6 research outputs found

    Traducción al castellano de un cuestionario para identificar conductas de la mejora continua y etapas en el modelo de evolución

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    Este trabajo pretende revisar los modelos de evolución y conductas de mejora continua y hacer una propuesta de cuestionario en castellano que nos permita diagnosticar en qué nivel de evolución se encuentra una empresa.Marín García, JA.; García Sabater, JJ. (2010). Traducción al castellano de un cuestionario para identificar conductas de la mejora continua y etapas en el modelo de evolución. Working Papers on Operations Management. 1(1). doi:10.4995/wpom.v1i1.793SWORD11Albors, J.; Hervás, J. L. (2006). CI practice in Spain: its role as a strategic tool for the firm. Empirical evidence from the CINet survey analysis. International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 35, nº. 5, pp. 380-396.Rich, N., & Bateman, N. (2003). Companies’ perceptions of inhibitors and enablers for process improvement activities. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(2), 185-199. doi:10.1108/01443570310458447Bessant, J. (2005). Enabling continuous and discontinuous innovation: Learning from the private sector. Public Money & Management, Vol. 25, nº. 1, pp. 35-42.Bessant, J., & Caffyn, S. (1997). High-involvement innovation through continuous improvement. International Journal of Technology Management, 14(1), 7. doi:10.1504/ijtm.1997.001705Bessant, J., Caffyn, S., & Gallagher, M. (2001). An evolutionary model of continuous improvement behaviour. Technovation, 21(2), 67-77. doi:10.1016/s0166-4972(00)00023-7Boer, H., & Gertsen, F. (2003). From continuous improvement to continuous innovation: a (retro)(per)spective. International Journal of Technology Management, 26(8), 805. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2003.003391Bond, T. C. (1999). The role of performance measurement in continuous improvement. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 19(12), 1318-1334. doi:10.1108/01443579910294291Corso, M., Giacobbe, A., Martini, A., & Pellegrini, L. (2007). Tools and abilities for continuous improvement: what are the drivers of performance? International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4), 348. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2007.012268Dabhilkar, M., & Bengtsson, L. (2007). Continuous improvement capability in the Swedish engineering industry. International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4), 272. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2007.012263Frese, M., Teng, E., & Wijnen, C. J. D. (1999). Helping to improve suggestion systems: predictors of making suggestions in companies. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(7), 1139-1155. doi:10.1002/(sici)1099-1379(199912)20:73.0.co;2-iGee, S. (1981). Technology transfer, innovation & international cometitiveness. Wiley & Sons.Grütter, A. W., Field, J. M., & Faull, N. H. . (2002). Work team performance over time: three case studies of South African manufacturers. Journal of Operations Management, 20(5), 641-657. doi:10.1016/s0272-6963(02)00031-1Hervas-Oliver, J.-L., & Albors-Garrigos, J. (2008). The role of the firm’s internal and relational capabilities in clusters: when distance and embeddedness are not enough to explain innovation. Journal of Economic Geography, 9(2), 263-283. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbn033Hyland, P. W., Mellor, R., & Sloan, T. (2007). Performance measurement and continuous improvement: are they linked to manufacturing strategy? International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4), 237. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2007.012260Jørgensen, F., Boer, H., & Gertsen, F. (2003). Jump‐starting continuous improvement through self‐assessment. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(10), 1260-1278. doi:10.1108/01443570310496661Jørgensen, F., Boer, H., & Laugen, B. T. (2006). CI Implementation: An Empirical Test of the CI Maturity Model. Creativity and Innovation Management, 0(0), 061009034905001-??? doi:10.1111/j.1467-8691.2006.00404.xKondou, S. (2003). Striving for Kakushin (continuous innovation) for the 21st century. International Journal of Technology Management, 25(6/7), 517. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2003.003117Lok, P., Hung, R. Y., Walsh, P., Wang, P., & Crawford, J. (2005). An Integrative Framework for Measuring the Extent to which Organizational Variables Influence the Success of Process Improvement Programmes. Journal of Management Studies, 42(7), 1357-1381. doi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2005.00547.xLyons, R. K., Chatman, J. A., & Joyce, C. K. (2007). Innovation in Services: Corporate Culture and Investment Banking. California Management Review, 50(1), 174-191. doi:10.2307/41166422Marin-Garcia, J. A. (2010). Identificación de los facilitadores clave de la mejora continua y su relación con las conductas. WPOM-Working Papers on Operations Management, 1(1), 6. doi:10.4995/wpom.v1i1.791Middel, R., Coghlan, D., Coughlan, P., Brennan, L., & McNichols, T. (2006). Action research in collaborative improvement. International Journal of Technology Management, 33(1), 67. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2006.008192Middel, R., Fisscher, O., & Groen, A. (2007). Managing and organising collaborative improvement: a system integrator perspective. International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4), 221. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2007.012259Middel, R., Weegh, S. O. D., & Gieskes, J. (2007). Continuous improvement in The Netherlands: a survey-based study into current practices. International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4), 259. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2007.012262Prybutok, V. R., & Ramasesh, R. (2005). An action-research based instrument for monitoring continuous quality improvement. European Journal of Operational Research, 166(2), 293-309. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2004.02.013Readman, J., & Bessant, J. (2007). What challenges lie ahead for improvement programmes in the UK? Lessons from the CINet Continuous Improvement Survey 2003. International Journal of Technology Management, 37(3/4), 290. doi:10.1504/ijtm.2007.012264Rijnders, S., & Boer, H. (2004). A typology of continuous improvement implementation processes. Knowledge and Process Management, 11(4), 283-296. doi:10.1002/kpm.208Schein, E. H. (1992). Organizational culture and leadership. Jossey-Bass San Francisco.Schumpeter, J. (1934). The Theory of Economic Development. Harvard University Press.Terziovski, M., & Sohal, A. S. (2000). The adoption of continuous improvement and innovation strategies in Australian manufacturing firms. Technovation, 20(10), 539-550. doi:10.1016/s0166-4972(99)00173-xTonnessen, T. (2005). Continuous innovation through company wide employee participation. The TQM Magazine, 17(2), 195-207. doi:10.1108/09544780510583254Van Dijk, C., & van den Ende, J. (2002). Suggestion systems: transferring employee creativity into practicable ideas. R and D Management, 32(5), 387-395. doi:10.1111/1467-9310.00270Wu, C. W., & Chen, C. L. (2006). An integrated structural model toward successful continuous improvement activity. Technovation, 26(5-6), 697-707. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2005.05.00

