61 research outputs found

    Swarm robotics in wireless distributed protocol design for coordinating robots involved in cooperative tasks

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    The mine detection in an unexplored area is an optimization problem where multiple mines, randomly distributed throughout an area, need to be discovered and disarmed in a minimum amount of time. We propose a strategy to explore an unknown area, using a stigmergy approach based on ants behavior, and a novel swarm based protocol to recruit and coordinate robots for disarming the mines cooperatively. Simulation tests are presented to show the effectiveness of our proposed Ant-based Task Robot Coordination (ATRC) with only the exploration task and with both exploration and recruiting strategies. Multiple minimization objectives have been considered: the robots' recruiting time and the overall area exploration time. We discuss, through simulation, different cases under different network and field conditions, performed by the robots. The results have shown that the proposed decentralized approaches enable the swarm of robots to perform cooperative tasks intelligently without any central control

    An ant-inspired, deniable routing approach in ad hoc question & answer networks

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    The ubiquity of the Internet facilitates electronic question and answering (Q&A) between real people with ease via community portals and social networking websites. It is a useful service which allows users to appeal to a broad range of answerers. In most cases however, Q&A services produce answers by presenting questions to the general public or associated digital community with little regard for the amount of time users spend examining and answering them. Ultimately, a question may receive large amounts of attention but still not be answered adequately. Several existing pieces of research investigate the reasons why questions do not receive answers on Q&A services and suggest that it may be associated with users being afraid of expressing themselves. Q&A works well for solving information needs, however, it rarely takes into account the privacy requirements of the users who form the service. This thesis was motivated by the need for a more targeted approach towards Q&A by distributing the service across ad hoc networks. The main contribution of this thesis is a novel routing technique and networking environment (distributed Q&A) which balances answer quality and user attention while protecting privacy through plausible deniability. Routing approaches are evaluated experimentally by statistics gained from peer-to-peer network simulations, composed of Q&A users modelled via features extracted from the analysis of a large Yahoo! Answers dataset. Suggestions for future directions to this work are presented from the knowledge gained from our results and conclusion

    The Application of Ant Colony Optimization

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    The application of advanced analytics in science and technology is rapidly expanding, and developing optimization technics is critical to this expansion. Instead of relying on dated procedures, researchers can reap greater rewards by utilizing cutting-edge optimization techniques like population-based metaheuristic models, which can quickly generate a solution with acceptable quality. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is one the most critical and widely used models among heuristics and meta-heuristics. This book discusses ACO applications in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), multi-robot systems, wireless multi-hop networks, and preventive, predictive maintenance

    How Computer Networks Can Become Smart

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    Modeling and simulation of routing protocol for ad hoc networks combining queuing network analysis and ANT colony algorithms

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    The field of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) has gained an important part of the interest of researchers and become very popular in last few years. MANETs can operate without fixed infrastructure and can survive rapid changes in the network topology. They can be studied formally as graphs in which the set of edges varies in time. The main method for evaluating the performance of MANETs is simulation. Our thesis presents a new adaptive and dynamic routing algorithm for MANETs inspired by the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms in combination with network delay analysis. Ant colony optimization algorithms have all been inspired by a specific foraging behavior of ant colonies which are able to find, if not the shortest, at least a very good path connecting the colony’s nest with a source of food. Our evaluation of MANETs is based on the evaluation of the mean End-to-End delay to send a packet from source to destination node through a MANET. We evaluated the mean End-to-End delay as one of the most important performance evaluation metrics in computer networks. Finally, we evaluate our proposed ant algorithm by a comparative study with respect to one of the famous On-Demand (reactive) routing protocols called Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) protocol. The evaluation shows that, the ant algorithm provides a better performance by reducing the mean End-to-End delay than the AODV algorithm. We investigated various simulation scenarios with different node density and pause times. Our new algorithm gives good results under certain conditions such as, increasing the pause time and decreasing node density. The scenarios that are applied for evaluating our routing algorithm have the following assumptions: 2-D rectangular area, no obstacles, bi-directional links, fixed number of nodes operate for the whole simulation time and nodes movements are performed according to the Random Waypoint Mobility (RWM) or the Boundless Simulation Area Mobility (BSAM) model. KEYWORDS: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), Queuing Network Analysis, Routing Algorithms, Mobility Models, Hybrid Simulation

    Bioinspired Computing: Swarm Intelligence

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