3,643 research outputs found

    Evolution of Computer Virus Concealment and Anti-Virus Techniques: A Short Survey

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    This paper presents a general overview on evolution of concealment methods in computer viruses and defensive techniques employed by anti-virus products. In order to stay far from the anti-virus scanners, computer viruses gradually improve their codes to make them invisible. On the other hand, anti-virus technologies continually follow the virus tricks and methodologies to overcome their threats. In this process, anti-virus experts design and develop new methodologies to make them stronger, more and more, every day. The purpose of this paper is to review these methodologies and outline their strengths and weaknesses to encourage those are interested in more investigation on these areas

    Code Obfuscation and Virus Detection

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    Typically, computer viruses and other malware are detected by searching for a string of bits which is found in the virus or malware. Such a string can be viewed as a “fingerprint” of the virus. These “fingerprints” are not generally unique; however they can be used to make rapid malware scanning feasible. This fingerprint is often called a signature and the technique of detecting viruses using signatures is known as signaturebased detection [8]. Today, virus writers often camouflage their viruses by using code obfuscation techniques in an effort to defeat signature-based detection schemes. So-called metamorphic viruses are viruses in which each instance has the same functionality but differs in its internal structure. Metamorphic viruses differ from polymorphic viruses in the method they use to hide their signature. While polymorphic viruses primarily rely on encryption for signature obfuscation, metamorphic viruses hide their signature via “mutating” their own code [3]. The paper [1] provides a rigorous proof that metamorphic viruses can bypass any signature-based detection, provided the code obfuscation has been done carefully based on a set of specified rules. Specifically, according to [1], if dead code is added and the control flow is changed sufficiently by inserting jump statements, the virus cannot be detected. In this project we first developed a code obfuscation engine conforming to the rules in [1]. We then used this engine to create metamorphic variants of a seed virus (created using the PS-MPK virus creation kit [15]) and demonstrated the validity of the assertion in [1] about metamorphic viruses and signature based detectors. In the second phase of this project we validated another theory advanced in [2], namely, that machine learning based methods¾specifically ones based on Hidden Markov Model (HMM) ¾can detect metamorphic viruses. In other words, we show that a collection of metamorphic viruses which are (provably) undetectable via signature detection techniques can nevertheless be detected using an HMM approach

    Symbolic Computing with Incremental Mindmaps to Manage and Mine Data Streams - Some Applications

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    In our understanding, a mind-map is an adaptive engine that basically works incrementally on the fundament of existing transactional streams. Generally, mind-maps consist of symbolic cells that are connected with each other and that become either stronger or weaker depending on the transactional stream. Based on the underlying biologic principle, these symbolic cells and their connections as well may adaptively survive or die, forming different cell agglomerates of arbitrary size. In this work, we intend to prove mind-maps' eligibility following diverse application scenarios, for example being an underlying management system to represent normal and abnormal traffic behaviour in computer networks, supporting the detection of the user behaviour within search engines, or being a hidden communication layer for natural language interaction.Comment: 4 pages; 4 figure

    Parallel String Matching with Multi Core Processors-A Comparative Study for Gene Sequences

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    The increase in huge amount of data is seen clearly in present days because of requirement for storing more information. To extract certain data from this large database is a very difficult task, including text processing, information retrieval, text mining, pattern recognition and DNA sequencing. So we need concurrent events and high performance computing models for extracting the data. This will create a challenge to the researchers. One of the solutions is parallel algorithms for string matching on computing models. In this we implemented parallel string matching with JAVA Multi threading with multi core processing, and performed a comparative study on Knuth Morris Pratt, Boyer Moore and Brute force string matching algorithms. For testing our system we take a gene sequence which consists of lacks of records. From the test results it is shown that the multicore processing is better compared to lower versions. Finally this proposed parallel string matching with multicore processing is better compared to other sequential approaches

    Techniques for Processing TCP/IP Flow Content in Network Switches at Gigabit Line Rates

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    The growth of the Internet has enabled it to become a critical component used by businesses, governments and individuals. While most of the traffic on the Internet is legitimate, a proportion of the traffic includes worms, computer viruses, network intrusions, computer espionage, security breaches and illegal behavior. This rogue traffic causes computer and network outages, reduces network throughput, and costs governments and companies billions of dollars each year. This dissertation investigates the problems associated with TCP stream processing in high-speed networks. It describes an architecture that simplifies the processing of TCP data streams in these environments and presents a hardware circuit capable of TCP stream processing on multi-gigabit networks for millions of simultaneous network connections. Live Internet traffic is analyzed using this new TCP processing circuit

    Security Applications of GPUs

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    Despite the recent advances in software security hardening techniques, vulnerabilities can always be exploited if the attackers are really determined. Regardless the protection enabled, successful exploitation can always be achieved, even though admittedly, today, it is much harder than it was in the past. Since securing software is still under ongoing research, the community investigates detection methods in order to protect software. Three of the most promising such methods are monitoring the (i) network, (ii) the filesystem, and (iii) the host memory, for possible exploitation. Whenever a malicious operation is detected then the monitor should be able to terminate it and/or alert the administrator. In this chapter, we explore how to utilize the highly parallel capabilities of modern commodity graphics processing units (GPUs) in order to improve the performance of different security tools operating at the network, storage, and memory level, and how they can offload the CPU whenever possible. Our results show that modern GPUs can be very efficient and highly effective at accelerating the pattern matching operations of network intrusion detection systems and antivirus tools, as well as for monitoring the integrity of the base computing systems