    Implantação da inovação contínua na gestão de operações: uma revisão da literatura

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    La inovação contínua é um tema atual na literatura acadêmica e vários autores coincidem em assinalar que, apesar de sua aparente simplicidade, não é fácil de implantar e manter nas empresas. Neste sentido, o objetivo do artigo é identificar os aspectos mais importantes no momento de implantar a inovação contínua na gestão de operações. Realizamos uma revisão da literatura recente das revistas mais relevantes, além das atas dos congressos organizados por CINet. O trabalho completou-se com uma análise crítica da literatura onde têm-se unificado conceitos sobre o que é a inovação contínua, têm-se sintetizado os fatores de sucesso ou fracasso, e também têmse resumido as condições que devem ser cumpridas para poder implantar de forma satisfatória os diferente programas de inovação contínua. Por último, propõem-se as linhas de pesquisa que se podem considerar abertas sobre o tema.L'innovation continue est un thème actuel dans la littérature académique et plusieurs auteurs coïncident pour signaler que, malgré une simplicité apparente, elle n'est pas facile à implanter et à maintenir dans les entreprises. En ce sens, l'objectif de cet article est d'identifier les aspects les plus importants pour l'implantation de l'innovation continue dans la gestion d'opérations. Une révision de la littérature récente dans les revues les plus importants a été effectuée, ainsi que dans les actes de congrès organisés par CINet. Ce travail a été complété par une analyse critique de la littérature, unifiant les concepts concernant l'innovation continue, synthétisant les clés dusuccès ou de l'échec, et résumant les conditions requises pour l'implantation de différents programmes d'innovation continue de façon satisfaisante. Pour terminer, des lignes d'investigation à considérer pour ce thème sont proposées.La innovación continua es un tema actual en la literatura académica, y varios autores coinciden en señalar que, a pesar de su aparente simplicidad, no es fácil de implantar y mantener en las empresas. En este sentido, el objetivo del artículo es identificar los aspectos más importantes a la hora de implantar la innovación continua en la gestión de operaciones. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura reciente de las revistas más relevantes, además de las actas de los congresos organizados por CINet. El trabajo se completa con un análisis crítico de la literatura donde se unifican conceptos acerca de qué es la innovación continua, se sintetizan las claves de éxito o fracaso, y también las condiciones que se deben cumplir para poder implantar de forma satisfactoria los diferentes programas de innovación continua. Por último, se proponen las líneas de investigación que se pueden considerar abiertas sobre el tema.Continuous innovation is a current topic in academic literature and various authors agree in pointing out that, despite its apparent simplicity, it is not easy to implement and maintain at companies. In this sense, the article's objective is to identify the most important aspects when implementing continuous innovation in managing of operations. We have carried out a review of the recent literature found in the most relevant journals, in addition to the minutes of the congresses organized by CINet. The work has been supplemented with a critical analysis of the literature in which concepts on the substance of continuous innovation have been unified, the keys to success or failure have been summarized and the conditions that must be fulfilled in order to satisfactorily implement diverse continuous innovation programs have also been summarized. Finally, some lines of research that could be considered as having been opened in this field are proposed

