1,604 research outputs found

    Event-Driven Monte Carlo: exact dynamics at all time-scales for discrete-variable models

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    We present an algorithm for the simulation of the exact real-time dynamics of classical many-body systems with discrete energy levels. In the same spirit of kinetic Monte Carlo methods, a stochastic solution of the master equation is found, with no need to define any other phase-space construction. However, unlike existing methods, the present algorithm does not assume any particular statistical distribution to perform moves or to advance the time, and thus is a unique tool for the numerical exploration of fast and ultra-fast dynamical regimes. By decomposing the problem in a set of two-level subsystems, we find a natural variable step size, that is well defined from the normalization condition of the transition probabilities between the levels. We successfully test the algorithm with known exact solutions for non-equilibrium dynamics and equilibrium thermodynamical properties of Ising-spin models in one and two dimensions, and compare to standard implementations of kinetic Monte Carlo methods. The present algorithm is directly applicable to the study of the real time dynamics of a large class of classical markovian chains, and particularly to short-time situations where the exact evolution is relevant

    Design of quasi-symplectic propagators for Langevin dynamics

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    A vector field splitting approach is discussed for the systematic derivation of numerical propagators for deterministic dynamics. Based on the formalism, a class of numerical integrators for Langevin dynamics are presented for single and multiple timestep algorithms

    Billion-atom Synchronous Parallel Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Critical 3D Ising Systems

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    An extension of the synchronous parallel kinetic Monte Carlo (pkMC) algorithm developed by Martinez {\it et al} [{\it J.\ Comp.\ Phys.} {\bf 227} (2008) 3804] to discrete lattices is presented. The method solves the master equation synchronously by recourse to null events that keep all processors time clocks current in a global sense. Boundary conflicts are rigorously solved by adopting a chessboard decomposition into non-interacting sublattices. We find that the bias introduced by the spatial correlations attendant to the sublattice decomposition is within the standard deviation of the serial method, which confirms the statistical validity of the method. We have assessed the parallel efficiency of the method and find that our algorithm scales consistently with problem size and sublattice partition. We apply the method to the calculation of scale-dependent critical exponents in billion-atom 3D Ising systems, with very good agreement with state-of-the-art multispin simulations

    Langevin Simulations of a Long Range Electron Phonon Model

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    We present a Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) study, based on the Langevin equation, of a Hamiltonian describing electrons coupled to phonon degrees of freedom. The bosonic part of the action helps control the variation of the field in imaginary time. As a consequence, the iterative conjugate gradient solution of the fermionic action, which depends on the boson coordinates, converges more rapidly than in the case of electron-electron interactions, such as the Hubbard Hamiltonian. Fourier Acceleration is shown to be a crucial ingredient in reducing the equilibration and autocorrelation times. After describing and benchmarking the method, we present results for the phase diagram focusing on the range of the electron-phonon interaction. We delineate the regions of charge density wave formation from those in which the fermion density is inhomogeneous, caused by phase separation. We show that the Langevin approach is more efficient than the Determinant QMC method for lattice sizes N≳8×8N \gtrsim 8 \times 8 and that it therefore opens a potential path to problems including, for example, charge order in the 3D Holstein model

    Kinematics of Multigrid Monte Carlo

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    We study the kinematics of multigrid Monte Carlo algorithms by means of acceptance rates for nonlocal Metropolis update proposals. An approximation formula for acceptance rates is derived. We present a comparison of different coarse-to-fine interpolation schemes in free field theory, where the formula is exact. The predictions of the approximation formula for several interacting models are well confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations. The following rule is found: For a critical model with fundamental Hamiltonian H(phi), absence of critical slowing down can only be expected if the expansion of in terms of the shift psi contains no relevant (mass) term. We also introduce a multigrid update procedure for nonabelian lattice gauge theory and study the acceptance rates for gauge group SU(2) in four dimensions.Comment: 28 pages, 8 ps-figures, DESY 92-09

    Random walks near Rokhsar-Kivelson points

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    There is a class of quantum Hamiltonians known as Rokhsar-Kivelson(RK)-Hamiltonians for which static ground state properties can be obtained by evaluating thermal expectation values for classical models. The ground state of an RK-Hamiltonian is known explicitly, and its dynamical properties can be obtained by performing a classical Monte Carlo simulation. We discuss the details of a Diffusion Monte Carlo method that is a good tool for studying statics and dynamics of perturbed RK-Hamiltonians without time discretization errors. As a general result we point out that the relation between the quantum dynamics and classical Monte Carlo simulations for RK-Hamiltonians follows from the known fact that the imaginary-time evolution operator that describes optimal importance sampling, in which the exact ground state is used as guiding function, is Markovian. Thus quantum dynamics can be studied by a classical Monte Carlo simulation for any Hamiltonian that is free of the sign problem provided its ground state is known explicitly.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, RevTe

    Computing quantum phase transitions

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    This article first gives a concise introduction to quantum phase transitions, emphasizing similarities with and differences to classical thermal transitions. After pointing out the computational challenges posed by quantum phase transitions, a number of successful computational approaches is discussed. The focus is on classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods, with the former being based on the quantum-to classical mapping while the latter directly attack the quantum problem. These methods are illustrated by several examples of quantum phase transitions in clean and disordered systems.Comment: 99 pages, 15 figures, submitted to Reviews in Computational Chemistr
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