14,837 research outputs found

    The Sound Manifesto

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    Computing practice today depends on visual output to drive almost all user interaction. Other senses, such as audition, may be totally neglected, or used tangentially, or used in highly restricted specialized ways. We have excellent audio rendering through D-A conversion, but we lack rich general facilities for modeling and manipulating sound comparable in quality and flexibility to graphics. We need co-ordinated research in several disciplines to improve the use of sound as an interactive information channel. Incremental and separate improvements in synthesis, analysis, speech processing, audiology, acoustics, music, etc. will not alone produce the radical progress that we seek in sonic practice. We also need to create a new central topic of study in digital audio research. The new topic will assimilate the contributions of different disciplines on a common foundation. The key central concept that we lack is sound as a general-purpose information channel. We must investigate the structure of this information channel, which is driven by the co-operative development of auditory perception and physical sound production. Particular audible encodings, such as speech and music, illuminate sonic information by example, but they are no more sufficient for a characterization than typography is sufficient for a characterization of visual information.Comment: To appear in the conference on Critical Technologies for the Future of Computing, part of SPIE's International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 30 July to 4 August 2000, San Diego, C

    Investigating the Design Space of Diffusion Models for Speech Enhancement

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    Diffusion models are a new class of generative models that have shown outstanding performance in image generation literature. As a consequence, studies have attempted to apply diffusion models to other tasks, such as speech enhancement. A popular approach in adapting diffusion models to speech enhancement consists in modelling a progressive transformation between the clean and noisy speech signals. However, one popular diffusion model framework previously laid in image generation literature did not account for such a transformation towards the system input, which prevents from relating the existing diffusion-based speech enhancement systems with the aforementioned diffusion model framework. To address this, we extend this framework to account for the progressive transformation between the clean and noisy speech signals. This allows us to apply recent developments from image generation literature, and to systematically investigate design aspects of diffusion models that remain largely unexplored for speech enhancement, such as the neural network preconditioning, the training loss weighting, the stochastic differential equation (SDE), or the amount of stochasticity injected in the reverse process. We show that the performance of previous diffusion-based speech enhancement systems cannot be attributed to the progressive transformation between the clean and noisy speech signals. Moreover, we show that a proper choice of preconditioning, training loss weighting, SDE and sampler allows to outperform a popular diffusion-based speech enhancement system in terms of perceptual metrics while using fewer sampling steps, thus reducing the computational cost by a factor of four

    Self-Supervised Vision-Based Detection of the Active Speaker as Support for Socially-Aware Language Acquisition

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    This paper presents a self-supervised method for visual detection of the active speaker in a multi-person spoken interaction scenario. Active speaker detection is a fundamental prerequisite for any artificial cognitive system attempting to acquire language in social settings. The proposed method is intended to complement the acoustic detection of the active speaker, thus improving the system robustness in noisy conditions. The method can detect an arbitrary number of possibly overlapping active speakers based exclusively on visual information about their face. Furthermore, the method does not rely on external annotations, thus complying with cognitive development. Instead, the method uses information from the auditory modality to support learning in the visual domain. This paper reports an extensive evaluation of the proposed method using a large multi-person face-to-face interaction dataset. The results show good performance in a speaker dependent setting. However, in a speaker independent setting the proposed method yields a significantly lower performance. We believe that the proposed method represents an essential component of any artificial cognitive system or robotic platform engaging in social interactions.Comment: 10 pages, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental System

    Accelerating recurrent neural network training using sequence bucketing and multi-GPU data parallelization

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    An efficient algorithm for recurrent neural network training is presented. The approach increases the training speed for tasks where a length of the input sequence may vary significantly. The proposed approach is based on the optimal batch bucketing by input sequence length and data parallelization on multiple graphical processing units. The baseline training performance without sequence bucketing is compared with the proposed solution for a different number of buckets. An example is given for the online handwriting recognition task using an LSTM recurrent neural network. The evaluation is performed in terms of the wall clock time, number of epochs, and validation loss value.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Comments, 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (DSMP), Lviv, 201

    On Macroscopic Complexity and Perceptual Coding

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    The theoretical limits of 'lossy' data compression algorithms are considered. The complexity of an object as seen by a macroscopic observer is the size of the perceptual code which discards all information that can be lost without altering the perception of the specified observer. The complexity of this macroscopically observed state is the simplest description of any microstate comprising that macrostate. Inference and pattern recognition based on macrostate rather than microstate complexities will take advantage of the complexity of the macroscopic observer to ignore irrelevant noise

    The evolution of auditory contrast

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    This paper reconciles the standpoint that language users do not aim at improving their sound systems with the observation that languages seem to improve their sound systems. Computer simulations of inventories of sibilants show that Optimality-Theoretic learners who optimize their perception grammars automatically introduce a so-called prototype effect, i.e. the phenomenon that the learner’s preferred auditory realization of a certain phonological category is more peripheral than the average auditory realization of this category in her language environment. In production, however, this prototype effect is counteracted by an articulatory effect that limits the auditory form to something that is not too difficult to pronounce. If the prototype effect and the articulatory effect are of a different size, the learner must end up with an auditorily different sound system from that of her language environment. The computer simulations show that, independently of the initial auditory sound system, a stable equilibrium is reached within a small number of generations. In this stable state, the dispersion of the sibilants of the language strikes an optimal balance between articulatory ease and auditory contrast. The important point is that this is derived within a model without any goal-oriented elements such as dispersion constraints
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