19 research outputs found

    Variants of Collapsible Pushdown Systems

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    We analyze the relationship between three ways of generating trees using collapsible pushdown systems (CPS\u27s): using deterministic CPS\u27s, nondeterministic CPS\u27s, and deterministic word-accepting CPS\u27s. We prove that (for each level of the CPS and each input alphabet) the three classes of trees are equal. The nontrivial translations increase n-1 times exponentially the size of the level-n CPS. The same results stay true if we restrict ourselves to higher-order pushdown systems without collapse. As a second contribution we prove that the hierarchy of word languages recognized by nondeterministic CPS\u27s is infinite. This is a consequence of a lemma which bounds the length of the shortest accepting run. It also implies that the hierarchy of epsilon-closures of configuration graphs is infinite (which was already known). As a side effect we obtain a new algorithm for the reachability problem for CPS\u27s; it has the same complexity as previously known algorithms

    Reachability in Higher-Order-Counters

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    Higher-order counter automata (\HOCS) can be either seen as a restriction of higher-order pushdown automata (\HOPS) to a unary stack alphabet, or as an extension of counter automata to higher levels. We distinguish two principal kinds of \HOCS: those that can test whether the topmost counter value is zero and those which cannot. We show that control-state reachability for level kk \HOCS with 00-test is complete for \mbox{(k−2)(k-2)}-fold exponential space; leaving out the 00-test leads to completeness for \mbox{(k−2)(k-2)}-fold exponential time. Restricting \HOCS (without 00-test) to level 22, we prove that global (forward or backward) reachability analysis is \PTIME-complete. This enhances the known result for pushdown systems which are subsumed by level 22 \HOCS without 00-test. We transfer our results to the formal language setting. Assuming that \PTIME \subsetneq \PSPACE \subsetneq \mathbf{EXPTIME}, we apply proof ideas of Engelfriet and conclude that the hierarchies of languages of \HOPS and of \HOCS form strictly interleaving hierarchies. Interestingly, Engelfriet's constructions also allow to conclude immediately that the hierarchy of collapsible pushdown languages is strict level-by-level due to the existing complexity results for reachability on collapsible pushdown graphs. This answers an open question independently asked by Parys and by Kobayashi.Comment: Version with Full Proofs of a paper that appears at MFCS 201

    Collapsible Pushdown Automata and Recursion Schemes

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    International audienceWe consider recursion schemes (not assumed to be homogeneously typed, and hence not necessarily safe) and use them as generators of (possibly infinite) ranked trees. A recursion scheme is essentially a finite typed {deterministic term} rewriting system that generates, when one applies the rewriting rules ad infinitum, an infinite tree, called its value tree. A fundamental question is to provide an equivalent description of the trees generated by recursion schemes by a class of machines. In this paper we answer this open question by introducing collapsible pushdown automata (CPDA), which are an extension of deterministic (higher-order) pushdown automata. A CPDA generates a tree as follows. One considers its transition graph, unfolds it and contracts its silent transitions, which leads to an infinite tree which is finally node labelled thanks to a map from the set of control states of the CPDA to a ranked alphabet. Our contribution is to prove that these two models, higher-order recursion schemes and collapsible pushdown automata, are equi-expressive for generating infinite ranked trees. This is achieved by giving an effective transformations in both directions

    On Bisimilarity of Higher-Order Pushdown Automata: Undecidability at Order Two

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    We show that bisimulation equivalence of order-two pushdown automata is undecidable. Moreover, we study the lower order problem of higher-order pushdown automata, which asks, given an order-k pushdown automaton and some k\u27= 2 even when the input k-PDA is deterministic and real-time

    Playing with Trees and Logic

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    This document proposes an overview of my research sinc

    Pumping Lemma for Higher-order Languages

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    We study a pumping lemma for the word/tree languages generated by higher-order grammars. Pumping lemmas are known up to order-2 word languages (i.e., for regular/context-free/indexed languages), and have been used to show that a given language does not belong to the classes of regular/context-free/indexed languages. We prove a pumping lemma for word/tree languages of arbitrary orders, modulo a conjecture that a higher-order version of Kruskal\u27s tree theorem holds. We also show that the conjecture indeed holds for the order-2 case, which yields a pumping lemma for order-2 tree languages and order-3 word languages

    The Complexity of the Diagonal Problem for Recursion Schemes

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    We consider nondeterministic higher-order recursion schemes as recognizers of languages of finite words or finite trees. We establish the complexity of the diagonal problem for schemes: given a set of letters A and a scheme G, is it the case that for every number n the scheme accepts a word (a tree) in which every letter from A appears at least n times. We prove that this problem is (m-1)-EXPTIME-complete for word-recognizing schemes of order m, and m-EXPTIME-complete for tree-recognizing schemes of order m

    Domains for Higher-Order Games

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    We study two-player inclusion games played over word-generating higher-order recursion schemes. While inclusion checks are known to capture verification problems, two-player games generalize this relationship to program synthesis. In such games, non-terminals of the grammar are controlled by opposing players. The goal of the existential player is to avoid producing a word that lies outside of a regular language of safe words. We contribute a new domain that provides a representation of the winning region of such games. Our domain is based on (functions over) potentially infinite Boolean formulas with words as atomic propositions. We develop an abstract interpretation framework that we instantiate to abstract this domain into a domain where the propositions are replaced by states of a finite automaton. This second domain is therefore finite and we obtain, via standard fixed-point techniques, a direct algorithm for the analysis of two-player inclusion games. We show, via a second instantiation of the framework, that our finite domain can be optimized, leading to a (k+1)EXP algorithm for order-k recursion schemes. We give a matching lower bound, showing that our approach is optimal. Since our approach is based on standard Kleene iteration, existing techniques and tools for fixed-point computations can be applied.Comment: Conference version accepted for presentation and publication at the 42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2017

    On the Expressive Power of Higher-Order Pushdown Systems

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    We show that deterministic collapsible pushdown automata of second order can recognize a language that is not recognizable by any deterministic higher-order pushdown automaton (without collapse) of any order. This implies that there exists a tree generated by a second order collapsible pushdown system (equivalently, by a recursion scheme of second order) that is not generated by any deterministic higher-order pushdown system (without collapse) of any order (equivalently, by any safe recursion scheme of any order). As a side effect, we present a pumping lemma for deterministic higher-order pushdown automata, which potentially can be useful for other applications