258 research outputs found

    A Case Study of Using Domain Analysis for the Conflation Algorithms Domain

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    This paper documents the domain engineering process for much of the conflation algorithms domain. Empirical data on the process and products of domain engineering were collected. Six conflation algorithms of four different types: three affix removal, one successor variety, one table lookup, and one n-gram were analyzed. Products of the analysis include a generic architecture, reusable components, a little language and an application generator that extends the scope of the domain analysis beyond previous generators. The application generator produces source code for not only affix removal type but also successor variety, table lookup, and n-gram stemmers. The performance of the stemmers generated automatically was compared with the stemmers developed manually in terms of stem similarity, source and executable sizes, and development and execution times. All five stemmers generated by the application generator produced more than 99.9% identical stems with the manually developed stemmers. Some of the generated stemmers were as efficient as their manual equivalents and some were not

    The Porter stemming algorithm: then and now

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    Purpose: In 1980, Porter presented a simple algorithm for stemming English language words. This paper summarises the main features of the algorithm, and highlights its role not just in modern information retrieval research, but also in a range of related subject domains. Design: Review of literature and research involving use of the Porter algorithm. Findings: The algorithm has been widely adopted and extended so that it has become the standard approach to word conflation for information retrieval in a wide range of languages. Value: The 1980 paper in Program by Porter describing his algorithm has been highly cited. This paper provides a context for the original paper as well as an overview of its subsequent use

    Using the Web 1T 5-Gram Database for Attribute Selection in Formal Concept Analysis to Correct Overstemmed Clusters

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    Information retrieval is the process of finding information from an unstructured collection of data. The process of information retrieval involves building an index, commonly called an inverted file. As part of the inverted file, information retrieval algorithms often stem words to a common root. Stemming involves reducing a document term to its root. There are many ways to stem a word: affix removal and successor variety are two common categories of stemmers. The Porter Stemming Algorithm is a suffix removal stemmer that operates as a rule-based process on English words. We can think of stemming as a way to cluster related words together according to one common stem. However, sometimes Porter includes words in a cluster that are un-related. This experiment attempts to correct these stemming errors through the use of Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). FCA is the process of formulating formal concepts from a given formal context. A formal context consists of a set of objects, G, a set of attributes, M, and a binary relation I that indicates the attributes possessed by each object. A formal concept is formed by computing the closure of a subset of objects and attributes. Attribute selection is of critical importance in FCA; using the Cranfield document collection, this experiment attempted to view attributes as a function of word-relatedness and crafted a comparison measure between each word in the stemmed cluster using the Google Web 1T 5-gram data set. Using FCA to correct the clusters, the results showed a varying level of success for precision and recall values dependent upon the error threshold allowed

    Context-Aware Stemming algorithm for semantically related root words

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    There is a growing interest in the use of context-awareness as a technique for developing pervasive computing applications that are flexible and adaptable for users. In this context, however, information retrieval (IR) is often defined in terms of location and delivery of documents to a user to satisfy their information need. In most cases, morphological variants of words have similar semantic interpretations and can be considered as equivalent for the purpose of IR applications. Consequently, document indexing will also be more meaningful if semantically related root words are used instead of stems. The popular Porter’s stemmer was studied with the aim to produce intelligible stems. In this paper, we propose Context-Aware Stemming (CAS) algorithm, which is a modified version of the extensively used Porter’s stemmer. Considering only generated meaningful stemming words as the stemmer output, the results show that the modified algorithm significantly reduces the error rate of Porter’s algorithm from 76.7% to 6.7% without compromising the efficacy of Porter’s algorithm

    Unsupervised learning of Arabic non-concatenative morphology

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    Unsupervised approaches to learning the morphology of a language play an important role in computer processing of language from a practical and theoretical perspective, due their minimal reliance on manually produced linguistic resources and human annotation. Such approaches have been widely researched for the problem of concatenative affixation, but less attention has been paid to the intercalated (non-concatenative) morphology exhibited by Arabic and other Semitic languages. The aim of this research is to learn the root and pattern morphology of Arabic, with accuracy comparable to manually built morphological analysis systems. The approach is kept free from human supervision or manual parameter settings, assuming only that roots and patterns intertwine to form a word. Promising results were obtained by applying a technique adapted from previous work in concatenative morphology learning, which uses machine learning to determine relatedness between words. The output, with probabilistic relatedness values between words, was then used to rank all possible roots and patterns to form a lexicon. Analysis using trilateral roots resulted in correct root identification accuracy of approximately 86% for inflected words. Although the machine learning-based approach is effective, it is conceptually complex. So an alternative, simpler and computationally efficient approach was then devised to obtain morpheme scores based on comparative counts of roots and patterns. In this approach, root and pattern scores are defined in terms of each other in a mutually recursive relationship, converging to an optimized morpheme ranking. This technique gives slightly better accuracy while being conceptually simpler and more efficient. The approach, after further enhancements, was evaluated on a version of the Quranic Arabic Corpus, attaining a final accuracy of approximately 93%. A comparative evaluation shows this to be superior to two existing, well used manually built Arabic stemmers, thus demonstrating the practical feasibility of unsupervised learning of non-concatenative morphology

    On The Relationship Between The Vocabulary Of Bug Reports And Source Code

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    The use of text retrieval techniques on concept location and bug localization yields remarkable benefits. The artifacts found in source code and bug reports contain important information related to the bug localization process. When locating the bugs, it is a programmer\u27s task to formulate effective queries such that most of the predicted terms in the query appear in the relevant defect code, but not in most of the non-relevant source files. These queries are built based on the textual content found in the bug reports, especially the bug title and the description. A large body of research uses bug descriptions to evaluate bug localization techniques using text retrieval. All these studies are conducted under the implicit assumption that the bug description and the relevant source code files share important terms. This paper presents an empirical study that explores this conjecture. We found that bug reports share more terms with the patched classes than with the other classes in the software system. Moreover, the study revealed that the class names are more likely to share terms with the bug descriptions than other code locations. We also found that more verbose parts of the source code, such as, comments share more words. Furthermore, we discovered that the shared terms may be better predictors for bug localization than some other text retrieval techniques, such as, LSI
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