246 research outputs found

    Master of Science

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    thesisFine-scale spatiotemporal variations in orographic precipitation pose a major challenge for weather prediction in mountainous regions. Here we use ground-based X-band radar observations collected during IOP6 of the Storm Chasing Utah Style Study (SCHUSS) to provide an illustrative example of such variations during a cold-frontal passage over the Wasatch Mountains of northern Utah. Emphasis is placed on precipitation features in and around Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC), which cuts orthogonally eastward into the Wasatch Mountains. This work also demonstrates the potential for improving weather analysis and forecasting of such variations in LCC using a gap-filling radar. Precipitation during the weakly stratified prefrontal storm stage of IOP6 featured a wave-like barrier-scale reflectivity maximum along the Wasatch Crest that extended weakly westward and upstream over the transverse ridges flanking LCC. These characteristics appeared to reflect a veering wind profile, which produced southwesterly flow over the ridges flanking LCC but cross-barrier westerly flow further aloft. Sublimation within dry subcloud air further diminished radar reflectivities over lower LCC. The cold front was associated with stronger reflectivities over lower LCC and at lower-to-mid elevations along the northwest-facing canyon wall, consistent with shallow, northwesterly upslope flow. Eventually, shallow precipitating cells developed in the moist-neutral postfrontal flow, with the depth, coverage and intensity of these cells increasing from over the Salt Lake Valley to upper LCC

    An Industry-Based Study on the Efficiency Benefits of Utilising Public Cloud Infrastructure and Infrastructure as Code Tools in the IT Environment Creation Process

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    The traditional approaches to IT infrastructure management typically involve the procuring, housing and running of company-owned and maintained physical servers. In recent years, alternative solutions to IT infrastructure management based on public cloud technologies have emerged. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), also known as public cloud infrastructure, allows for the on-demand provisioning of IT infrastructure resources via the Internet. Cloud Service Providers (CSP) such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) offer integration of their cloud-based infrastructure with Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tools. These tools allow for the entire configuration of public cloud based infrastructure to be scripted out and defined as code. This thesis hypothesises that the correct utilization of IaaS and IaC can offer an organisation a more efficient type of IT infrastructure creation system than that of the organisations traditional method. To investigate this claim, an industry-based case study and survey questionnaire were carried out as part of this body of work. The case study involved the replacement of a manually managed IT infrastructure with that of the public cloud, the creation of which was automated via a framework consisting of IaC and related automation tools. The survey questionnaire was created with the intent to corroborate or refute the results obtained in the case study in the context of a wider audience of organisations. The results show that the correct utilization of IaaS and IaC technologies can provide greater efficiency in the management of IT networks than the traditional approac

    CIRA annual report FY 2017/2018

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    Reporting period April 1, 2017-March 31, 2018

    The Mockingbird

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    Nicki Allison [Anguish]; Donna Barnes [Momma\u27s Robe; It covers the head]; Mike Bradley [The Map of El Salvador; Mannequins]; Angel Y. Bryant [Identity]; Sonia Kathryn Burger [Saxy Incline; In My Eyes]; Lee Dean [Leave a Message; Do Not Remove.]; Angela N. Eades [bliss]; Abby Eblen [Past Times]; Melinda Elliot [Food for Thought]; Vikki Ganger [The Tale in Search of a Teller]; Shannon Harrison [Old Portrait.Now on Yellowed Paper]; Kristie D. Huffman [Shop]; Beth Kopp [In The Maelstrom of Academia]; Alan LaBudde [ O ]; Gina Lijoi [Monogram; Ski Haus]; Nell McGrady [Painting in First Person; Matrices]; John Thomas Oaks [The Only House on the Road; They Call It A Cat]; Janet Leigh Robinson [Photographs of Nudes; Laura]; Christine Russell [The Fearful Ones; Sundance]; Nancy Schaefer Boyer [Sentries; Gravel Road and Approaching Storm]; Steve Simmerman [The Four Humors]; Pamela S. Smith [A Full House of Imagination]; John L. Tolbert, Jr [Bitter Peace]; Ted M. Tubbs [Display Window; Window; Marker]; Anthony Warren Feathers [The Writer\u27s Nightmare #6]; Rodney Webb [Banner Elk, N C. 1986]; C. Paul Winebarger [Inside the Bunny Suit]; Kathy Jo Yates [Indian Eyes]; Jennifer Jessee [Interplay IV]https://dc.etsu.edu/mockingbird/1027/thumbnail.jp

