7 research outputs found

    Modelling and trading the Greek stock market with gene expression and genetic programing algorithms

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    This paper presents an application of the gene expression programming (GEP) and integrated genetic programming (GP) algorithms to the modelling of ASE 20 Greek index. GEP and GP are robust evolutionary algorithms that evolve computer programs in the form of mathematical expressions, decision trees or logical expressions. The results indicate that GEP and GP produce significant trading performance when applied to ASE 20 and outperform the well-known existing methods. The trading performance of the derived models is further enhanced by applying a leverage filter

    Energy-based numerical models for assessment of soil liquefaction

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    AbstractThis study presents promising variants of genetic programming (GP), namely linear genetic programming (LGP) and multi expression programming (MEP) to evaluate the liquefaction resistance of sandy soils. Generalized LGP and MEP-based relationships were developed between the strain energy density required to trigger liquefaction (capacity energy) and the factors affecting the liquefaction characteristics of sands. The correlations were established based on well established and widely dispersed experimental results obtained from the literature. To verify the applicability of the derived models, they were employed to estimate the capacity energy values of parts of the test results that were not included in the analysis. The external validation of the models was verified using statistical criteria recommended by researchers. Sensitivity and parametric analyses were performed for further verification of the correlations. The results indicate that the proposed correlations are effectively capable of capturing the liquefaction resistance of a number of sandy soils. The developed correlations provide a significantly better prediction performance than the models found in the literature. Furthermore, the best LGP and MEP models perform superior than the optimal traditional GP model. The verification phases confirm the efficiency of the derived correlations for their general application to the assessment of the strain energy at the onset of liquefaction

    Development of 2D Curve-Fitting Genetic/Gene-Expression Programming Technique for Efficient Time-series Financial Forecasting

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    Stock market prediction is of immense interest to trading companies and buyers due to high profit margins. Therefore, precise prediction of the measure of increase or decrease of stock prices also plays an important role in buying/selling activities. This research presents a specialised extension to the genetic algorithms (GA) known as the genetic programming (GP) and gene expression programming (GEP) to explore and investigate the outcome of the GEP criteria on the stock market price prediction. The research presented in this paper aims at the modelling and prediction of short-to-medium term stock value fluctuations in the market via genetically tuned stock market parameters. The technique uses hierarchically defined GP and GEP techniques to tune algebraic functions representing the fittest equation for stock market activities. The proposed methodology is evaluated against five well-known stock market companies with each having its own trading circumstances during the past 20+ years. The proposed GEP/GP methodologies were evaluated based on variable window/population sizes, selection methods, and Elitism, Rank and Roulette selection methods. The Elitism-based approach showed promising results with a low error-rate in the resultant pattern matching with an overall accuracy of 93.46% for short term 5-day and 92.105 for medium-term 56-day tradin

    A rough set-based effective rule generation method for classification with an application in intrusion detection

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    Abstract: In this paper, we use Rough Set Theory (RST) to address the important problem of generating decision rules for data mining. In particular, we propose a rough set-based approach to mine rules from inconsistent data. It computes the lower and upper approximations for each concept, and then builds concise classification rules for each concept satisfying required classification accuracy. Estimating lower and upper approximations substantially reduces the computational complexity of the algorithm. We use UCI ML Repository data sets to test and validate the approach. We also use our approach on network intrusion data sets captured using our local network from network flows. The results show that our approach produces effective and minimal rules and provides satisfactory accuracy. Keywords: rough set; LEM2; inconsistency; minimal; redundant; PCS; intrusion detection; network flow data. Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Gogoi, P., Bhattacharyya, D.K. and Kalita, J.K. (2013) 'A rough set-based effective rule generation method for classification with an application in intrusion detection', Int

