51 research outputs found

    Distributed estimation over a low-cost sensor network: a review of state-of-the-art

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    Proliferation of low-cost, lightweight, and power efficient sensors and advances in networked systems enable the employment of multiple sensors. Distributed estimation provides a scalable and fault-robust fusion framework with a peer-to-peer communication architecture. For this reason, there seems to be a real need for a critical review of existing and, more importantly, recent advances in the domain of distributed estimation over a low-cost sensor network. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art solutions in this research area, exploring their characteristics, advantages, and challenging issues. Additionally, several open problems and future avenues of research are highlighted

    Composite Disturbance Filtering: A Novel State Estimation Scheme for Systems With Multi-Source, Heterogeneous, and Isomeric Disturbances

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    State estimation has long been a fundamental problem in signal processing and control areas. The main challenge is to design filters with ability to reject or attenuate various disturbances. With the arrival of big data era, the disturbances of complicated systems are physically multi-source, mathematically heterogenous, affecting the system dynamics via isomeric (additive, multiplicative and recessive) channels, and deeply coupled with each other. In traditional filtering schemes, the multi-source heterogenous disturbances are usually simplified as a lumped one so that the "single" disturbance can be either rejected or attenuated. Since the pioneering work in 2012, a novel state estimation methodology called {\it composite disturbance filtering} (CDF) has been proposed, which deals with the multi-source, heterogenous, and isomeric disturbances based on their specific characteristics. With the CDF, enhanced anti-disturbance capability can be achieved via refined quantification, effective separation, and simultaneous rejection and attenuation of the disturbances. In this paper, an overview of the CDF scheme is provided, which includes the basic principle, general design procedure, application scenarios (e.g. alignment, localization and navigation), and future research directions. In summary, it is expected that the CDF offers an effective tool for state estimation, especially in the presence of multi-source heterogeneous disturbances

    Computational intelligence-based prognosis for hybrid mechatronic system using improved Wiener process

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    In this article, a fast krill herd algorithm is developed for prognosis of hybrid mechatronic system using the improved Wiener degradation process. First, the diagnostic hybrid bond graph is used to model the hybrid mechatronic system and derive global analytical redundancy relations. Based on the global analytical redundancy relations, the fault signature matrix and mode change signature matrix for fault and mode change isolation can be obtained. Second, in order to determine the true faults from the suspected fault candidates after fault isolation, a fault estimation method based on adaptive square root cubature Kalman filter is proposed when the noise distributions are unknown. Then, the improved Wiener process incorporating nonlinear term is developed to build the degradation model of incipient fault based on the fault estimation results. For prognosis, the fast krill herd algorithm is proposed to estimate unknown degradation model coefficients. After that, the probability density function of remaining useful life is derived using the identified degradation model. Finally, the proposed methods are validated by simulations

    A Novel Case of Practical Exponential Observer Using Extended Kalman Filter

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    This technical note presents a case of practical exponential observer using extended Kalman filter (EKF) independent of certain restrictions, such as online check and estimation error of initial state. Recursive state estimation is usually a challenge for discrete-time nonlinear system in terms of computation cost. EKF is attractive with its simplicity since it is considered as an exponential observer given the above restrictions. However, those restrictions are so mathematically complicated that EKF cannot be practical in estimation. A novel case for an exponential observer using EKF is proposed, which is independent of such restrictions. However, these restrictions are proved to be unnecessary in the case. The proposed case is illustrated by a navigation system scenario. The validity of the case is demonstrated by a numerical simulation experiment. The system is deterministic

    Kalman Filtering and its Application to On-Line State Estimation of a Once-Through Boiler

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    This thesis contributes to non-linear continuous-discrete Kalman filtering of multiplex systems through the development of two main ideas, namely, integration of the unscented transforms with linearly implicit methods and incorporation of simulation errors in the state estimation problem. The newly developed techniques are then applied to the technically relevant problem of state estimation on the main components of a utility boiler. State estimators in industrial systems are used as soft-sensors in monitoring and control applications as the most cost effective and practical alternative to telemetering all variables of interest. One such example is in utility boilers where reliable and real-time data characterising its behaviour is used to detect faults and optimise performance. With respect to the state-of-the-art, state estimators display limitations in real-time applications to large-scale systems. This motivates theoretical developments in state estimation as a first part in this thesis. These developments are aimed at producing more practical and efficient algorithms in non-linear continuous discrete Kalman filtering for stiff large-scale industrial systems. This is achieved using two novel ideas. The first is to exploit the similarities between the extended and unscented Kalman filter in order to estimate the Jacobian required for linearly implicit schemes, thereby tightly coupling state propagation and continuous-time simulation. The second is to account for numerical integration error by appending a stochastic local error model to the system's stochastic differential equation. This allows for coarser integration time steps in systems that are otherwise only suited to relatively small step sizes, making the filter more computationally efficient without lowering its potential to construct accurate estimates. The second part of this thesis uses these algorithms to demonstrate the feasibility of on-line state estimation on the main components of a once-through utility power boiler that require in excess of a hundred state variables to capture its behaviour with adequate fidelity. Two separate models of the boiler are developed, a MATLAB® and a Flownex® model, comprising the economiser, evaporators, reheaters, superheaters and furnace. The mathematical MATLAB® model is better suited to real-time execution and is used in the filter. The more sophisticated model is based on a commercial thermal-hydraulic simulation environment, Flownex® , and is used to validate the mathematical modelling philosophies and construct filter observation data. After validating the performance of the filter against ground-truth data provided by the Flownex® model, the filter is demonstrated on historical plant data to illustrate its utility

    Resilient dynamic state estimation for power system using Cauchy-kernel-based maximum correntropy cubature Kalman filter

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    Accurate estimation of dynamic states is the key to monitoring power system operating conditions and controlling transient stability. The inevitable non-Gaussian noise and randomly occurring denial-of-service (DoS) attacks may, however, deteriorate the performance of standard filters seriously. To deal with these issues, a novel resilient cubature Kalman filter based on the Cauchy kernel maximum correntropy (CKMC) optimal criterion approach (termed CKMC-CKF) is developed, in which the Cauchy kernel function is used to describe the distance between vectors. Specifically, the errors of state and measurement in the cost function are unified by a statistical linearization technique, and the optimal estimated state is acquired by the fixed-point iteration method. Because of the salient thick-tailed feature and the insensitivity to the kernel bandwidth (KB) of Cauchy kernel function, the proposed CKMC-CKF can effectively mitigate the adverse effect of non-Gaussian noise and DoS attacks with better numerical stability. Finally, the efficacy of the proposed method is demonstrated on the standard IEEE 39-bus system under various abnormal conditions. Compared with standard cubature Kalman filter (CKF) and maximum correntropy criterion CKF (MCC-CKF), the proposed algorithm reveals better estimation accuracy and stronger resilience