300,629 research outputs found

    The importance of crop competition in physical and cultural weed control strategies

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    The prentation focussed on the importance of crop competition in physical and cultural weed control strategie

    Identification of Systems

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    Quasilinearization for system identification and programming strategie

    Is the 50-state strategy optimal?

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    In 2005, the Democratic National Committee adopted the 50-state strategy in lieu of the strategy of focusing solely on battleground states. The rationale given for this move is that campaign expenditures are durable outlays that impact both current and future campaigns. This paper investigates the optimality of the 50-state strategy in a simple dynamic game of campaign resource allocation in which expenditures act as a form of investment. Neither the 50-state nor the battleground-states strategy is likely to arise in equilibrium. Instead, parties employ a modified battleground-states strategy in which they stochastically target non-battleground states. -- Im Jahr 2005 führte das Organisationskomitee der Demokratischen Partei die 50-Staaten-Strategie anstelle der alleinigen Fokussierung auf Entscheidungsstaaten ein. Grund hierfür ist, dass Kampagnenausgaben lang wirkende Ausgaben sind, welche sowohl laufende als auch zukünftige Wahlkämpfe beeinflussen. Der vorliegende Aufsatz untersucht die Optimalität der 50- Staaten-Strategie in einem einfachen dynamischen Allokationsspiel von Kampagnemitteln, in welchem Ausgaben eine Form der Investition darstellen. Für ein Gleichgewicht sind jedoch weder die Strategie der 50-Staaten noch die der Entscheidungsstaaten wahrscheinlich. Vielmehr wenden Parteien eine modifizierte Entscheidungsstaaten-Strategie an, im Rahmen derer sie stochastisch auch auf Nicht-Entscheidungsstaaten abzielen.Political campaigns,dynamic contests,elections,all-pay auction,war of attrition

    Generally applicable two-person percentile game theory

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    Two-person percentile game theory with separate and independent choice of strategie

    Koch Industries, Inc. Strategie Corporate Research Report

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    [Excerpt] With its 2005 purchase of paper giant Georgia-Pacific, Koch Industries became the largest privately-held corporation in North America. Originally started as an oil production and refining firm in the first half of the twentieth century, Koch now has major operations in petroleum, chemicals, energy, fibers and polymers, minerals, fertilizers, chemical technology equipment, forest and consumer products, ranching, trading, and securities and finance. The company, based in Wichita, Kansas, employs 80,000 people in sixty countries worldwide. Koch’s oil operations are run primarily through the Flint Hills Resources family of subsidiaries, which has a production capacity of about 800,000 barrels of crude oil daily. Another one of Koch’s major ventures, synthetic textiles, operates through the company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, INVISTA, which produces both consumer and commodity textiles. Koch’s newest project, forest and consumer products, operates through Georgia-Pacific, which remains an independent but wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Industries

    Generally applicable N-person percentile game theory for case of independently chosen strategies

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    Method for determining outcomes and optimum strategy for all players in discrete N-person game theory with independently chosen strategie

    DFT and BIST of a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments

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    Engineers at Politecnico di Torino designed a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments conducted on the Large Hadron Collider. An array of these MCMs handles multichannel data acquisition and signal processing. Testing the MCM from board to die level required a combination of DFT strategie

    Poverty and plenty: the divided American plate

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    What are the economic, social, political, community and individual actions needed to address short and long-term solutions of food insecurity and poverty? This paper will consider hunger and poverty terms, trends, health and nutrition impacts, as well as consider proposed local, regional, and national intervention solutions and strategie

    Are small firms really sub-optimal?: compensating factor differentials in small Dutch manufacturing firms

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    Onderzoek naar de vraag waarom er zoveel kleine bedrijven kunnen bestaan, ondanks de heersende opvatting dat dit bedrijven zijn die op sub-optimale schaal presteren. Kleine bedrijven blijken productiefactoren verschillend te belonen en toe te passen ten opzichte van grote bedrijven, en langs deze weg bedrijfsgroottenadelen te compenseren. Uit een steekproef onder 7.000 Nederlandse industriële bedrijven blijkt dat deze strategie van compenserende factordifferentialen toegepast wordt in Europa. Enerzijds lijkt deze strategie te leiden tot een nettoverlies voor de economie. Anderzijds suggereren de positieve relaties tussen bedrijfsleeftijd en werknemerscompensatie, en bedrijfsleeftijd en productiviteit dat er minstens een tendens is dat het inefficiënte bedrijf van vandaag het efficiënte bedrijf van de toekomst kan worden.