1,688 research outputs found

    Addressing class imbalance in trust and stereotype assessment

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    Trust, reputation and stereotypes enable agents to identify reliable interaction partners based on past interactions. However, such methods can cause agents to choose the same known partners instead of unknown, but potentially better, alternatives, giving rise to a class imbalance in their interaction histories. In this paper, we present a Class Imbalance Modification (CIM) method, to improve agents' initial assessments of others by becoming aware of the bias towards known agents. CIM enables an agent to determine whether data-driven trust, reputation and stereotypes are appropriate to assess a target agent, depending on how representative the agent's past interaction data is of the target. We also present a technique, Direct Comparative Stereotypes (DCS), which does not use past interaction data to make a stereotypical assessment, and so can be used if CIM concludes the data is inappropriate. Finally, CIM determines whether data-driven models have been rendered inappropriate by dynamic agent behaviour, where old interactions may no longer reflect current behaviour. Our results show that CIM significantly reduces error in a priori estimates, which improves partner selection and increases average utility

    Talking Nets: A Multi-Agent Connectionist Approach to Communication and Trust between Individuals

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    A multi-agent connectionist model is proposed that consists of a collection of individual recurrent networks that communicate with each other, and as such is a network of networks. The individual recurrent networks simulate the process of information uptake, integration and memorization within individual agents, while the communication of beliefs and opinions between agents is propagated along connections between the individual networks. A crucial aspect in belief updating based on information from other agents is the trust in the information provided. In the model, trust is determined by the consistency with the receiving agents’ existing beliefs, and results in changes of the connections between individual networks, called trust weights. Thus activation spreading and weight change between individual networks is analogous to standard connectionist processes, although trust weights take a specific function. Specifically, they lead to a selective propagation and thus filtering out of less reliable information, and they implement Grice’s (1975) maxims of quality and quantity in communication. The unique contribution of communicative mechanisms beyond intra-personal processing of individual networks was explored in simulations of key phenomena involving persuasive communication and polarization, lexical acquisition, spreading of stereotypes and rumors, and a lack of sharing unique information in group decisions

    Brokerage Platform for Media Content Recommendation

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    Near real time media content personalisation is nowadays a major challenge involving media content sources, distributors and viewers. This paper describes an approach to seamless recommendation, negotiation and transaction of personalised media content. It adopts an integrated view of the problem by proposing, on the business-to-business (B2B) side, a brokerage platform to negotiate the media items on behalf of the media content distributors and sources, providing viewers, on the business-to-consumer (B2C) side, with a personalised electronic programme guide (EPG) containing the set of recommended items after negotiation. In this setup, when a viewer connects, the distributor looks up and invites sources to negotiate the contents of the viewer personal EPG. The proposed multi-agent brokerage platform is structured in four layers, modelling the registration, service agreement, partner lookup, invitation as well as item recommendation, negotiation and transaction stages of the B2B processes. The recommendation service is a rule-based switch hybrid filter, including six collaborative and two content-based filters. The rule-based system selects, at runtime, the filter(s) to apply as well as the final set of recommendations to present. The filter selection is based on the data available, ranging from the history of items watched to the ratings and/or tags assigned to the items by the viewer. Additionally, this module implements (i) a novel item stereotype to represent newly arrived items, (ii) a standard user stereotype for new users, (iii) a novel passive user tag cloud stereotype for socially passive users, and (iv) a new content-based filter named the collinearity and proximity similarity (CPS). At the end of the paper, we present off-line results and a case study describing how the recommendation service works. The proposed system provides, to our knowledge, an excellent holistic solution to the problem of recommending multimedia contents

    How do you say ‘hello’? Personality impressions from brief novel voices

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    On hearing a novel voice, listeners readily form personality impressions of that speaker. Accurate or not, these impressions are known to affect subsequent interactions; yet the underlying psychological and acoustical bases remain poorly understood. Furthermore, hitherto studies have focussed on extended speech as opposed to analysing the instantaneous impressions we obtain from first experience. In this paper, through a mass online rating experiment, 320 participants rated 64 sub-second vocal utterances of the word ‘hello’ on one of 10 personality traits. We show that: (1) personality judgements of brief utterances from unfamiliar speakers are consistent across listeners; (2) a two-dimensional ‘social voice space’ with axes mapping Valence (Trust, Likeability) and Dominance, each driven by differing combinations of vocal acoustics, adequately summarises ratings in both male and female voices; and (3) a positive combination of Valence and Dominance results in increased perceived male vocal Attractiveness, whereas perceived female vocal Attractiveness is largely controlled by increasing Valence. Results are discussed in relation to the rapid evaluation of personality and, in turn, the intent of others, as being driven by survival mechanisms via approach or avoidance behaviours. These findings provide empirical bases for predicting personality impressions from acoustical analyses of short utterances and for generating desired personality impressions in artificial voices