    Estudio multi caso de la innovación continua en las empresas: modelo de evolución, etapas, pilares y resultados

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    La mejora continua es una fuente fundamental de ventajas competitivas, ya que están basadas en el factor humano, y por tanto difícil de copiar. A pesar de ello no abundan las empresas que hayan evolucionado en este tipo de programas. Existe bibliografía abundante acerca de cuáles son los modelos organizativos para dar soporte a la mejora continua. Sin embargo, son escasas las investigaciones sobre las etapas que se atraviesa en la evaluación de la implantación de la mejora continua en la empresa y los pasos o procesos que permiten que la implantación consiga traducirse en resultados provechosos para las empresas. El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar las primeras fases del modelo de etapas, capacidades y resultados en un caso de una empresa. Para el trabajo utilizaremos la metodología de caso a partir de los datos obtenidos mediante observación participante.Bautista Poveda, Y. (2010). Estudio multi caso de la innovación continua en las empresas: modelo de evolución, etapas, pilares y resultados [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/9033Palanci

    The adoption and implementation of Kaizen in Sino-Japanese automotive joint ventures

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    PhD ThesisThis research provided a further insight into the implementation of the Japanese Kaizen. It examined the interrelationships between the four building block shop floor management tools (5S, waste removal, visual management and standard operations) and the two Kaizen practices (Quality Control Circles or QCCs and Teians). It also explored the performance of these two Kaizen practices on long-term improvement outcomes. A questionnaire was adopted for data collection and AMOS (Analysis of Moment of Structures) was used to perform Structural Equation Modelling Path Analysis based on 398 responses to a survey conducted in 9 Sino-Japanese automotive joint ventures. This research was probably the first to study the relationships between the building block shop floor management tools, QCCs and Teians using Structural Equation Modelling. The research confirmed their positive relationships. In particular, the frequent use of those building block tools was found to have positive effects on the implementation of both QCCs and Teians. Thus, those set of tools was concluded as a powerful aid to provide the basic conditions and framework for Kaizen. Previous research has identified that both QCCs and Teians could be used to collect improvement ideas on how to solve immediate problems that were directly related to the individual proposer’s working area. This research further identified that the group-based QCCs had a statistically significant and positive impact on improvement outcomes, whereas the advantage of using Teians was less obvious. In particular, the individual suggestions through Teians had negative effects, which may be attributed to the variation from standard working practices. However, there was a strong correlation between QCCs and Teians, indicating that there was a significant benefit in implementing both practices together. In particular, Teians included a mechanism for ensuring that all workers participated, so over the long-term, the Teians fostered commitment to the company and Lean practices. Further, Teians made an important contribution in identifying and solving shop floor problems on an incremental basis. They provided a background for QCCs in supporting long-term improvements and prevented the results from backsliding to the pre-improvement level. Therefore, QCCs and Teians were mutually supportive. The combination of QCCs and Teians could go beyond producing one-off improvements or solving problems in the specific work area. They also contributed to future improvement activities through the development of employees’ knowledge and skills, and enhanced attitudes. Management, nevertheless, should carefully balance the need for improving participation with the adherence to best practice methods. The objective is to achieve continuous improvement without compromising the rigidity required for standard work

    Lean Leadership - Eine situationstheoretische Untersuchung von erfolgsrelevantem Führungsverhalten in Veränderungsprozessen mit Lean-Ausrichtung am Beispiel eines Premiumherstellers der Automobilindustrie

