5 research outputs found

    Analysis and comparison of different approaches to implementing a network-based parallel data processing algorithm

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    It is well known that network-based parallel data processing algorithms are well suited to implementation in reconfigurable hardware recurring to either Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) or Programmable Systems-on-Chip (PSoC). The intrinsic parallelism of these devices makes it possible to execute several data-independent network operations in parallel. However, the approaches to designing the respective systems vary significantly with the experience and background of the engineer in charge. In this paper, we analyze and compare the pros and cons of using an embedded processor, high-level synthesis methods, and register-transfer low-level design in terms of design effort, performance, and power consumption for implementing a parallel algorithm to find the two smallest values in a dataset. This problem is easy to formulate, has a number of practical applications (for instance, in low-density parity check decoders), and is very well suited to parallel implementation based on comparator networks.publishe

    A survey of network-based hardware accelerators

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    Many practical data-processing algorithms fail to execute efficiently on general-purpose CPUs (Central Processing Units) due to the sequential matter of their operations and memory bandwidth limitations. To achieve desired performance levels, reconfigurable (FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array)-based) hardware accelerators are frequently explored that permit the processing units’ architectures to be better adapted to the specific problem/algorithm requirements. In particular, network-based data-processing algorithms are very well suited to implementation in reconfigurable hardware because several data-independent operations can easily and naturally be executed in parallel over as many processing blocks as actually required and technically possible. GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) have also demonstrated good results in this area but they tend to use significantly more power than FPGA, which could be a limiting factor in embedded applications. Moreover, GPUs employ a Single Instruction, Multiple Threads (SIMT) execution model and are therefore optimized to SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) operations, while in FPGAs fully custom datapaths can be built, eliminating much of the control overhead. This review paper aims to analyze, compare, and discuss different approaches to implementing network-based hardware accelerators in FPGA and programmable SoC (Systems-on-Chip). The performed analysis and the derived recommendations would be useful to hardware designers of future network-based hardware accelerators.publishe

    A High Performance FPGA-Based Sorting Accelerator with a Data Compression Mechanism

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    Sorting is an extremely important computation kernel that has been accelerated in a lot of fields such as databases, image processing, and genome analysis. Given that advent of Internet of Things (IoT) era due to mobile technology progressions, the future needs a sorting method that is available on any environment, such as not only high performance systems like servers but also low computational performance machines like embedded systems. In this paper, we present an FPGA-based sorting accelerator combining Sorting Network and Merge Sorter Tree, which is customizable by means of tuning design parameters. The proposed FPGA accelerator sorts data sent from a host PC via the PCIe bus, and sends back the fully sorted data sequence to it. We also present a detailed analytical model that accurately estimates the sorting performance. Due to these characteristics, designers can know how fast a developed sorting hardware is in advance and can implement the best one to fulfill the cost and performance constraints. Our experiments show that the proposed hardware achieves up to 19.5x sorting performance, compared with Intel Core i7-3770K operating at 3.50GHz, when sorting 256M 32-bits integer elements. However, this result is limited because of insufficient memory bandwidth. To overcome this problem, we propose a data compression mechanism and the experimental result shows that the sorting hardware with it achieves almost 90% of the estimated performance, while the hardware without it does about 60%. In order to allow every designer to easily and freely use this accelerator, the RTL source code is released as open-source hardware

    Processamento de dados em Zynq APSoC

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaField-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) were invented by Xilinx in 1985, i.e. less than 30 years ago. The influence of FPGAs on many directions in engineering is growing continuously and rapidly. There are many reasons for such progress and the most important are the inherent reconfigurability of FPGAs and relatively cheap development cost. Recent field-configurable micro-chips combine the capabilities of software and hardware by incorporating multi-core processors and reconfigurable logic enabling the development of highly optimized computational systems for a vast variety of practical applications, including high-performance computing, data, signal and image processing, embedded systems, and many others. In this context, the main goals of the thesis are to study the new micro-chips, namely the Zynq-7000 family and to apply them to two selected case studies: data sort and Hamming weight calculation for long vectors.Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) foram inventadas pela Xilinx em 1985, ou seja, há menos de 30 anos. A influência das FPGAs está a crescer continua e rapidamente em muitos ramos de engenharia. Há varias razões para esta evolução, as mais importantes são a sua capacidade de reconfiguração inerente e os baixos custos de desenvolvimento. Os micro-chips mais recentes baseados em FPGAs combinam capacidades de software e hardware através da incorporação de processadores multi-core e lógica reconfigurável permitindo o desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais altamente otimizados para uma grande variedade de aplicações práticas, incluindo computação de alto desempenho, processamento de dados, de sinal e imagem, sistemas embutidos, e muitos outros. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como o objetivo principal estudar estes novos micro-chips, nomeadamente a família Zynq-7000, para encontrar as melhores formas de potenciar as vantagens deste sistema usando casos de estudo como ordenação de dados e cálculo do peso de Hamming para vetores longos