62 research outputs found

    Eigenvalue Bounds on Restrictions of Reversible Nearly Uncoupled Markov Chains

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    AbstractIn this paper we analyze decompositions of reversible nearly uncoupled Markov chains into rapidly mixing subchains. We state upper bounds on the 2nd eigenvalue for restriction and stochastic complementation chains of reversible Markov chains, as well as a relation between them. We illustrate the obtained bounds analytically for bunkbed graphs, and furthermore apply them to restricted Markov chains that arise when analyzing conformation dynamics of a small biomolecule

    Stochastic Data Clustering

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    In 1961 Herbert Simon and Albert Ando published the theory behind the long-term behavior of a dynamical system that can be described by a nearly uncoupled matrix. Over the past fifty years this theory has been used in a variety of contexts, including queueing theory, brain organization, and ecology. In all these applications, the structure of the system is known and the point of interest is the various stages the system passes through on its way to some long-term equilibrium. This paper looks at this problem from the other direction. That is, we develop a technique for using the evolution of the system to tell us about its initial structure, and we use this technique to develop a new algorithm for data clustering.Comment: 23 page

    Bounding the Equilibrium Distribution of Markov Population Models

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    Arguing about the equilibrium distribution of continuous-time Markov chains can be vital for showing properties about the underlying systems. For example in biological systems, bistability of a chemical reaction network can hint at its function as a biological switch. Unfortunately, the state space of these systems is infinite in most cases, preventing the use of traditional steady state solution techniques. In this paper we develop a new approach to tackle this problem by first retrieving geometric bounds enclosing a major part of the steady state probability mass, followed by a more detailed analysis revealing state-wise bounds.Comment: 4 page

    The Markov chain tree theorem and the state reduction algorithm in commutative semirings

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    We extend the Markov chain tree theorem to general commutative semirings, and we generalize the state reduction algorithm to commutative semifields. This leads to a new universal algorithm, whose prototype is the state reduction algorithm which computes the Markov chain tree vector of a stochastic matrix.Comment: 13 page

    On Markov State Models for Metastable Processes

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    We consider Markov processes on large state spaces and want to find low-dimensional structure-preserving approximations of the process in the sense that the longest timescales of the dynamics of the original process are reproduced well. Recent years have seen the advance of so-called Markov state models (MSM) for processes on very large state spaces exhibiting metastable dynamics. It has been demonstrated that MSMs are especially useful for modelling the interesting slow dynamics of biomolecules (cf. Noe et al, PNAS(106) 2009) and materials. From the mathematical perspective, MSMs result from Galerkin projection of the transfer operator underlying the original process onto some low-dimensional subspace which leads to an approximation of the dominant eigenvalues of the transfer operators and thus of the longest timescales of the original dynamics. Until now, most articles on MSMs have been based on full subdivisions of state space, i.e., Galerkin projections onto subspaces spanned by indicator functions. We show how to generalize MSMs to alternative low-dimensional subspaces with superior approximation properties, and how to analyse the approximation quality (dominant eigenvalues, propagation of functions) of the resulting MSMs. To this end, we give an overview of the construction of MSMs, the associated stochastics and functional-analysis background, and its algorithmic consequences. Furthermore, we illustrate the mathematical construction with numerical examples
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