1,345 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of interpersonal sway synchrony and stability

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    Here we explain the neural and mechanical mechanisms responsible for synchronizing sway and improving postural control during physical contact with another standing person. Postural control processes were modelled using an inverted pendulum under continuous feedback control. Interpersonal interactions were simulated either by coupling the sensory feedback loops or by physically coupling the pendulums with a damped spring. These simulations precisely recreated the timing and magnitude of sway interactions observed empirically. Effects of firmly grasping another person's shoulder were explained entirely by the mechanical linkage. This contrasted with light touch and/or visual contact, which were explained by a sensory weighting phenomenon; each person's estimate of upright was based on a weighted combination of veridical sensory feedback combined with a small contribution from their partner. Under these circumstances, the model predicted reductions in sway even without the need to distinguish between self and partner motion. Our findings explain the seemingly paradoxical observation that touching a swaying person can improve postural control.This work was supported by two BBSRC grants (BB/100579X/1 and an Industry Interchange Award)

    Vibration as an exercise modality: how it may work, and what its potential might be

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    Whilst exposure to vibration is traditionally regarded as perilous, recent research has focussed on potential benefits. Here, the physical principles of forced oscillations are discussed in relation to vibration as an exercise modality. Acute physiological responses to isolated tendon and muscle vibration and to whole body vibration exercise are reviewed, as well as the training effects upon the musculature, bone mineral density and posture. Possible applications in sports and medicine are discussed. Evidence suggests that acute vibration exercise seems to elicit a specific warm-up effect, and that vibration training seems to improve muscle power, although the potential benefits over traditional forms of resistive exercise are still unclear. Vibration training also seems to improve balance in sub-populations prone to fall, such as frail elderly people. Moreover, literature suggests that vibration is beneficial to reduce chronic lower back pain and other types of pain. Other future indications are perceivable

    Effect of Aging on Human Postural Control and the Interaction with Attention

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    The ability to stand upright and walk is generally taken for granted, yet control of balance utilizes many processes involving the neuromuscular and sensory systems. As we age, balance function begins to decline and can become problematic for many older adults. In particular, adults 65 years of age and older exhibit a higher incidence of falls than younger adults, and falls are a leading cause of injury in older adults, contributing to significant medical costs. Without better understanding of the impact of aging on balance and means to ameliorate those effects, this problem is expected to grow as life expectancy continues to increase.In addition to sensori-motor declines with age that impact balance, another factor known to affect balance, particularly in older adults, is attention, meaning the amount of cognitive resources utilized for a particular task. When two or more tasks vie for cognitive resources, performance in one or more tasks can be compromised (a common example today is driving while talking on a cell phone). Attention has been observed to be a critical factor in many falls reported by older adults. However, it is still not fully understood how aging and attentional demand affect balance and how they interact with each other.In this dissertation, we conducted dual-task experiments and model-based analyses to study upright standing and the interaction of the effects of age and attention on postural control. The effect of age was investigated by testing two age groups (young and older adults) with no evident balance and cognitive impairment and by comparing results of the two groups. The effect of attention and its interaction with age was studied by comparing body sway in the two age groups in response to a moving platform, while either concurrently performing a cognitive task (dual-task) or not (single-task). Our findings highlight postural control differences between young and older adults, as quantified by experimental measures of body motion as well as by model parameter values, such as stiffness, damping and processing delay

    Application of Linear Stochastic Models in the Investigation of the Effects of Parkinson’s Disease on the Cop Time Series

