263 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Computational Approach for the Problem of Unit Commitment and Economic Dispatch in Microgrids under Several Operation Modes

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    In the last decades, new types of generation technologies have emerged and have been gradually integrated into the existing power systems, moving their classical architectures to distributed systems. Despite the positive features associated to this paradigm, new problems arise such as coordination and uncertainty. In this framework, microgrids constitute an effective solution to deal with the coordination and operation of these distributed energy resources. This paper proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to address the combined problem of Unit Commitment (UC) and Economic Dispatch (ED). With this end, a model of a microgrid is introduced together with all the control variables and physical constraints. To optimally operate the microgrid, three operation modes are introduced. The first two attend to optimize economical and environmental factors, while the last operation mode considers the errors induced by the uncertainties in the demand forecasting. Therefore, it achieves a robust design that guarantees the power supply for different confidence levels. Finally, the algorithm was applied to an example scenario to illustrate its performance. The achieved simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades TEC2016-80242-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad PCIN-2015-043Universidad de Sevilla Programa propio de I+D+

    Analysis of Particle Swarm-Aided Power Plant Optimization

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    Stochastic optimization algorithms are usually evaluated based on performance on high dimensional benchmark functions and results of these tests determine the direction of development. Benchmark functions however, do not emulate complex engineering problems. In this paper a power plant optimization problem is presented and solved under different constraints with multiple elite dependent and single elite dependent swarm intelligence. Although on benchmark problems multiple elite dependent algorithms usually outperform single elite dependent ones, if search space is represented by simulation software, diversity not just increases iterations but computation time as well and because of that conventional PSO (particle swarm optimization) exceeds modified ones

    An improved C-DEEPSO algorithm for optimal active-reactive power dispatch in microgrids with electric vehicles

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    In the last years, our society's high energy demand has led to the proposal of novel ways of consuming and producing electricity. In this sense, many countries have encouraged micro generation, including the use of renewable sources such as solar irradiation and wind generation, or considering the insertion of electric vehicles as dispatchable units on the grid. This work addresses the Optimal active&-reactive power dispatch (OARPD) problem (a type of optimal power flow (OPF) task) in microgrids considering electric vehicles. We used the modified IEEE 57 and IEEE 118 bus-systems test scenarios, in which thermoelectric generators were replaced by renewable generators. In particular, under the IEEE 118 bus system, electric vehicles were integrated into the grid. To solve the OARDP problem, we proposed the use and improvement of the Canonical Differential Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (C-DEEPSO) algorithm. For further refinement in the search space, C-DEEPSO relies on local search operators. The results indicated that the proposed improved C-DEEPSO was able to show generation savings (in terms ofmillions of dollars) acting as a dispatch controller against two algorithms based on swarm intelligence.European CommissionAgencia Estatal de InvestigaciónComunidad de Madri

    A Brief Analysis of Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) Publication from 2009 to May 2013

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    Gravitational Search Algorithm was introduced in year 2009. Since its introduction, the academic community shows a great interest on this algorith. This can be seen by the high number of publications with a short span of time. This paper analyses the publication trend of Gravitational Search Algorithm since its introduction until May 2013. The objective of this paper is to give exposure to reader the publication trend in the area of Gravitational Search Algorithm

    An efficient and reliable scheduling algorithm for unit commitment scheme in microgrid systems using enhanced mixed integer particle swarm optimizer considering uncertainties

