15 research outputs found

    Development of an MRI Template and Analysis Pipeline for the Spinal Cord and Application in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

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    La moelle épinière est un organe fondamental du corps humain. Étant le lien entre le cerveau et le système nerveux périphérique, endommager la moelle épinière, que ce soit suite à un trauma ou une maladie neurodégénérative, a des conséquences graves sur la qualité de vie des patients. En effet, les maladies et traumatismes touchant la moelle épinière peuvent affecter l’intégrité des neurones et provoquer des troubles neurologiques et/ou des handicaps fonctionnels. Bien que de nombreuses voies thérapeutiques pour traiter les lésions de la moelle épinière existent, la connaissance de l’étendue des dégâts causés par ces lésions est primordiale pour améliorer l’efficacité de leur traitement et les décisions cliniques associées. L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) a démontré un grand potentiel pour le diagnostic et pronostic des maladies neurodégénératives et traumas de la moelle épinière. Plus particulièrement, l’analyse par template de données IRM du cerveau, couplée à des outils de traitement d’images automatisés, a permis une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents de maladies comme l’Alzheimer et la Sclérose en Plaques. Extraire automatiquement des informations pertinentes d’images IRM au sein de régions spécifiques de la moelle épinière présente toutefois de plus grands défis que dans le cerveau. Il n’existe en effet qu’un nombre limité de template de la moelle épinière dans la littérature, et aucun ne couvre toute la moelle épinière ou n’est lié à un template existant du cerveau. Ce manque de template et d’outils automatisés rend difficile la tenue de larges études d’analyse de la moelle épinière sur des populations variées. L’objectif de ce projet est donc de proposer un nouveau template IRM couvrant toute la moelle épinière, recalé avec un template existant du cerveau, et intégrant des atlas de la structure interne de la moelle épinière (e.g., matière blanche et grise, tracts de la matière blanche). Ce template doit venir avec une série d’outils automatisés permettant l’extraction d’information IRM au sein de régions spécifiques de la moelle épinière. La question générale de recherche de ce projet est donc « Comment créer un template générique de la moelle épinière, qui permettrait l’analyse non biaisée et reproductible de données IRM de la moelle épinière ? ». Plusieurs contributions originales ont été proposées pour répondre à cette question et vont être décrites dans les prochains paragraphes. La première contribution de ce projet est le développement du logiciel Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT). SCT est un logiciel open-source de traitement d’images IRM multi-parametrique de la moelle épinière (De Leener, Lévy, et al., 2016). Ce logiciel intègre notamment des outils pour la détection et la segmentation automatique de la moelle épinière et de sa structure interne (i.e., matière blanche et matière grise), l’identification et la labellisation des niveaux vertébraux, le recalage d’images IRM multimodales sur un template générique de la moelle épinière (précédemment le template MNI-Poly-AMU, maintenant le template PAM50, proposé içi). En se basant sur un atlas de la moelle, SCT intègre également des outils pour extraire des données IRM de régions spécifiques de la moelle épinière, comme la matière blanche et grise et les tracts de la matière blanche, ainsi que sur des niveaux vertébraux spécifiques. D’autres outils additionnels ont aussi été proposés, comme des outils de correction de mouvement et de traitement basiques d’images appliqués le long de la moelle épinière. Chaque outil intégré à SCT a été validé sur un jeu de données multimodales. La deuxième contribution de ce projet est le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de recalage d’images IRM de la moelle épinière (De Leener, Mangeat, et al., 2017). Cette méthode a été développée pour un usage particulier : le redressement d’images IRM de la moelle épinière, mais peut également être utilisé pour recaler plusieurs images de la moelle épinière entre elles, tout en tenant compte de la distribution vertébrale de chaque sujet. La méthode proposée se base sur une approximation globale de la courbure de la moelle épinière dans l’espace et sur la résolution analytique des champs de déformation entre les deux images. La validation de cette nouvelle méthode a été réalisée sur une population de sujets sains et de patients touchés par une compression de la moelle épinière. La contribution majeure de ce projet est le développement d’un système de création de template IRM de la moelle épinière et la proposition du template PAM50 comme template de référence pour les études d’analyse par template de données IRM de la moelle épinière. Le template PAM50 a été créé à partir d’images IRM tiré de 50 sujets sains, et a été généré en utilisant le redressement d’images présenté ci-dessus et une méthode de recalage d’images itératif non linéaire, après plusieurs étapes de prétraitement d’images. Ces étapes de prétraitement incluent la segmentation automatique de la moelle épinière, l’extraction manuelle du bord antérieur du tronc cérébral, la détection et l’identification des disques intervertébraux, et la normalisation d’intensité le long de la moelle. Suite au prétraitement, la ligne centrale moyenne de la moelle et la distribution vertébrale ont été calculées sur la population entière de sujets et une image initiale de template a été générée. Après avoir recalé toutes les images sur ce template initial, le template PAM50 a été créé en utilisant un processus itératif de recalage d’image, utilisé pour générer des templates de cerveau. Le PAM50 couvre le tronc cérébral et la moelle épinière en entier, est disponible pour les contrastes IRM pondérés en T1, T2 et T2*, et intègre des cartes probabilistes et atlas de la structure interne de la moelle épinière. De plus, le PAM50 a été recalé sur le template ICBM152 du cerveau, permettant ainsi la tenue d’analyse par