making appropriate assumptions, we are able to establish a formal hierarchy between the different classes.Comment: 50 pages. The following mistake was corrected: In figure 5, the first clause for insert was insert([],X,[X]

    Polytool: polynomial interpretations as a basis for termination analysis of Logic programs

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    Our goal is to study the feasibility of porting termination analysis techniques developed for one programming paradigm to another paradigm. In this paper, we show how to adapt termination analysis techniques based on polynomial interpretations - very well known in the context of term rewrite systems (TRSs) - to obtain new (non-transformational) ter- mination analysis techniques for definite logic programs (LPs). This leads to an approach that can be seen as a direct generalization of the traditional techniques in termination analysis of LPs, where linear norms and level mappings are used. Our extension general- izes these to arbitrary polynomials. We extend a number of standard concepts and results on termination analysis to the context of polynomial interpretations. We also propose a constraint-based approach for automatically generating polynomial interpretations that satisfy the termination conditions. Based on this approach, we implemented a new tool, called Polytool, for automatic termination analysis of LPs

    Recurrence with affine level mappings is P-time decidable for CLP(R)

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    In this paper we introduce a class of constraint logic programs such that their termination can be proved by using affine level mappings. We show that membership to this class is decidable in polynomial time.Comment: To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP

    Transformations of Logic Programs with Goals as Arguments

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    We consider a simple extension of logic programming where variables may range over goals and goals may be arguments of predicates. In this language we can write logic programs which use goals as data. We give practical evidence that, by exploiting this capability when transforming programs, we can improve program efficiency. We propose a set of program transformation rules which extend the familiar unfolding and folding rules and allow us to manipulate clauses with goals which occur as arguments of predicates. In order to prove the correctness of these transformation rules, we formally define the operational semantics of our extended logic programming language. This semantics is a simple variant of LD-resolution. When suitable conditions are satisfied this semantics agrees with LD-resolution and, thus, the programs written in our extended language can be run by ordinary Prolog systems. Our transformation rules are shown to preserve the operational semantics and termination.Comment: 51 pages. Full version of a paper that will appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, Cambridge University Press, U
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