713,261 research outputs found

    Supplier integration and firm performance: the moderating effects of internal integration and trust

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    This study proposes and empirically tests a model of the moderating effects of internal integration and trust on the impacts of information, process and strategic integration with suppliers on firm performance using structural equation modelling and data collected from 261 manufacturing firms in Vietnam. The results show that all three types of supplier integration positively associate with firm performance. Internal integration enhances the impact of process integration with suppliers on firm performance, but does not moderate the impacts of information and strategic integration with suppliers. Internal trust has insignificant, positive and negative influences on the effects of information, process and strategic integration with suppliers on firm performance. The findings show that internal integration and trust play different roles in moderating the positive effects of information, process and strategic integration with suppliers on firm performance, which elucidates a possible reason for previous mixed findings on the relationship between supplier integration and firm performance


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    Nowadays logistics more and more often becomes the strategic issue from thepoint of view the organization aiming at reaching success in lead of its activity. The standardprocess of strategic logistics planning and management is usually periodical and the chanceof cooperation with changes in the environment of the company is missing. The paperpresents the process of logistics planning and its integration with the decision support systembased on the hierarchic analytic process - AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process).logistics, logistic management, decision support system

    Macroeconomic Coordination in the Eurasian Economic Union: Strategic Aspects

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    Coordinated macroeconomic policy is a special element within the integration process in addition to the four freedoms usual for economic integration: free movement of goods, free movement of services, free movement of labor, and free movement of capital. Macroeconomic coordination was, from the very beginning, a key idea behind each stage of the process of Eurasian economic integration. The politico-ideological foundation of the Eurasian idea is the facilitation of growth for Eurasian countries on the basis of economic pragmatism. The macroeconomic coordination process within the Eurasian Economic Union is based on the coordination of strategic planning systems in each Member State. Strategic planning plays an important role in macroeconomic coordination. Strategic planning documents have a sound legal basis in the Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Union. At the same time Eurasian integration provides a platform for best practice exchanges and coordination of strategic planning between the Member States.Coordinated macroeconomic policy is a special element within the integration process in addition to the four freedoms usual for economic integration: free movement of goods, free movement of services, free movement of labor, and free movement of capital. Macroeconomic coordination was, from the very beginning, a key idea behind each stage of the process of Eurasian economic integration. The politico-ideological foundation of the Eurasian idea is the facilitation of growth for Eurasian countries on the basis of economic pragmatism. The macroeconomic coordination process within the Eurasian Economic Union is based on the coordination of strategic planning systems in each Member State. Strategic planning plays an important role in macroeconomic coordination. Strategic planning documents have a sound legal basis in the Treaty establishing the Eurasian Economic Union. At the same time Eurasian integration provides a platform for best practice exchanges and coordination of strategic planning between the Member States


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    In recent times, the theory of purchasing and supply operations has been widely studied under a variety of labels and for a number of reasons. Realizing competitive advantage from organizational alignment and relation to materials supply is for a form of backward integration. In the process, the manufacturing organization obeys demands from distributors; purchasing is in turn re-structured and managed to achieve improved customer value for manufacturing; thereafter, the process addresses the suppliers to the organization (external integration) typically involving supplier rationalization and the introduction of supplier evaluation systems. Based on previous research, there was finding that strategic purchasing has been impact to communication, coordination and collaboration with supplier which is increase supplier involvement. According to a survey 100 respondent which was conducted by means questionnaires and 94 completed questionnaires were returned. Six responses were considered incomplete and had to be discarded, and this left 86 valid responses. This study result are strategic purchasing has a positive significant effect to communication is 0.314; positive significant effect to coordination is 0.336; and positive significant effect collaboration is 0.365. Communication and Collaboration directly will bring significant contribution to supplier involvement, but coordination is not directly. Key words: Strategic purchasing, communication, collaboration, coordination, supplier involvement

    Planning for Space Station Freedom laboratory payload integration

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    Space Station Freedom is being developed to support extensive missions involving microgravity research and applications. Requirements for on-orbit payload integration and the simultaneous payload integration of multiple mission increments will provide the stimulus to develop new streamlined integration procedures in order to take advantage of the increased capabilities offered by Freedom. The United States Laboratory and its user accommodations are described. The process of integrating users' experiments and equipment into the United States Laboratory and the Pressurized Logistics Modules is described. This process includes the strategic and tactical phases of Space Station utilization planning. The support that the Work Package 01 Utilization office will provide to the users and hardware developers, in the form of Experiment Integration Engineers, early accommodation assessments, and physical integration of experiment equipment, is described. Plans for integrated payload analytical integration are also described