    The Sword, November 1998

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    Volume 34, Issue 2, published November 1998. This issue of The Sword is from the 1998-1999 academic year

    Idiom learning materials for Estonian secondary school students

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    Käesoleva magistritöö eesmärk on koostada õppematerjalid idioomide õpetamiseks Eesti üldhariduskoolide gümnaasiumiastmes õppivatele õpilastele, mida saaks kasutada nii täiendava materjalina Upstream Intermediate B2 (2008) õpiku idioomide õppimisel kui ka iseseisva õppevahendina. Wray (2000) on kindel, et idioomide omandamisel on väga tähtis roll edukas keele õppimises. Ülaltoodud väite alust moodustavate põhjuste hulka kuuluvad näiteks võõrkeeleõppijate vajadus mõista emakeelekõnelejate diskursust, rääkida nende moodi, et näidata saavutatud võõrkeeleoskust ning mõista sihtkultuuri ja selle esindajate identiteeti. Magistritöö koosneb neljast peatükist. Sissejuhatus annab ülevaate idioomidest kui keelenähtusest eristades idioomi mõiste kitsa ja laia tähenduse ning arutledes idioomidele omistatavate omaduste ja seni loodud klassifikatsioonide üle. Lisaks tuuakse selles tööosas põhjendused, miks idioomid väärivad õppimist kooli inglise keele tundides. Peatüki lõpus tutvustatakse uurimisküsimused, millele magistritöö peab vastused andma

    Atmosphere as a means of governing life: weather modification and ecological conservation in Sanjiangyuan, China

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    Prominent advocates suggest that weather modification and geoengineering are crucial in addressing environmental changes in the Anthropocene, yet their practices and politics are under-examined. To fill this gap, this research explores the weather modification policies and practices in China, and develops a conceptual framework to understand the atmospheric governance. From data collected through the fieldwork in Qinghai province, this analysis of atmospheric governance is developed through four chapters. The first analytical chapter provides an overview of weather modification drawing on literatures on ‘environmentalities’, in which life is governed by modulating the environment. Based on a historical analysis of weather modification in Qinghai, it argues that atmospheric environmentality cannot be conceptualised as a singular form, but instead as variegated modes of governance with different temporalities and subjects. The remaining three analytical chapters tackle three key characteristics of atmospheric governance: focusing on its embodied, epistemic and affective dimensions. Chapter 5 emphasises the practices through which meteorologists attune to the dynamics of the weather—with what I call a weather choreography—to make the atmosphere palpable and modifiable. In Chapter 6, I pay attention to the politics of epistemology and discuss how differences between meteorologists and hydrologists in comprehending the volume of the cloud water lead to different geopolitical implications. Chapter 7 brings together the meteorological and affective senses of the atmosphere for understanding weather modification governance. I show how the policies and practices of weather modification in China have been associated with optimistic projections that convert humanised rain into hope from the air. In conclusion, I summarise the chapters’ insights to propose a conceptual framework for atmospheric governance and discuss how my analysis contributes to debates on proactive interventions in the Anthropocene

    The Murray Ledger and Times, November 29, 2005

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    The Murray Ledger and Times, May 28, 1996

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    An Eye for the Invisible: Exploring the Role of Image-Making in Science

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    This thesis tracks the evolution of filmed and photographed depictions of science, emphasizing in particular their dual existence as empirical research tools and stunning works of art