template simultanément dans le cerveau et dans la moelle épinière. Finalement, plusieurs résultats complémentaires ont été présentés dans cette dissertation. Premièrement, une étude de validation de la répétabilité et reproductibilité de mesures de l’aire de section de la moelle épinière a été menée sur une population de patients touchés par la sclérose en plaques. Les résultats démontrent une haute fiabilité des mesures ainsi que la possibilité de détecter des changements très subtiles de l’aire de section transverse de la moelle, importants pour mesurer l’atrophie de la moelle épinière précoce due à des maladies neurodégénératives comme la sclérose en plaques. Deuxièmement, un nouveau biomarqueur IRM des lésions de la moelle épinière a été proposé, en collaboration avec Allan Martin, de l’Université de Toronto. Ce biomarqueur, calculé à partir du ratio d’intensité entre la matière blanche et grise sur des images IRM pondérées en T2*, utilise directement les développements proposés dans ce projet, notamment en utilisant le recalage du template de la moelle épinière et les méthodes de segmentation de la moelle. La faisabilité d’extraire des mesures de données IRM multiparamétrique dans des régions spécifiques de la moelle épinière a également été démontrée, permettant d’améliorer le diagnostic et pronostic de lésions et compression de la moelle épinière. Finalement, une nouvelle méthode d’extraction de la morphométrie de la moelle épinière a été proposée et utilisée sur une population de patients touchés par une compression asymptomatique de la moelle épinière, démontrant de grandes capacités de diagnostic (> 99%). Le développement du template PAM50 comble le manque de template de la moelle épinière dans la littérature mais présente cependant plusieurs limitations. En effet, le template proposé se base sur une population de 50 sujets sains et jeunes (âge moyen = 27 +- 6.5) et est donc biaisée vers cette population particulière. Adapter les analyses par template pour un autre type de population (âge, race ou maladie différente) peut être réalisé directement sur les méthodes d’analyse mais aussi sur le template en lui-même. Tous le code pour générer le template a en effet été mis en ligne (https://github.com/neuropoly/template) pour permettre à tout groupe de recherche de développer son propre template. Une autre limitation de ce projet est le choix d’un système de coordonnées basé sur la position des vertèbres. En effet, les vertèbres ne représentent pas complètement le caractère fonctionnel de la moelle épinière, à cause de la différence entre les niveaux vertébraux et spinaux. Le développement d’un système de coordonnées spinal, bien que difficile à caractériser dans des images IRM, serait plus approprié pour l’analyse fonctionnelle de la moelle épinière. Finalement, il existe encore de nombreux défis pour automatiser l’ensemble des outils développés dans ce projet et les rendre robuste pour la majorité des contrastes et champs de vue utilisés en IRM conventionnel et clinique. Ce projet a présenté plusieurs développements importants pour l’analyse de données IRM de la moelle épinière. De nombreuses améliorations du travail présenté sont cependant requises pour amener ces outils dans un contexte clinique et pour permettre d’améliorer notre compréhension des maladies affectant la moelle épinière. Les applications cliniques requièrent notamment l’amélioration de la robustesse et de l’automatisation des méthodes d’analyse d’images proposées. La caractérisation de la structure interne de la moelle épinière, incluant la matière blanche et la matière grise, présente en effet de grands défis, compte tenu de la qualité et la résolution des images IRM standard acquises en clinique. Les outils développés et validés au cours de ce projet ont un grand potentiel pour la compréhension et la caractérisation des maladies affectant la moelle épinière et aura un impact significatif sur la communauté de la neuroimagerie.----------ABSTRACT The spinal cord plays a fundamental role in the human body, as part of the central nervous system and being the vector between the brain and the peripheral nervous system. Damaging the spinal cord, through traumatic injuries or neurodegenerative diseases, can significantly affect the quality of life of patients. Indeed, spinal cord injuries and diseases can affect the integrity of neurons, and induce neurological impairments and/or functional disabilities. While various treatment procedures exist, assessing the extent of damages and understanding the underlying mechanisms of diseases would improve treatment efficiency and clinical decisions. Over the last decades, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has demonstrated a high potential for the diagnosis and prognosis of spinal cord injury and neurodegenerative diseases. Particularly, template-based analysis of brain MRI data has been very helpful for the understanding of neurological diseases, using automated analysis of large groups of patients. However, extracting MRI information within specific regions of the spinal cord with minimum bias and using automated tools is still a challenge. Indeed, only a limited number of MRI template of the spinal cord exists, and none covers the full spinal cord, thereby preventing large multi-centric template-based analysis of the spinal cord. Moreover, no template integrates both the spinal cord and the brain region, thereby preventing simultaneous cerebrospinal studies. The objective of this project was to propose a new MRI template of the full spinal cord, which allows simultaneous brain and spinal cord studies, that integrates atlases of the spinal cord internal structures (e.g., white and gray matter, white matter pathways) and that comes with tools for extracting information within these subregions. More particularly, the general research question of the project was “How to create generic MRI templates of the spinal cord that would enable unbiased and reproducible template-based analysis of spinal cord MRI data?”