53 research outputs found

    Small resolutions of Schubert varieties and Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials

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    Rational curves on minuscule Schubert varieties

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    Let X be a minuscule Schubert variety and α\alpha a class of 1-cycle on X. In this article we describe the irreducible components of the scheme of morphisms of class α\alpha from a rational curve to X. The irreducible components are described in the following way : the class α\alpha can be seen as an element of Pic(X)∗Pic(X)^* the dual of the Picard group. Because any Weil-divisor need not to be a Cartier-divisor, there is (only) a surjective map s:A1(X)∗→Pic(X)∗s:A^1(X)^*\to Pic(X)^* from the dual of the group of codimension 1 cycles to the dual of the Picard group. The irreducible components are given by the effective elements β\beta in A1(X)∗A^1(X)^* such that s(β)=αs(\beta)=\alpha. The proof of the result uses the Bott-Samelson resolution Y of X. We prove that any curve on X can be lifted in Y (after deformation). This is because any divisor on minuscule Schubert variety is a moving one. Then we prove that any curve coming from X can be deformed so that it does not meet the contracted divisor of Y→XY\to X. This is possible because for minuscule Schubert variety there are lines in the projectivised tangent space to a singularity. It is now sufficient to deal with the case of the orbit of Stab(X)Stab(X) the stabiliser of X and we can apply results of our previous paper math.AG/0003199.Comment: In english, 29 page

    Richardson Varieties Have Kawamata Log Terminal Singularities

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    Let XwvX^v_w be a Richardson variety in the full flag variety XX associated to a symmetrizable Kac-Moody group GG. Recall that XwvX^v_w is the intersection of the finite dimensional Schubert variety XwX_w with the finite codimensional opposite Schubert variety XvX^v. We give an explicit \bQ-divisor Δ\Delta on XwvX^v_w and prove that the pair (Xwv,Δ)(X^v_w, \Delta) has Kawamata log terminal singularities. In fact, −KXwv−Δ-K_{X^v_w} - \Delta is ample, which additionally proves that (Xwv,Δ)(X^v_w, \Delta) is log Fano. We first give a proof of our result in the finite case (i.e., in the case when GG is a finite dimensional semisimple group) by a careful analysis of an explicit resolution of singularities of XwvX^v_w (similar to the BSDH resolution of the Schubert varieties). In the general Kac-Moody case, in the absence of an explicit resolution of XwvX^v_w as above, we give a proof that relies on the Frobenius splitting methods. In particular, we use Mathieu's result asserting that the Richardson varieties are Frobenius split, and combine it with a result of N. Hara and K.-I. Watanabe relating Frobenius splittings with log canonical singularities.Comment: 15 pages, improved exposition and explanation. To appear in the International Mathematics Research Notice
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