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    The primary objective of this study was to use linear stochastic modeling approach to investigate parameters which may be sensitive enough to detect and quantify the changes in postural instability (PI) related to the progression in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Data collected in a previous study were analyzed in the current study. Participants with mild PD (n=13), moderate PD (n=10) and age range match healthy controls (HC, n=21) were instructed to stand in a comfortable self-selected natural stance on a force platform in both eyes open (EO) and eyes closed (EC) conditions. The foot-floor reaction forces were used to calculate the center of pressure (COP) time series. This COP time series was fitted by two different linear stochastic models: 1) an autoregressive (AR), and 2) an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model. The postural control system was modeled as an inverted pendulum to describe pure body mechanics and a proportional, derivative and integral (PID) strategy was assumed for balance regulation. Swiftness, damping and stiffness parameters were extracted from the AR model. Natural frequency and damping ratio were extracted from the ARMA model. The statistical analysis (ANOVA) of these parameters revealed significant differences in stiffness and swiftness parameters between the HC and moderate PD population in the EO condition. These three parameters showed trends with progression of PD. The swiftness parameter showed decreasing mean values as PD severity increased, indicating that PD caused slower reactions to small deviations from equilibrium when compared to healthy controls. The mild and moderate PD, compared to HC, demonstrated by higher mean values of stiffness, suggesting a more rigid control strategy. The analysis of damping parameter revealed that the PD, compared to HC, may have a reduced ability to attenuate sway velocity during quiet stance as indicated by lower mean values of damping parameter and damping ratio. The natural frequency did not show significant trends in EO condition, but revealed an increasing trend with progression of PD. This could indicate that the PD could have larger number of deviations of COP from equilibrium. The analysis of effect of condition (EO, EC) revealed significant differences in all the five parameters. The stiffness, damping parameter and damping ratio had higher mean values for EO, compared to the EC condition, indicating the vital role that the visual feedback plays in detecting small perturbations from equilibrium leading to a better posture regulation in EO condition. The swiftness parameter and natural frequency indicated higher mean values in EC, compared to the EO condition, suggesting that the various sensory cues might be weighted differently in EO and EC conditions. Future studies should investigate the sensitivity of these calculated parameters to changes in PI in PD using a larger sample size and longer duration of trials. Also the variations in these parameters in response to dynamic tasks such as gait initiation and balance recovery should be considered in future studies

    The Relationship Between Intermittent Limit Cycles and Postural Instability Associated with Parkinson’s Disease

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    Background: Many disease-specifc factors such as muscular weakness, increased muscle stiffness, varying postural strategies, and changes in postural refexes have been shown to lead to postural instability and fall risk in people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Recently, analytical techniques, inspired by the dynamical systems perspective on movement control and coordination, have been used to examine the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of postural declines and the emergence of postural instabilities in people with PD. Methods: A wavelet-based technique was used to identify limit cycle oscillations (LCOs) in the anterior–posterior (AP) postural sway of people with mild PD (n = 10) compared to age-matched controls (n = 10). Participants stood on a foam and on a rigid surface while completing a dual task (speaking). Results: There was no signifcant difference in the root mean square of center of pressure between groups. Three out of 10 participants with PD demonstrated LCOs on the foam surface, while none in the control group demonstrated LCOs. An inverted pendulum model of bipedal stance was used to demonstrate that LCOs occur due to disease-specifc changes associated with PD: time-delay and neuromuscular feedback gain. Conclusion: Overall, the LCO analysis and mathematical model appear to capture the subtle postural instabilities associated with mild PD. In addition, these fndings provide insights into the mechanisms that lead to the emergence of unstable posture in patients with PD

    Design, Development and Testing of a Balance Board with Variable Torsional Stiffness and Time Delay