. Several original contributions have been made to answer this question and to enable template-based analysis of spinal cord MRI data. The first contribution was the development of the Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT), a comprehensive and open-source software for processing multi-parametric MRI data of the spinal cord (De Leener, Lévy, et al., 2016). SCT includes tools for the automatic segmentation of the spinal cord and its internal structure (white and gray matter), vertebral labeling, registration of multimodal MRI data (structural and non-structural) on a spinal cord MRI template (initially the MNI-Poly-AMU template, later the PAM50 template), co-registration of spinal cord MRI images, as well as the robust extraction of MRI metric within specific regions of the spinal cord (i.e., white and gray matter, white matter tracts, gray matter subregions) and specific vertebral levels using a spinal cord atlas (Lévy et al., 2015). Additional tools include robust motion correction and image processing along the spinal cord. Each tool included in SCT has been validated on a multimodal dataset. The second contribution of this project was the development of a novel registration method dedicated to spinal cord images, with an interest in the straightening of the spinal cord, while preserving its topology (De Leener, Mangeat et al., 2017). This method is based on the global approximation of the spinal cord and the analytical computation of deformation fields perpendicular to the centerline. Validation included calculation of distance measurements after straightening on a population of healthy subjects and patients with spinal cord compression. The major contribution of this project was the development of a framework for generating MRI template of the spinal cord and the PAM50 template, an unbiased and symmetrical MRI template of the brainstem and full spinal cord. Based on 50 healthy subjects, the PAM50 template was generated using an iterative nonlinear registration process, after applying normalization and straightening of all images. Pre-processing included segmentation of the spinal cord, manual delineation of the brainstem anterior edge, detection and identification of intervertebral disks, and normalization of intensity along the spinal cord. Next, the average centerline and vertebral distribution was computed to create an initial straight template space. Then, all images were registered to the initial template space and an iterative nonlinear registration framework was applied to create the final symmetrical template. The PAM50 covers the brainstem and the full spinal cord, from C1 to L2, is available for T1-, T2- and T2*-weighted contrasts, and includes probabilistic maps of the white and the gray matter and atlases of the white matter pathways and gray matter subregions. Additionally, the PAM50 template has been merged with the ICBM152 brain template, thereby allowing for simultaneous cerebrospinal template-based analysis. Finally, several complementary results, focused on clinical validation and applications, are presented. First, a reproducibility and repeatability study of cross-sectional area measurements using SCT (De Leener, Granberg, Fink, Stikov, & Cohen-Adad, 2017) was performed on a Multiple Sclerosis population (n=9). The results demonstrated the high reproducibility and repeatability of SCT and its ability to detect very subtle atrophy of the spinal cord. Second, a novel biomarker of spinal cord injury has been proposed. Based on the T2*-weighted intensity ratio between the white and the gray matter, this new biomarker is computed by registering MRI images with the PAM50 template and extracting metrics using probabilistic atlases. Additionally, the feasibility of extracting multiparametric MRI metrics from subregions of the spinal cord has been demonstrated and the diagnostic potential of this approach has been assessed on a degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM) population. Finally, a method for extracting shape morphometrics along the spinal cord has been proposed, including spinal cord flattening, indentation and torsion. These metrics demonstrated high capabilities for the diagnostic of asymptomatic spinal cord compression (AUC=99.8% for flattening, 99.3% for indentation, and 98.4% for torsion). The development of the PAM50 template enables unbiased template-based analysis of the spinal cord. However, the PAM50 template has several limitations. Indeed, the proposed template has been generated with multimodal MRI images from 50 healthy and young individuals (age = 27+/- 6.5 y.o.). Therefore, the template is specific to this particular population and could not be directly usable for age- or disease-specific populations. One solution is to open-source the templategeneration code so that research groups can generate and use their own spinal cord MRI template. The code is available on https://github.com/neuropoly/template. While this project introduced a generic referential coordinate system, based on vertebral levels and the pontomedullary junction as origin, one limitation is the choice of this coordinate system. Another coordinate system, based spinal segments would be more suitable for functional analysis. However, the acquisition of MRI images with high enough resolution to delineate the spinal roots is still challenging. Finally, several challenges in the automation of spinal cord MRI processing remains, including the robust detection and identification of vertebral levels, particularly in case of small fields-of-view. This project introduced key developments for the analysis of spinal cord MRI data. Many more developments are still required to bring them into clinics and to improve our understanding of diseases affecting the spinal cord. Indeed, clinical applications require the improvement of the robustness and the automation of the proposed processing and analysis tools. Particularly, the detection and segmentation of spinal cord structures, including vertebral labeling and white/gray matter segmentation, is still challenging, given the lowest quality and resolution of standard clinical MRI acquisition. The tools developed and validated here have the potential to improve our understanding and the characterization of diseases affecting the spinal cord and will have a significant impact on the neuroimaging community