    Colombus: providing personalized recommendations for drifting user interests

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    The query formulationg process if often a problematic activity due to the cognitive load that it imposes to users. This issue is further amplified by the uncertainty of searchers with regards to their searching needs and their lack of training on effective searching techniques. Also, given the tremendous growth of the world wide web, the amount of imformation users find during their daily search episodes is often overwhelming. Unfortunatelly, web search engines do not follow the trends and advancements in this area, while real personalization features have yet to appear. As a result, keeping up-to-date with recent information about our personal interests is a time-consuming task. Also, often these information requirements change by sliding into new topics. In this case, the rate of change can be sudden and abrupt, or more gradual. Taking into account all these aspects, we believe that an information assistant, a profile-aware tool capable of adapting to users’ evolving needs and aiding them to keep track of their personal data, can greatly help them in this endeavor. Information gathering from a combination of explicit and implicit feedback could allow such systems to detect their search requirements and present additional information, with the least possible effort from them. In this paper, we describe the design, development and evaluation of Colombus, a system aiming to meet individual needs of the searchers. The system’s goal is to pro-actively fetch and present relevant, high quality documents on regular basis. Based entirely on implicit feedback gathering, our system concentrates on detecting drifts in user interests and accomodate them effectively in their profiles with no additional interaction from their side. Current methodologies in information retrieval do not support the evaluation of such systems and techniques. Lab-based experiments can be carried out in large batches but their accuracy often questione. On the other hand, user studies are much more accurate, but setting up a user base for large-scale experiments is often not feasible. We have designed a hybrid evaluation methodology that combines large sets of lab experiments based on searcher simulations together with user experiments, where fifteen searchers used the system regularly for 15 days. At the first stage, the simulation experiments were aiming attuning Colombus, while the various component evaluation and results gathering was carried out at the second stage, throughout the user study. A baseline system was also employed in order to make a direct comparison of Colombus against a current web search engine. The evaluation results illustrate that the Personalized Information Assistant is effective in capturing and satisfying users’ evolving information needs and providing additional information on their behalf

    Topic extraction in words networks

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    Bootstrapping trust and stereotypes with tags

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    In real-world environments, cooperation often emerges amongst agents who are observably similar. Estimating the expected behaviour of another agent is a challenging problem, particularly for new agents who have little or no experience of others. In this paper, we show how observable features can be used to find similar, and hence cooperative, partners. Our contribution extends trust and stereotype approaches, to include comparisons and learning of observable features, called tags. In environments where no reciprocity exists (or where there have been insuf- ficient interactions for reciprocity to take effect) tags have been used to encourage cooperation. The only information available to an agent early in its life is knowledge of its own tags and behaviour. We assume that agents who are observably similar will be behaviourally similar too. Agents use reinforcement learning to take advantage of as much available information as possible, until sufficient experience has been gathered for more established trust and stereotype models to be built. Our results show that using tags improves agents’ rewards in the early stages of their lifetime when used prior to established stereotype and trust algorithms. We demonstrate that tags are successful in supporting cooperation, even when agent behaviour is independent of the partner, because the approach correctly identifies similar agents. Good agents are able to select partners who will act as they do, while bad agents avoid those who are observably similar

