232,625 research outputs found

    Estimated heats of fusion of fluoride salt mixtures suitable for thermal energy storage applications

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    The heats of fusion of several fluoride salt mixtures with melting points greater than 973 K were estimated from a coupled analysis of the available thermodynamic data and phase diagrams. Simple binary eutectic systems with and without terminal solid solutions, binary eutectics with congruent melting intermediate phases, and ternary eutectic systems were considered. Several combinations of salts were identified, most notable the eutectics LiF-22CaF2 and NaF-60MgF2 which melt at 1039 and 1273 K respectively which posses relatively high heats of fusion/gm (greater than 0.7 kJ/g). Such systems would seemingly be ideal candidates for the light weight, high energy storage media required by the thermal energy storage unit in advanced solar dynamic power systems envisioned for the future space missions

    Energy storage-boiler tank

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    Activities performed in an effort to demonstrate heat of fusion energy storage in containerized salts are reported. The properties and cycle life characteristics of a eutectic salt having a boiling point of about 385 C (NaCl, KCl, Mg Cl2) were determined. M-terphenyl was chosen as the heat transfer fluid. Compatibility studies were conducted and mild steel containers were selected. The design and fabrication of a 2MWh storage boiler tank are discussed

    Immiscible fluid: Heat of fusion heat storage system

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    Both heat and mass transfer in direct contact aqueous crystallizing systems were studied as part of a program desig- ned to evaluate the feasibility of direct contact heat transfer in phase change storage using aqueous salt system. Major research areas, discussed include (1) crystal growth velocity study on selected salts; (2) selection of salt solutions; (3) selection of immiscible fluids; (4) studies of heat transfer and system geometry; and (5) system demonstration

    Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage Systems

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    The feasibility of storing thermal energy at temperatures of 450 C to 535 C in the form of latent heat of fusion was examined for over 30 inorganic salts and salt mixtures. Alkali carbonate mixtures were chosen as phase-change storage materials in this temperature range because of their relatively high storage capacity and thermal conductivity, moderate cost, low volumetric expansion upon melting, low corrosivity, and good chemical stability. Means of improving heat conduction through the solid salt were explored

    Post processing of multimedia information - concepts, problems, and techniques

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    Currently, most research work on multimedia information processing is focused on multimedia information storage and retrieval, especially indexing and content-based access of multimedia information. We consider multimedia information processing should include one more level-post-processing. Here &quot;post-processing&quot; means further processing of retrieved multimedia information, which includes fusion of multimedia information and reasoning with multimedia information to reach new conclusions. In this paper, the three levels of multimedia information processing storage, retrieval, and post-processing- are discussed. The concepts and problems of multimedia information post-processing are identified. Potential techniques that can be used in post-processing are suggested, By highlighting the problems in multimedia information post-processing, hopefully this paper will stimulate further research on this important but ignored topic.<br /

    Ontology-based data semantic management and application in IoT- and cloud-enabled smart homes

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    The application of emerging technologies of Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have increasing the popularity of smart homes, along with which, large volumes of heterogeneous data have been generating by home entities. The representation, management and application of the continuously increasing amounts of heterogeneous data in the smart home data space have been critical challenges to the further development of smart home industry. To this end, a scheme for ontology-based data semantic management and application is proposed in this paper. Based on a smart home system model abstracted from the perspective of implementing users’ household operations, a general domain ontology model is designed by defining the correlative concepts, and a logical data semantic fusion model is designed accordingly. Subsequently, to achieve high-efficiency ontology data query and update in the implementation of the data semantic fusion model, a relational-database-based ontology data decomposition storage method is developed by thoroughly investigating existing storage modes, and the performance is demonstrated using a group of elaborated ontology data query and update operations. Comprehensively utilizing the stated achievements, ontology-based semantic reasoning with a specially designed semantic matching rule is studied as well in this work in an attempt to provide accurate and personalized home services, and the efficiency is demonstrated through experiments conducted on the developed testing system for user behavior reasoning

    High-temperature thermal storage systems for advanced solar receivers materials selections

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    Advanced space power systems that use solar energy and Brayton or Stirling heat engines require thermal energy storage (TES) systems to operate continuously through periods of shade. The receiver storage units, key elements in both Brayton and Stirling systems, are designed to use the latent heat of fusion of phase-change materials (PCMs). The power systems under current consideration for near-future National Aeronautics and Space Administration space missions require working fluid temperatures in the 1100 to 1400 K range. The PCMs under current investigation that gave liquid temperatures within this range are the fluoride family of salts. However, these salts have low thermal conductivity, which causes large temperature gradients in the storage systems. Improvements can be obtained, however, with the use of thermal conductivity enhancements or metallic PCMs. In fact, if suitable containment materials can be found, the use of metallic PCMs would virtually eliminate the orbit associated temperature variations in TES systems. The high thermal conductivity and generally low volume change on melting of germanium and alloys based on silicon make them attractive for storage of thermal energy in space power systems. An approach to solving the containment problem, involving both chemical and physical compatibility, preparation of NiSi/NiSi2, and initial results for containment of germanium and NiSi/NiSi2, are presented

    Selection of high temperature thermal energy storage materials for advanced solar dynamic space power systems

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    Under the direction of NASA's Office of Aeronautics and Technology (OAST), the NASA Lewis Research Center has initiated an in-house thermal energy storage program to identify combinations of phase change thermal energy storage media for use with a Brayton and Stirling Advanced Solar Dynamic (ASD) space power system operating between 1070 and 1400 K. A study has been initiated to determine suitable combinations of thermal energy storage (TES) phase change materials (PCM) that result in the smallest and lightest weight ASD power system possible. To date the heats of fusion of several fluoride salt mixtures with melting points greater than 1025 K have been verified experimentally. The study has indicated that these salt systems produce large ASD systems because of their inherent low thermal conductivity and low density. It is desirable to have PCMs with high densities and high thermal conductivities. Therefore, alternate phase change materials based on metallic alloy systems are also being considered as possible TES candidates for future ASD space power systems
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