    Anatomo-functional magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord and its application to the characterization of spinal lesions in cats

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    Les lésions de la moelle épinière ont un impact significatif sur la qualité de la vie car elles peuvent induire des déficits moteurs (paralysie) et sensoriels. Ces déficits évoluent dans le temps à mesure que le système nerveux central se réorganise, en impliquant des mécanismes physiologiques et neurochimiques encore mal connus. L'ampleur de ces déficits ainsi que le processus de réhabilitation dépendent fortement des voies anatomiques qui ont été altérées dans la moelle épinière. Il est donc crucial de pouvoir attester l'intégrité de la matière blanche après une lésion spinale et évaluer quantitativement l'état fonctionnel des neurones spinaux. Un grand intérêt de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est qu'elle permet d'imager de façon non invasive les propriétés fonctionnelles et anatomiques du système nerveux central. Le premier objectif de ce projet de thèse a été de développer l'IRM de diffusion afin d'évaluer l'intégrité des axones de la matière blanche après une lésion médullaire. Le deuxième objectif a été d'évaluer dans quelle mesure l'IRM fonctionnelle permet de mesurer l'activité des neurones de la moelle épinière. Bien que largement appliquées au cerveau, l'IRM de diffusion et l'IRM fonctionnelle de la moelle épinière sont plus problématiques. Les difficultés associées à l'IRM de la moelle épinière relèvent de sa fine géométrie (environ 1 cm de diamètre chez l'humain), de la présence de mouvements d'origine physiologique (cardiaques et respiratoires) et de la présence d'artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique induits par les inhomogénéités de champ, notamment au niveau des disques intervertébraux et des poumons. L'objectif principal de cette thèse a donc été de développer des méthodes permettant de contourner ces difficultés. Ce développement a notamment reposé sur l'optimisation des paramètres d'acquisition d'images anatomiques, d'images pondérées en diffusion et de données fonctionnelles chez le chat et chez l'humain sur un IRM à 3 Tesla. En outre, diverses stratégies ont été étudiées afin de corriger les distorsions d'images induites par les artefacts de susceptibilité magnétique, et une étude a été menée sur la sensibilité et la spécificité de l'IRM fonctionnelle de la moelle épinière. Les résultats de ces études démontrent la faisabilité d'acquérir des images pondérées en diffusion de haute qualité, et d'évaluer l'intégrité de voies spinales spécifiques après lésion complète et partielle. De plus, l'activité des neurones spinaux a pu être détectée par IRM fonctionnelle chez des chats anesthésiés. Bien qu'encourageants, ces résultats mettent en lumière la nécessité de développer davantage ces nouvelles techniques. L'existence d'un outil de neuroimagerie fiable et robuste, capable de confirmer les paramètres cliniques, permettrait d'améliorer le diagnostic et le pronostic chez les patients atteints de lésions médullaires. Un des enjeux majeurs serait de suivre et de valider l'effet de diverses stratégies thérapeutiques. De telles outils représentent un espoir immense pour nombre de personnes souffrant de traumatismes et de maladies neurodégénératives telles que les lésions de la moelle épinière, les tumeurs spinales, la sclérose en plaques et la sclérose latérale amyotrophique.Spinal cord injury has a significant impact on quality of life since it can lead to motor (paralysis) and sensory deficits. These deficits evolve in time as reorganisation of the central nervous system occurs, involving physiological and neurochemical mechanisms that are still not fully understood. Given that both the severity of the deficit and the successful rehabilitation process depend on the anatomical pathways that have been altered in the spinal cord, it may be of great interest to assess white matter integrity after a spinal lesion and to evaluate quantitatively the functional state of spinal neurons. The great potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) lies in its ability to investigate both anatomical and functional properties of the central nervous system non invasively. To address the problem of spinal cord injury, this project aimed to evaluate the benefits of diffusion-weighted MRI to assess the integrity of white matter axons that remain after spinal cord injury. The second objective was to evaluate to what extent functional MRI can measure the activity of neurons in the spinal cord. Although widely applied to the brain, diffusion-weighted MRI and functional MRI of the spinal cord are not straightforward. Various issues arise from the small cross-section width of the cord, the presence of cardiac and respiratory motions, and from magnetic field inhomogeneities in the spinal region. The main purpose of the present thesis was therefore to develop methodologies to circumvent these issues. This development notably focused on the optimization of acquisition parameters to image anatomical, diffusion-weighted and functional data in cats and humans at 3T using standard coils and pulse sequences. Moreover, various strategies to correct for susceptibility-induced distortions were investigated and the sensitivity and specificity in spinal cord functional MRI was studied. As a result, acquisition of high spatial and angular diffusion-weighted images and evaluation of the integrity of specific spinal pathways following spinal cord injury was achieved. Moreover, functional activations in the spinal cord of anaesthetized cats was detected. Although encouraging, these results highlight the need for further technical and methodological development in the near-future. Being able to develop a reliable neuroimaging tool for confirming clinical parameters would improve diagnostic and prognosis. It would also enable to monitor the effect of various therapeutic strategies. This would certainly bring hope to a large number of people suffering from trauma and neurodegenerative diseases such as spinal cord injury, tumours, multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