    Gene expression programming for Efficient Time-series Financial Forecasting

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    Stock market prediction is of immense interest to trading companies and buyers due to high profit margins. The majority of successful buying or selling activities occur close to stock price turning trends. This makes the prediction of stock indices and analysis a crucial factor in the determination that whether the stocks will increase or decrease the next day. Additionally, precise prediction of the measure of increase or decrease of stock prices also plays an important role in buying/selling activities. This research presents two core aspects of stock-market prediction. Firstly, it presents a Networkbased Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) methodology to integrate the capabilities of neural networks with that of fuzzy logic. A specialised extension to this technique is known as the genetic programming (GP) and gene expression programming (GEP) to explore and investigate the outcome of the GEP criteria on the stock market price prediction. The research presented in this thesis aims at the modelling and prediction of short-tomedium term stock value fluctuations in the market via genetically tuned stock market parameters. The technique uses hierarchically defined GP and gene-expressionprogramming (GEP) techniques to tune algebraic functions representing the fittest equation for stock market activities. The technology achieves novelty by proposing a fractional adaptive mutation rate Elitism (GEP-FAMR) technique to initiate a balance between varied mutation rates between varied-fitness chromosomes thereby improving prediction accuracy and fitness improvement rate. The methodology is evaluated against five stock market companies with each having its own trading circumstances during the past 20+ years. The proposed GEP/GP methodologies were evaluated based on variable window/population sizes, selection methods, and Elitism, Rank and Roulette selection methods. The Elitism-based approach showed promising results with a low error-rate in the resultant pattern matching with an overall accuracy of 95.96% for short-term 5-day and 95.35% for medium-term 56-day trading periods. The contribution of this research to theory is that it presented a novel evolutionary methodology with modified selection operators for the prediction of stock exchange data via Gene expression programming. The methodology dynamically adapts the mutation rate of different fitness groups in each generation to ensure a diversification II balance between high and low fitness solutions. The GEP-FAMR approach was preferred to Neural and Fuzzy approaches because it can address well-reported problems of over-fitting, algorithmic black-boxing, and data-snooping issues via GP and GEP algorithmsSaudi Cultural Burea

    Agents in the market place an exploratory study on using intelligent agents to trade financial instruments

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    Tese de doutoramento em InformáticaThis dissertation documents our exploratory research aimed at investigating the utilization of intelligent agents in the development of automated financial trading strategies. In order to demonstrate this potential use for agent technology, we propose a hybrid cognitive architecture meant for the creation of autonomous agents capable of trading different types of financial instruments. This architecture was used to implement 10 currency trading agents and 25 stock trading agents. Their overall performance, evaluated according to the cumulative return and the maximum drawdown metrics, was found to be acceptable in a reasonably long simulation period. In order to improve this performance, we defined negotiation protocols that allowed the integration of the 35 trading agents in a multi-agent system, which proved to be better suited for withstanding sudden market events, due to the diversification of the investments. This system obtained very promising results, and remains open to many obvious improvements. Our findings lead us to conclude that there is indeed a place for intelligent agents in the financial industry; in particular, they hold the potential to be employed in the establishment of investment companies where software agents make all the trading decisions, with human intervention being relegated to simple administrative tasks.Esta dissertação documenta um estudo exploratório destinado a investigar a utilização de agentes inteligentes no desenvolvimento de estratégias de investimento financeiro automatizadas. Para demonstrar este uso potencial para tecnologia de agentes, foi proposta uma arquitectura cognitiva híbrida destinada à criação de agentes autónomos capazes de negociar diferentes tipos de instrumentos financeiros. Esta arquitectura foi utilizada para implementar 10 agentes que negoceiam pares cambiais, e 25 agentes que negoceiam acções. A performance global destes agentes, avaliada de acordo com as métricas de retorno acumulado e drawdown máximo, foi considerada aceitável ao longo de um período de simulação relativamente longo. Para melhorar esta performance, foram definidos protocolos de negociação que permitiram a integração dos 35 agentes num sistema multi-agente, que demonstrou estar melhor preparado para enfrentar alterações súbitas nos mercados, devido à diversificação dos investimentos. Este sistema obteve resultados muito promissores, e pode ainda ser sujeito a diversos melhoramentos. Os nossos resultados indiciam que os agentes inteligentes podem ocupar um lugar de relevo na indústria financeira; em particular, aparentam ter potencial suficiente para serem aplicados na criação de fundos de investimento onde todas as decisões de negociação são efectuadas por agentes de software, sendo a intervenção humana relegada para tarefas administrativas básicas