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht erfolgsrelevantes Führungsverhalten im Rahmen von Veränderungsprozessen mit Lean-Ausrichtung. Mithilfe einer zweistufigen Delphi-Befragung wird explorativ untersucht, worin erfolgsrelevantes Führungsverhalten im Rahmen von Veränderungsprozessen mit Lean-Ausrichtung besteht. Auf Basis der in der Delphi-Befragung generierten Verhaltensbeschreibungen wird ein Leitfaden zur Selbsteinschätzung lean-spezifischen Führungsverhaltens entwickelt. Die Beurteilung der Itemgüte erfolgt auf Basis der klassischen und der probabilistischen Testtheorie. Betrachtungsfokus der letzten Untersuchung sind die Einflussgrößen auf das lean-spezifische Führungsverhalten sowie dessen Auswirkungen auf eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Verbesserungen und Optimierungen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden vier Lean-Verhaltensperspektiven nachgewiesen, die erfolgsrelevantes Führungsverhalten im Rahmen von Veränderungsprozessen mit Lean-Ausrichtung beschreiben. Dieses Konzept wird als Lean Leadership definiert. Es handelt sich um (1) ‚Durch Führung vor Ort zu Optimierungen anleiten!‘, (2) ‚Durch kundenorientiertes Handeln kontinuierlich Wert schaffen!‘, (3) ‚Durch zielorientiertes Handeln kontinuierlich Verschwendung reduzieren!‘ und (4) ‚Durch langfristige Ausrichtung Transparenz für Optimierungen schaffen!‘. Bei hoher Ausprägung der beiden Persönlichkeitseigenschaften Extraversion und Offenheit für neue Erfahrungen weist das lean-spezifische Führungsverhalten ein höheres Ausmaß auf. Zudem wirkt sich lean-spezifisches Führungsverhalten positiv auf die Leistung der Mitarbeiter im Rahmen von Verbesserungen aus. Demgegenüber hat das lean-spezifische Führungsverhalten nur in kleinen Teams von bis zu neun direkt unterstellten Mitarbeitern positive Auswirkungen auf deren affektives Commitment. Im Gegensatz dazu kann sich lean-spezifisches Führungsverhalten in großen Teams von mehr als neun direkt unterstellten Mitarbeitern sogar negativ auf deren affektives Commitment auswirken

    Beyond lean manufacturing: the productivity, innovator's and proactivity dilemmas resolved

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    This dissertation provides direction for the management of exploration in an exploitative context by specifying the theory for a universal model of ambidexterity. Research in ambidexterity centres upon how exploration for the future and exploitation of the present can be achieved simultaneously through the management of innovation. Ambidexterity theory strives to resolve the Productivity and Innovator’s Dilemmas, which assert collectively that exploration is inherently antagonistic to exploitation. The Productivity Dilemma asserts that the organisation and routinisation of processes required for efficient exploitation are incompatible with the flexibility required for exploration. The Innovator’s Dilemma asserts that a focus on exploitation through incremental innovation in a stable environment inhibits exploratory innovation, which leaves an enterprise vulnerable to obsolescence from disruptive innovation. Whilst ambidexterity is an issue that dominates in the literature for innovation management and manufacturing systems, the theory for a unifying framework that reconciles competing approaches is not reported. Moreover, the methods and tools for the execution of ambidexterity require significant development. The candidate contends in this dissertation that the ambidexterity issue is epitomised by Toyota’s announcement in 2007 of its intent to implement transformational innovation (kakushin) in a controlled and historically consistent environment. Toyota is known for its system of “Lean Manufacturing”, which is regarded widely for its high productivity and institutionalised continuous improvement (kaizen). This dissertation gives a new perspective on Lean Manufacturing by its critical evaluation through an interdisciplinary framework of innovation, economic and behavioural criteria. Lean Manufacturing is de-constructed and shown to be a systematic evolution from ordered antecedents, which represent an exploration-exploitation continuum that can be used to reconcile the competing approaches towards ambidexterity. Furthermore, a third dilemma is presented by this dissertation, which acts in concert with the Productivity and Innovator’s Dilemmas and is named by the candidate the “Proactivity Dilemma”. The Proactivity Dilemma asserts that exploratory behaviour is perceived increasingly non-proactive as proactivity in exploitation increases. The candidate uses the insights from their new perspective on Lean Manufacturing to specify the theory for a universal model of ambidexterity. The candidate’s model of ambidexterity encompasses nine core organisational processes, which are categorised by Operations Management, Product Development and Strategic Planning. This dissertation provides comprehensive direction for the simultaneous management of productivity and innovation, from “boardroom” strategy to “shopfloor” tactics