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    The use of an electrical energy storage system (EESS) in a microgrid (MG) is widely recognized as a feasible method for mitigating the unpredictability and stochastic nature of sustainable distributed generators and other intermittent energy sources. The battery energy storage (BES) system is the most effective of the several power storage methods available today. The unit commitment (UC) determines the number of dedicated dispatchable distributed generators, respective power, the amount of energy transferred to and absorbed from the microgrid, as well as the power and influence of EESSs, among other factors. The BES deterioration is considered in the UC conceptualization, and an enhanced mixed particle swarm optimizer (EMPSO) is suggested to solve UC in MGs with EESS. Compared to the traditional PSO, the acceleration constants in EMPSO are exponentially adapted, and the inertial weight in EMPSO decreases linearly during each iteration. The proposed EMPSO is a mixed integer optimization algorithm that can handle continuous, binary, and integer variables. A part of the decision variables in EMPSO is transformed into a binary variable by introducing the quadratic transfer function (TF). This paper also considers the uncertainties in renewable power generation, load demand, and electricity market prices. In addition, a case study with a multiobjective optimization function with MG operating cost and BES deterioration defines the additional UC problem discussed in this paper. The transformation of a single-objective model into a multiobjective optimization model is carried out using the weighted sum approach, and the impacts of different weights on the operating cost and lifespan of the BES are also analyzed. The performance of the EMPSO with quadratic TF (EMPSO-Q) is compared with EMPSO with V-shaped TF (EMPSO-V), EMPSO with S-shaped TF (EMPSO-S), and PSO with S-shaped TF (PSO-S). The performance of EMPSO-Q is 15%, 35%, and 45% better than EMPSO-V, EMPSO-S, and PSO-S, respectively. In addition, when uncertainties are considered, the operating cost falls from 8729.87to8729.87 to 8986.98. Considering BES deterioration, the BES lifespan improves from 350 to 590, and the operating cost increases from 8729.87to8729.87 to 8917.7. Therefore, the obtained results prove that the EMPSO-Q algorithm could effectively and efficiently handle the UC problem

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Revisión de la optimización de Bess en sistemas de potencia

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    The increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources has imposed several challenges in the analysis and operation of power systems, mainly due to the uncertainties in primary resource. In the last decade, implementation of Battery Energy Storage Systems in electric networks has caught the interest in research since the results have shown multiple positive effects when deployed optimally. In this paper, a review in the optimization of battery storage systems in power systems is presented. Firstly, an overview of the context in which battery storage systems are implemented, their operation framework, chemistries and a first glance of optimization is shown. Then, formulations and optimization frameworks are detailed for optimization problems found in recent literature. Next, A review of the optimization techniques implemented or proposed, and a basic explanation of the more recurrent ones is presented. Finally, the results of the review are discussed. It is concluded that optimization problems involving battery storage systems are a trending topic for research, in which a vast quantity of more complex formulations have been proposed for Steady State and Transient Analysis, due to the inclusion of stochasticity, multi-periodicity and multi-objective frameworks. It was found that the use of Metaheuristics is dominant in the analysis of complex, multivariate and multi-objective problems while relaxations, simplifications, linearization, and single objective adaptations have enabled the use of traditional, more efficient, and exact techniques. Hybridization in metaheuristics has been important topic of research that has shown better results in terms of efficiency and solution quality.La creciente penetración de recursos distribuidos ha impuesto desafíos en el análisis y operación de sistemas de potencia, principalmente debido a incertidumbres en los recursos primarios. En la última década, la implementación de sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías en redes eléctricas ha captado el interés en la investigación, ya que los resultados han demostrado efectos positivos cuando se despliegan óptimamente. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de la optimización de sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías en sistemas de potencia. Pare ello se procedió, primero, a mostrar el contexto en el cual se implementan los sistemas de baterías, su marco de operación, las tecnologías y las bases de optimización. Luego, fueron detallados la formulación y el marco de optimización de algunos de los problemas de optimización encontrados en literatura reciente. Posteriormente se presentó una revisión de las técnicas de optimización implementadas o propuestas recientemente y una explicación básica de las técnicas más recurrentes. Finalmente, se discutieron los resultados de la revisión. Se obtuvo como resultados que los problemas de optimización con sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías son un tema de tendencia para la investigación, en el que se han propuesto diversas formulaciones para el análisis en estado estacionario y transitorio, en problemas multiperiodo que incluyen la estocasticidad y formulaciones multiobjetivo. Adicionalmente, se encontró que el uso de técnicas metaheurísticas es dominante en el análisis de problemas complejos, multivariados y multiobjetivo, mientras que la implementación de relajaciones, simplificaciones, linealizaciones y la adaptación mono-objetivo ha permitido el uso de técnicas más eficientes y exactas. La hibridación de técnicas metaheurísticas ha sido un tema relevante para la investigación que ha mostrado mejorías en los resultados en términos de eficiencia y calidad de las soluciones

    Solving the Economic Scheduling of Grid-Connected Microgrid Based on the Strength Pareto Approach

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    This paper focuses on the operation of a microgrd which is connected to the main grid and can exchange power with it. To do so, the problem is modeled using mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). In the next step, an evolutionary algorithm known as Strength Perto Algorithm (SPA) is utilized to solve the model. In the end, the performance accuracy of the method is tested on a modified IEEE 69 bus test system