    Refining and improving the assessment and treatment of faecal incontinence

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    Faecal incontinence (FI) is a common symptom. There are a variety of invasive treatments available, however, the benign nature of this problem and the varying degrees of severity, mean that conservative management is usually pursued first. The aims of this thesis were to investigate: the current practice of continence advisors who deliver conservative management in the community in the UK; assess and evaluate a new portable manometric device (THD® Anopress); investigate a new first line treatment for FI (Renew™) and compare this to another well-established non-invasive treatment (PTNS); report the long-term effectiveness of SNM; and, describe the short term outcome of the newer Sphinkeeper procedure. Results of this thesis lead to the conclusion that continence advisors are an important part of the management of FI in the community and that while they are able to utilise many of the current treatments, there is room for improvement. Normal range values for the new portable manometric device Anopress have been reported for the first time. It has been demonstrated that Anopress device appears able to detect anal sphincter dysfunction in those with symptomatic FI, and most importantly, Anopress measurements correlate strongly with water-perfused manometry. Results reported by this thesis also demonstrated that the Renew device is safe, well tolerated and an effective non-invasive treatment for passive FI. The randomized controlled trial suggests that both the Renew device and PTNS are effective treatments for FI, although Renew inserts may be more effective than PTNS. SNS was confirmed as an effective treatment for FI even in the long term with a consistent improvement of validated FI scores for approximately 60% of all patients reviewed at 11 years post implantation. Sphinkeeper was also demonstrated to be a safe and feasible alternative procedure for FI.Open Acces

    Modelling neurological diseases in large animals: criteria for model selection and clinical assessment