    Self-supervised learning in natural language processing

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    Most natural language processing (NLP) learning algorithms require labeled data. While this is given for a select number of (mostly English) tasks, the availability of labeled data is sparse or non-existent for the vast majority of use-cases. To alleviate this, unsupervised learning and a wide array of data augmentation techniques have been developed (Hedderich et al., 2021a). However, unsupervised learning often requires massive amounts of unlabeled data and also fails to perform in difficult (low-resource) data settings, i.e., if there is an increased distance between the source and target data distributions (Kim et al., 2020). This distributional distance can be the case if there is a domain drift or large linguistic distance between the source and target data. Unsupervised learning in itself does not exploit the highly informative (labeled) supervisory signals hidden in unlabeled data. In this dissertation, we show that by combining the right unsupervised auxiliary task (e.g., sentence pair extraction) with an appropriate primary task (e.g., machine translation), self-supervised learning can exploit these hidden supervisory signals more efficiently than purely unsupervised approaches, while functioning on less labeled data than supervised approaches. Our self-supervised learning approach can be used to learn NLP tasks in an efficient manner, even when the amount of training data is sparse or the data comes with strong differences in its underlying distribution, e.g., stemming from unrelated languages. For our general approach, we applied unsupervised learning as an auxiliary task to learn a supervised primary task. Concretely, we have focused on the auxiliary task of sentence pair extraction for sequence-to-sequence primary tasks (i.e., machine translation and style transfer) as well as language modeling, clustering, subspace learning and knowledge integration for primary classification tasks (i.e., hate speech detection and sentiment analysis). For sequence-to-sequence tasks, we show that self-supervised neural machine translation (NMT) achieves competitive results on high-resource language pairs in comparison to unsupervised NMT while requiring less data. Further combining self-supervised NMT with unsupervised NMT-inspired augmentation techniques makes the learning of low-resource (similar, distant and unrelated) language pairs possible. Further, using our self-supervised approach, we show how style transfer can be learned without the need for parallel data, generating stylistic rephrasings of highest overall performance on all tested tasks. For sequence-to-label tasks, we underline the benefit of auxiliary task-based augmentation over primary task augmentation. An auxiliary task that showed to be especially beneficial to the primary task performance was subspace learning, which led to impressive gains in (cross-lingual) zero-shot classification performance on similar or distant target tasks, also on similar, distant and unrelated languages.Die meisten Lernalgorithmen der Computerlingistik (CL) benötigen gelabelte Daten. Diese sind zwar für eine Auswahl an (hautpsächlich Englischen) Aufgaben verfügbar, für den Großteil aller Anwendungsfälle sind gelabelte Daten jedoch nur spärrlich bis gar nicht vorhanden. Um dem gegenzusteuern, wurde eine große Auswahl an Techniken entwickelt, welche sich das unüberwachte Lernen oder Datenaugmentierung zu eigen machen (Hedderich et al., 2021a). Unüberwachtes Lernen benötigt jedoch massive Mengen an ungelabelten Daten und versagt, wenn es mit schwierigen (resourcenarmen) Datensituationen konfrontiert wird, d.h. wenn eine größere Distanz zwischen der Quellen- und Zieldatendistributionen vorhanden ist (Kim et al., 2020). Eine distributionelle Distanz kann zum Beispiel der Fall sein, wenn ein Domänenunterschied oder eine größere sprachliche Distanz zwischen der Quellenund Zieldaten besteht. Unüberwachtes Lernen selbst nutzt die hochinformativen (gelabelten) Überwachungssignale, welche sich in ungelabelte Daten verstecken, nicht aus. In dieser Dissertation zeigen wir, dass selbstüberwachtes Lernen, durch die Kombination der richtigen unüberwachten Hilfsaufgabe (z.B. Satzpaarextraktion) mit einer passenden Hauptaufgabe (z.B. maschinelle Übersetzung), diese versteckten Überwachsungssignale effizienter ausnutzen kann als pure unüberwachte Lernalgorithmen, und dabei auch noch weniger gelabelte Daten benötigen als überwachte Lernalgorithmen. Unser selbstüberwachter Lernansatz erlaubt es uns, CL Aufgaben effizient zu lernen, selbst wenn die Trainingsdatenmenge spärrlich ist oder die Daten mit starken distributionellen Differenzen einher gehen, z.B. weil die Daten von zwei nicht verwandten Sprachen stammen. Im Generellen haben wir unüberwachtes Lernen als Hilfsaufgabe angewandt um eine überwachte Hauptaufgabe zu erlernen. Konkret haben wir uns auf Satzpaarextraktion als Hilfsaufgabe für Sequenz-zu-Sequenz Hauptaufgaben (z.B. maschinelle Übersetzung und Stilübertragung) konzentriert sowohl als auch Sprachmodelierung, Clustern, Teilraumlernen und Wissensintegration zum erlernen von Klassifikationsaufgaben (z.B. Hassredenidentifikation und Sentimentanalyse). Für Sequenz-zu-Sequenz Aufgaben zeigen wir, dass selbstüberwachte maschinelle Übersetzung (MÜ) im Vergleich zur unüberwachten MÜ wettbewerbsfähige Ergebnisse auf resourcenreichen Sprachpaaren erreicht und währenddessen weniger Daten zum Lernen benötigt. Wenn selbstüberwachte MÜ mit Augmentationstechniken, inspiriert durch unüberwachte MÜ, kombiniert wird, wird auch das Lernen von resourcenarmen (ähnlichen, entfernt verwandten und nicht verwandten) Sprachpaaren möglich. Außerdem zeigen wir, wie unser selbsüberwachter Lernansatz es ermöglicht Stilübertragung ohne parallele Daten zu erlernen und dabei stylistische Umformulierungen von höchster Qualität auf allen geprüften Aufgaben zu erlangen. Für Sequenz-zu-Label Aufgaben unterstreichen wir den Vorteil, welchen hilfsaufgabenseitige Augmentierung über hauptaufgabenseitige Augmentierung hat. Eine Hilfsaufgabe welche sich als besonders hilfreich für die Qualität der Hauptaufgabe herausstellte ist das Teilraumlernen, welches zu beeindruckenden Leistungssteigerungen für (sprachübergreifende) zero-shot Klassifikation ähnlicher und entfernter Zielaufgaben (auch für ähnliche, entfernt verwandte und nicht verwandte Sprachen) führt