2,756 research outputs found

    Strong chromatic index of sparse graphs

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    A coloring of the edges of a graph GG is strong if each color class is an induced matching of GG. The strong chromatic index of GG, denoted by χs′(G)\chi_{s}^{\prime}(G), is the least number of colors in a strong edge coloring of GG. In this note we prove that χs′(G)≤(4k−1)Δ(G)−k(2k+1)+1\chi_{s}^{\prime}(G)\leq (4k-1)\Delta (G)-k(2k+1)+1 for every kk-degenerate graph GG. This confirms the strong version of conjecture stated recently by Chang and Narayanan [3]. Our approach allows also to improve the upper bound from [3] for chordless graphs. We get that % \chi_{s}^{\prime}(G)\leq 4\Delta -3 for any chordless graph GG. Both bounds remain valid for the list version of the strong edge coloring of these graphs

    Strong chromatic index of k-degenerate graphs

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    A {\em strong edge coloring} of a graph GG is a proper edge coloring in which every color class is an induced matching. The {\em strong chromatic index} \chiup_{s}'(G) of a graph GG is the minimum number of colors in a strong edge coloring of GG. In this note, we improve a result by D{\k e}bski \etal [Strong chromatic index of sparse graphs, arXiv:1301.1992v1] and show that the strong chromatic index of a kk-degenerate graph GG is at most (4k−2)⋅Δ(G)−2k2+1(4k-2) \cdot \Delta(G) - 2k^{2} + 1. As a direct consequence, the strong chromatic index of a 22-degenerate graph GG is at most 6Δ(G)−76\Delta(G) - 7, which improves the upper bound 10Δ(G)−1010\Delta(G) - 10 by Chang and Narayanan [Strong chromatic index of 2-degenerate graphs, J. Graph Theory 73 (2013) (2) 119--126]. For a special subclass of 22-degenerate graphs, we obtain a better upper bound, namely if GG is a graph such that all of its 3+3^{+}-vertices induce a forest, then \chiup_{s}'(G) \leq 4 \Delta(G) -3; as a corollary, every minimally 22-connected graph GG has strong chromatic index at most 4Δ(G)−34 \Delta(G) - 3. Moreover, all the results in this note are best possible in some sense.Comment: 3 pages in Discrete Mathematics, 201

    Distance edge-colourings and matchings

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    AbstractWe consider a distance generalisation of the strong chromatic index and the maximum induced matching number. We study graphs of bounded maximum degree and Erdős–Rényi random graphs. We work in three settings. The first is that of a distance generalisation of an Erdős–Nešetřil problem. The second is that of an upper bound on the size of a largest distance matching in a random graph. The third is that of an upper bound on the distance chromatic index for sparse random graphs. One of our results gives a counterexample to a conjecture of Skupień

    Strong edge-colouring of sparse planar graphs

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    A strong edge-colouring of a graph is a proper edge-colouring where each colour class induces a matching. It is known that every planar graph with maximum degree Δ\Delta has a strong edge-colouring with at most 4Δ+44\Delta+4 colours. We show that 3Δ+13\Delta+1 colours suffice if the graph has girth 6, and 4Δ4\Delta colours suffice if Δ≥7\Delta\geq 7 or the girth is at least 5. In the last part of the paper, we raise some questions related to a long-standing conjecture of Vizing on proper edge-colouring of planar graphs

    Fractional total colourings of graphs of high girth

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    Reed conjectured that for every epsilon>0 and Delta there exists g such that the fractional total chromatic number of a graph with maximum degree Delta and girth at least g is at most Delta+1+epsilon. We prove the conjecture for Delta=3 and for even Delta>=4 in the following stronger form: For each of these values of Delta, there exists g such that the fractional total chromatic number of any graph with maximum degree Delta and girth at least g is equal to Delta+1

    Colouring Graphs with Sparse Neighbourhoods: Bounds and Applications

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    Let GG be a graph with chromatic number χ\chi, maximum degree Δ\Delta and clique number ω\omega. Reed's conjecture states that χ≤⌈(1−ε)(Δ+1)+εω⌉\chi \leq \lceil (1-\varepsilon)(\Delta + 1) + \varepsilon\omega \rceil for all ε≤1/2\varepsilon \leq 1/2. It was shown by King and Reed that, provided Δ\Delta is large enough, the conjecture holds for ε≤1/130,000\varepsilon \leq 1/130,000. In this article, we show that the same statement holds for ε≤1/26\varepsilon \leq 1/26, thus making a significant step towards Reed's conjecture. We derive this result from a general technique to bound the chromatic number of a graph where no vertex has many edges in its neighbourhood. Our improvements to this method also lead to improved bounds on the strong chromatic index of general graphs. We prove that χs′(G)≤1.835Δ(G)2\chi'_s(G)\leq 1.835 \Delta(G)^2 provided Δ(G)\Delta(G) is large enough.Comment: Submitted for publication in July 201
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