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    Issue: The impact of neurological disorders is recognised globally, with one in six people affected in their lifetime and few treatments to slow or halt disease progression. This is due in part to the increasing ageing population, and is confounded by the high failure rate of translation from rodent-derived therapeutics to clinically effective human neurological interventions. Improved translation is demonstrated using higher order mammals with more complex/comparable neuroanatomy. These animals effectually span this translational disparity and increase confidence in factors including routes of administration/dosing and ability to scale, such that potential therapeutics will have successful outcomes when moving to patients. Coupled with advancements in genetic engineering to produce genetically tailored models, livestock are increasingly being used to bridge this translational gap. Approach: In order to aid in standardising characterisation of such models, we provide comprehensive neurological assessment protocols designed to inform on neuroanatomical dysfunction and/or lesion(s) for large animal species. We also describe the applicability of these exams in different large animals to help provide a better understanding of the practicalities of cross species neurological disease modelling. Recommendation: We would encourage the use of these assessments as a reference framework to help standardise neurological clinical scoring of large animal models

    Microstructural imaging of the human spinal cord with advanced diffusion MRI

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    The aim of this PhD thesis is to advance the state-of-the-art of spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in multiple sclerosis (MS), a demyelinating, inflammatory and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system. Neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI) is a recent diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI technique that provides indices of density and orientation dispersion of neuronal processes. These could be new useful biomarkers for the spinal cord, since they could better characterise overall, widespread MS pathology than conventional metrics. In this thesis, we test innovative clinically feasible acquisitions as well as signal analysis methods to study the potential of NODDI for the spinal cord. We also design and run computer simulations that corroborate our in vivo findings. Furthermore, we compare NODDI metrics to quantitative histological features, with the aim of validating their specificity. The thesis is divided in two parts. In the first part, in vivo experiments are described. Specific objectives are: i) to demonstrate the feasibility of performing NODDI in the spinal cord and in clinical settings; ii) to study the possibility of extracting with new approaches such as NODDI more specific microstructural information from standard DW acquisitions; iii) to assess how features typical of spinal cord microstructure, such as presence of large axons, influence NODDI metrics. In the second part of the thesis, ex vivo experiments are discussed. Their objective is the validation of the specificity of NODDI metrics via comparison to quantitative histology in post mortem spinal cord tissue. The experiments required the implementation of high-field DW scans as well as histological procedures and complex analysis pipelines. The results of this thesis contribute to current scientific knowledge. They prove that NODDI offers new opportunities to study how neurodegenerative diseases such as MS alter neural tissue complexity. We showed for the first time that NODDI can be performed in the spinal cord in vivo and in clinical scans. We also demonstrated that NODDI analysis of standard DW data is challenging, and quantified how the presence of large axons in the spinal cord influences NODDI metrics. Lastly, our ex vivo data highlight that unlike routine DW MRI methods, NODDI can detect reliably pathological variations of neurite orientation dispersion. NODDI is also sensitive to the density of axons and dendrites, but can not fully resolve axonal loss and demyelination in MS. We believe that the technique is a key element of a more general multi-modal MRI approach, which is necessary to obtain a complete description of complex diseases such as MS

    Development of acellular porcine peripheral nerves

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    Peripheral nerve injuries can lead to a major loss of function and affect quality of life. Current autologous treatments and commercially available products such as nerve guide conduits all have limitations. The aim of this study was to develop biocompatible, non-immunogenic nerve grafts using low concentration SDS to decellularise porcine peripheral nerves. Initially the porcine nerve anatomy was defined. Acellular nerves were then used as the basis for an in vitro study of perfused flow within the tissue for the introduction of Schwann cells - as the delivery of these cells is reported to stimulate axon regeneration. Furthermore, an in vivo study using a rat sciatic nerve injury model was conducted to evaluate the regenerative capacity of acellular porcine grafts. Histology confirmed an absence of cells and retention of the native nerve histioarchitecture. DNA levels were reduced by >95 % throughout the decellularised tissue. Immunohistochemistry showed retention of important extracellular matrix proteins such as collagen, laminin and fibronectin. In vitro biocompatibility studies indicated the acellular nerves were not cytotoxic to human dermal fibroblasts and primary rat Schwann cells. Uniaxial tensile testing showed a significant increase in ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and strain between native and acellular nerve tissues. In addition, mechanical testing of the nerves revealed porcine peroneal nerves to have a higher UTS value in comparison to the porcine tibial nerves. Analysis of the nerves using transmission electron microscopy concluded that the mechanical properties of nerves could not be determined exclusively by their ultrastructure or collagen fibril diameter. Porcine acellular nerve grafts were used as an in vitro and in vivo model for the introduction of primary rat Schwann cells. The in vitro nerve model confirmed that reseeded Schwann cells under perfusion maintained their phenotype and had a lower rate of cell death when compared to static conditions. A rat sciatic nerve in vivo gap injury model demonstrated that porcine grafts were able to promote axonal regeneration; however, they were not as effective as the autologous graft. In summary, acellular peripheral nerve tissue was found to have excellent potential for development of a tissue engineered graft to aid peripheral nerve regeneration