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    The ability to balance and maintain upright posture can decline for a variety of reasons, such as aging and neuromuscular impairment. As the ability to balance declines, the risk of falling increases. Falls are a major cause of injury, and often lead to a dramatic decline in quality of life. Currently, to alleviate balance deficiencies, people participate in balance training, which most commonly refers to standing on an unstable balance board; the most common boards used are either passive wobble boards, or more advanced commercial systems such as the Biodex System SD ® or the Neurocom SMART Balance Master® . Balance training has been shown to improve both static posture and dynamic balance; however, the current methodologies only utilize stiffness and force control. It has been shown that there are two distinct mechanisms of loss of postural instability: forward/back leaning, arising from insufficient postural stiffness or decreased neuromuscular gain, and limit cycle oscillations, which arise from excessive time delay in the neuromuscular system. We have created a balance board able to elicit both mechanisms of instability, which can be achieved through two controllable parameters: torsional stiffness and haptic feedback time delay. In addition to building a functional balance board, a safety platform was also fabricated which ensures both user safety and comfort. After careful calibration of the balance board and the systems used to gather data, initial human testing was performed. Three major tests were completed: discrete step stiffness, linear ramping stiffness, and variable time delay. These tests confirmed that the balance board system is capable of utilizing both mechanisms of instability; both forward/backward leaning and limit cycle oscillations we observed in all participants. These initial results are promising, and lead directly into a variety of different options for testing on the balance board. The board can be used to test various populations including athletes, older adults, and people with neuromuscular disorders. The ultimate goal of this balance board would be to create a balance score that can be compared among populations, to use the board for training, and to convert this balance board to a robotic platform that creates individualized training plans for users. This novel balance board system has created a large range of possibilities for the future of balance studies and training

    Bayesian inference of physiologically meaningful parameters from body sway measurements

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    The control of the human body sway by the central nervous system, muscles, and conscious brain is of interest since body sway carries information about the physiological status of a person. Several models have been proposed to describe body sway in an upright standing position, however, due to the statistical intractability of the more realistic models, no formal parameter inference has previously been conducted and the expressive power of such models for real human subjects remains unknown. Using the latest advances in Bayesian statistical inference for intractable models, we fitted a nonlinear control model to posturographic measurements, and we showed that it can accurately predict the sway characteristics of both simulated and real subjects. Our method provides a full statistical characterization of the uncertainty related to all model parameters as quantified by posterior probability density functions, which is useful for comparisons across subjects and test settings. The ability to infer intractable control models from sensor data opens new possibilities for monitoring and predicting body status in health applications.Peer reviewe

    Modelling of the human quiet stance with ankle joint complexity

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    This study derives an inverted pendulum model for quiet stance in humans around the ankle joints with 4×9-element mass-spring-damper (MSD) units as the musculoskeletal connections between the shank and foot bilaterally. The model focuses on the role played by both the stiffness and the damping parameters of muscles, tendons and ligaments about the ankle complex. This model partitions muscles, tendons and ligaments functionally. This novel model is used to study the behaviour of individual components in relation to quiet standing. The Lagrange d’ Alembert principle has been used to derive the equations of motion of the system and resulted in eighteen 2nd order differential equations with nine constraints. Four MSD units connects with the shank (tibia and fibula) and foot bilaterally. The units function passively and are representative of the mechanical functionality of muscles, tendons, and ligaments about the ankle complex. The dynamics of the MSD units are considered linear in nature and their stiffness and damping parameters are calculated by finding the slope of the force vs. deformation length curve and force vs. velocity curve reported in the literature.The simulation results revealed that the torques generated by the internal constraints through the MSD units are significantly greater than the gravitational torque. A case study has been conducted for eyes open vs. eyes closed conditions. It was found that the angular displacement of the shank varied but the overall range of motion of the ankle joint remained constant at 0.6. This was expected as there was no external perturbation applied to facilitate any amount of plantarflexion or dorsiflexion at the point of articulation of the ankle joint.In conclusion, the model derived and analysed in this study explains that the human body was able to maintain its upright posture mechanically during unperturbed quiet standing without the use of an active control system emphasising the importance of damping and its influence on postural balance. Furthermore, this sophisticated model is not limited to only considering the muscle-tendon unit and ligaments play an important role in maintaining balance during quiet stance and are therefore included in the model. This model is physiologically more realistic than previously developed postural models thus providing a deeper insight towards the passive mechanism of postural balance and providing a new approach towards future postural models