    Faculty and Student Perceptions of Technology Integration in Teaching

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    This journal article discusses a study examining the perceptions of faculty and students on the topic of technology integration in the teaching of courses at a Midwestern College of Education. The purposes of this study are to collect baseline data to identify the current extent of technology integration, to inform the strategic planning process, and for accreditation purposes. The article from "The Journal of Interactive Online Learning," describes faculty comfort levels and proficiency with technology, faculty perceptions and frequency with which they use technology, and student perceptions of technology use and impact on their learning. Educational levels: Graduate or professional


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    Over the last few decades mergers and the acquisitions, both the international and thenational ones, have become strategic instruments of growth and development of enterprises. A sensibleaspect regarding the merger or the acquisition operations is that of integrating the entities had in view.Because it is considered that the high rate of the failure of the operations is due to unsuccessfulintegration of the entities, we have decided to identify the challenges occurring in this phase and thefactors influencing mostly the integration process. Our research tackles aspects regarding thechallenges resulting from a merger or acquisition operation, within the integration phase of the entitiesinvolved. Thus, we analysed the importance of the human and cultural factors and the challengesresulting from this integration process, for we consider that these factors have a strong impact on thepost-acquisition performance and they can ensure the success of the integration. We found that theacquiring firms are affected by changes during the integration process, by retaining the importantresources, the transfer of resources from or to the acquired firms and by eliminating the redundantresources. Yet, in the integration phase, the problems may occur due to human factors, culturalincompatibility and an inappropriate management of the integration process.mergers and acquisitions, post-acquisition integration, organizational culture, human capital

    Elaboration of Marketing Strategies and Programs Through the Integration of the Sustainable Development’s Objectives

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    Simultaneously with the manifestation of the availability of the company/organization to include in its activities and politics objectives of sustainable development and social responsibility, concrete marketing steps are required, in form of a number of activities that contribute effectively to achieving such objectives. Therefore, series of steps of the complex process of reflection and strategic planning should be taken in a logical and consistent manner, thus these steps that can adapt and "tone" according to the specific activities that the company operates.marketing, integration, strategic planning

    Vertical sub-contracting relationships strategy, the Airbus First-tier suppliers\' coordination

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    This paper analyzes the transformations of industrial vertical relationships, and more particularly the duality of the coordination modes within new industrial architectures. The paper aims to characterize relationship between the architect and the first-tier suppliers according to the strategic degree of their competence. Two models of coordination arm\'s length and systems integration coexist within the same industrial architecture. The recourse to one or the other varies according to the policy of purchase and the strategic degree of the sub-contracted subsystems. Thus we will analyze the system of subcontracting of Airbus by focusing to the importance of the purchasing policy. The argumentation articulates in two parts. The first one considers the vertical subcontracting relationships in the framework of complex productions, by insisting on organizational aspects. The second one analyses the transformation of the \"Airbus\" productive system by focusing on purchasing process and the emergence of new First-tier supplier’s coordination modes.NAModularity – Systems Integration – Strategic competences – Purchasing Strategy – First Tier Suppliers – Airbus

    Attitudinal and behavioural determinants influencing decision makers when adopting integration technologies in local government

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    Over the last few years, the advent of innovative or revolutionary integration technologies has influenced pivotal decisions within top management to strategically transform Local Government Authorities (LGAs). These technologies may represent a huge cost for adopting LGAs, but may also offer the chance to achieve competitive advantage through superior service delivery. With the emergence of electronic Government (e- Government), LGAs are turning to integration technologies to fully automate and e-enable their business processes and integrate their IT infrastructures. While prior research on the adoption of integration technologies in the private and public domain has considered several determinants (e.g. benefits, barriers, costs), little attention has been given to investigate the attitudinal and behavioural determinants influencing top management’s decision making process for the adoption of integration technologies in LGAs. Notwithstanding, the implications of this research have yet to be assessed, leaving scope for timeliness and novel research. Therefore, it is of high importance to investigate this area within LGAs and contribute to the area of strategic decision making by examining attitudinal and behavioural determinants of top management in relation to integration technologies adoption
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