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    For physiotherapists working in neuro-paediatric gait-rehabilitation, improving motor control of the lower extremity is a major focus. Nevertheless, our understanding of selective voluntary motor control (SVMC) is in its infancy. This PhD project aimed to contribute to close this gap by investigating the nature of SVMC of the lower extremity in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and providing a psychometric robust yet sensitive measurement instrument for quantifying SVMC. The first study investigated the influence of SVMC and other lower extremity and trunk motor impairments on gait capacity using multiple regression-analyses. Although SVMC was not kept within the final model, these study results revealed the importance of SVMC in relation to muscle strength, trunk control and gait capacity. The aim of the second study was to establish validity and reliability of the German version of the ‘Selective Control Assessment of the Lower Extremity’ (SCALE). Although the psychometric properties of the German SCALE were good, information about its responsiveness is lacking. Accordingly, a systematic review was carried out to identify a SVMC measurement instrument with the highest level of evidence for its psychometric properties and best clinical utility. As the findings showed the absence of appropriate, responsive SVMC measures, the aim of the last study was to modify the existing SCALE to make it more sensitive. Due to the positive findings in relation to the psychometric properties of the SCALE, its procedure was combined with a surface electromyography Similarity Index (SI). The first validity and reliability results of the SCALE-SI are promising and serve as benchmarks when applying the SCALE-SI in future clinical and scientific practice. However, to use the SCALE-SI as an outcome measure for detecting therapy-induced changes of SVMC in children with CP, its responsiveness needs to be evaluated in future studies. Key Words: cerebral palsy, selective voluntary motor control, psychometric properties, lower extremity, gait rehabilitatio


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    For physiotherapists working in neuro-paediatric gait-rehabilitation, improving motor control of the lower extremity is a major focus. Nevertheless, our understanding of selective voluntary motor control (SVMC) is in its infancy. This PhD project aimed to contribute to close this gap by investigating the nature of SVMC of the lower extremity in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and providing a psychometric robust yet sensitive measurement instrument for quantifying SVMC. The first study investigated the influence of SVMC and other lower extremity and trunk motor impairments on gait capacity using multiple regression-analyses. Although SVMC was not kept within the final model, these study results revealed the importance of SVMC in relation to muscle strength, trunk control and gait capacity. The aim of the second study was to establish validity and reliability of the German version of the ‘Selective Control Assessment of the Lower Extremity’ (SCALE). Although the psychometric properties of the German SCALE were good, information about its responsiveness is lacking. Accordingly, a systematic review was carried out to identify a SVMC measurement instrument with the highest level of evidence for its psychometric properties and best clinical utility. As the findings showed the absence of appropriate, responsive SVMC measures, the aim of the last study was to modify the existing SCALE to make it more sensitive. Due to the positive findings in relation to the psychometric properties of the SCALE, its procedure was combined with a surface electromyography Similarity Index (SI). The first validity and reliability results of the SCALE-SI are promising and serve as benchmarks when applying the SCALE-SI in future clinical and scientific practice. However, to use the SCALE-SI as an outcome measure for detecting therapy-induced changes of SVMC in children with CP, its responsiveness needs to be evaluated in future studies. Key Words: cerebral palsy, selective voluntary motor control, psychometric properties, lower extremity, gait rehabilitatio

    Investigating human neocortical architecture in 3D:new approaches for clearing, labelling and imaging large samples

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    By turning human brain tissue as transparent as glass, the brain’s complex structure can be studied in 3D. This is possible by imaging these very large, transparent samples with a special microscope that can quickly scan huge tissue volumes. By doing so, it was possible to visualise different components of the human neocortex, the most recent and most complex add-on to the brain during evolution