309,133 research outputs found

    Kebutuhan Afiliasi Dengan Intensitas Penggunaan Media Sosial Pada Wanita yang Telah Menikah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kebutuhan afiliasi dengan intensitas pengguna media sosial pada wanita yang telah menikah di kota Samarinda. Intensitas adalah suatu ukuran kuantitatif dari sebuah kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh wanita yang telah menikah dan masih aktif mengunakan media sosialnya yang didasari rasa senang dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilakukannya di media sosialnya tersebut. Kebutuhan afiliasi adalah sebuah kebutuhan untuk menjalin hubungan yang hangat dengan orang lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian berjumlah 100 wanita yang telah menikah. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan dua skala yaitu kebutuhan afiliasi dan intensitas penggunaan media sosial. Analisa data yang digunakan dengan uji analisis korelasi kendall’s tau-b dengan bantuan program Statistical Package for Sosial Sciences (SPSS) 25.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sedang antara kebutuhan afiliasi dengan intensitas pengguna media sosial pada wanita yang telah menikah dengan nilai hasil r = 0.459 dan p = 0.000 (p < 0.05) yang menunjukkan kedua variabel tersebut memiliki korelasi yang sedang. Hubungan yang sedang artinya variabel kebutuhan afiliasi memberikan sumbangan yang efektif terhadap intensitas penggunaan media sosial tetapi terdapat faktor-faktor lain selain kebutuhan afiliasi yang dapat berhubungan dengan intensitas penggunaan media sosial

    Pengaruh OBrix terhadap Karakteristik Perpindahan Panas pada Evaporator Robert Sistem Quintuple Effect di PG. Gempolkrep

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    Pabrik Gula Gempolkrep mengoperasikan evaporator Robert secara quintuple-effect dengan variasi tekanan yakni 1,6 bar, 1,26 bar, 0,9 bar, 0,54 bar dan 0,18 bar. Tekanan yang rendah membuat titik didih nira semakin menurun sehingga didapatkan nira yang terkonsentrasi. Konsentrasi nira ditunjukkan dalam obrix. Dalam penelitian ini, overall heat transfer coefficient dihitung untuk mengetahui karakteristik perpindahan panas. Nilai ini dihitung berdasarkan metode Dessin dan koefisien konveksi perpindahan panas. Konveksi sisi dalam tube dihitung menggunakan Chen\u27s correlation sedangkan sisi luar tube dihitung menggunakan persamaan konveksi kondensasi film. Hasil yang didapat yaitu obrix semakin besar setiap keluar evaporator yakni 18 obrix, 25 obrix, 32 obrix, 43 obrix dan 68 obrix. Nilai U yang didapat untuk kelima evaporator berdasarkan metode Dessin adalah 3,46 kW/m2.K, 2,92 kW/m2.K, 2,35 kW/m2.K, 1,71 kW/m2.K, dan 0,86 kW/m2.K, sedangkan berdasarkan pendekatan koefisien konveksi didapat U 3,14 kW/m2.K , 2,92 kW/m2.K , 2,48 kW/m2.K , 2,21 kW/m2.K dan 1,57 kW/m2.K secara berurutan

    Religion as Situated Knowledge for Social Transformation: The Case of the Mashobye Women’s Manyano of Limpopo Province

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    Religion as a form of situated knowledge has historically influenced a gendered conception and acquisition of knowledge. As one of the dominant voices in society, it has created and maintained social hierarchies by discriminating the equal identity, interest and experiences of women. As a result, emerging ideologies, historical and socio-cultural factors normalized thought patterns of particularly an inferior and dependent perspective about women. In most of the African countries, missionary and colonial teaching undermined women’s indigenous knowledge on food production and experiences as heads of households. Through the Victorian family model, women were removed from participating in agriculture to the domestic sphere where they had to perform duties of housewifery. In case of transforming a situation of poverty, hunger and diseases prevalent in Sub Saharan Africa and rural areas of South Africa in particular, religion constrained processes of positive knowledge construction as women’s roles and activities were mostly limited to private space. The aim of this paper is to explore ways in which the Women’s Manyano organization can be an agent of transformation to communities of women in the rural area for food autonomy and maternal health

    storia del teatro elisabetiano

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    Storia: Summarizing Social Media Content based on Narrative Theory using Crowdsourcing

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    People from all over the world use social media to share thoughts and opinions about events, and understanding what people say through these channels has been of increasing interest to researchers, journalists, and marketers alike. However, while automatically generated summaries enable people to consume large amounts of data efficiently, they do not provide the context needed for a viewer to fully understand an event. Narrative structure can provide templates for the order and manner in which this data is presented to create stories that are oriented around narrative elements rather than summaries made up of facts. In this paper, we use narrative theory as a framework for identifying the links between social media content. To do this, we designed crowdsourcing tasks to generate summaries of events based on commonly used narrative templates. In a controlled study, for certain types of events, people were more emotionally engaged with stories created with narrative structure and were also more likely to recommend them to others compared to summaries created without narrative structure

    Leonardo Sciascia, una storia veramente semplice?

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    The effectiveness of the international strategy in the analysis of the political language: Berlusconi´s speech at the chamber of deputies on the 13TH May 2008

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    In this context we will oversee to understand if and in which measure, the intentional attitude delineated today by the school of Anglo-Saxon thought and, in particular, by Dennett’s philosophy, can constitute an opportune and effective instrument for the analysis of the public language. With the expression “intentional system” we refer to the addressee of the communicative enterprise: a collectivity of people joined by the sharing a physical space and a temporal time; such a system can be explained, rationalized and, possibly, anticipated (as for its actions and to its behaviors) through the attribution to it of shared convictions and desires, which constitute the common sense of that organism. The so delineated philosophy of intentionality becomes, in this within, hermeneutics of the speech held by the then Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to the Chamber of Deputies on May, 13 2008, that is in occasion of the beginning of its IV legislature. The exposure of the former prime Minister insisted, in order to guarantee to his own government the necessary consent, on the baggage of convictions and desires shared by the Italians, in an historical moment of confusion and political-institutional instability. That speech evidenced proper values of the cultural and ideological matrix of Italy: the house, the family, the entrepreneurial increase of North, the elimination of the organized crime in the South, the tax reduction on the job of the entrepreneurs, individual safety, the removal of the material causes of the abortion. Such concepts were introduced in order to attract the interest of a conservative public opinion and to diverge the attention from the substance of that government’s action, that realized itself in a plan of drastic reduction of the job in Public Administration and of increase of the tax charge, in the picture of a progressive and general economic recess

    Jews in the Papal States between Western Sephardic Diasporas and ghettoization. A trial in Ancona as a case study (1555-1563)

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    Based on the analysis of a case study from Ancona, this article proposes to reread the beginning of the ghettoization in the Papal States (1555) within both the Western Sephardic Diasporas and the so-long Italian Wars (1494-1555). The breaking of an engagement that was celebrated in Ancona in the winter of 1555 (and therefore in the months which preceded the birth of the ghettos and the opening of proceedings against Marranos), and the lengthy legal controversy that followed it, which was argued in front of a regular Christian magistracy between 1555 and 1563, offers ideas for an effort to answer important questions
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