426 research outputs found

    Puzzling the 120-cell

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    We introduce Quintessence: a family of burr puzzles based on the geometry and combinatorics of the 120-cell. We discuss the regular polytopes, their symmetries, the dodecahedron as an important special case, the three-sphere, and the quaternions. We then construct the 120-cell, giving an illustrated survey of its geometry and combinatorics. This done, we describe the pieces out of which Quintessence is made. The design of our puzzle pieces uses a drawing technique of Leonardo da Vinci; the paper ends with a catalogue of new puzzles.Comment: 25 pages, many figures. Exposition and figures improved throughout. This is the long version of the shorter published versio

    Enumerating Gribov copies on the lattice

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    In the modern formulation of lattice gauge-fixing, the gauge fixing condition is written in terms of the minima or stationary points (collectively called solutions) of a gauge-fixing functional. Due to the non-linearity of this functional, it usually has many solutions called Gribov copies. The dependence of the number of Gribov copies, n[U] on the different gauge orbits plays an important role in constructing the Faddeev-Popov procedure and hence in realising the BRST symmetry on the lattice. Here, we initiate a study of counting n[U] for different orbits using three complimentary methods: 1. analytical results in lower dimensions, and some lower bounds on n[U] in higher dimensions, 2. the numerical polynomial homotopy continuation method, which numerically finds all Gribov copies for a given orbit for small lattices, and 3. numerical minimisation ("brute force"), which finds many distinct Gribov copies, but not necessarily all. Because n for the coset SU(N_c)/U(1) of an SU(N_c) theory is orbit-independent, we concentrate on the residual compact U(1) case in this article and establish that n is orbit-dependent for the minimal lattice Landau gauge and orbit-independent for the absolute lattice Landau gauge. We also observe that contrary to a previous claim, n is not exponentially suppressed for the recently proposed stereographic lattice Landau gauge compared to the naive gauge in more than one dimension.Comment: 39 pages, 15 eps figures. Published version: minor changes onl

    Euler potentials for the MHD Kamchatnov-Hopf soliton solution

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    In the MHD description of plasma phenomena the concept of magnetic helicity turns out to be very useful. We present here an example of introducing Euler potentials into a topological MHD soliton which has non-trivial helicity. The MHD soliton solution (Kamchatnov, 1982) is based on the Hopf invariant of the mapping of a 3D sphere into a 2D sphere; it can have arbitrary helicity depending on control parameters. It is shown how to define Euler potentials globally. The singular curve of the Euler potential plays the key role in computing helicity. With the introduction of Euler potentials, the helicity can be calculated as an integral over the surface bounded by this singular curve. A special programme for visualization is worked out. Helicity coordinates are introduced which can be useful for numerical simulations where helicity control is needed.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Conformal compactification and cycle-preserving symmetries of spacetimes

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    The cycle-preserving symmetries for the nine two-dimensional real spaces of constant curvature are collectively obtained within a Cayley-Klein framework. This approach affords a unified and global study of the conformal structure of the three classical Riemannian spaces as well as of the six relativistic and non-relativistic spacetimes (Minkowskian, de Sitter, anti-de Sitter, both Newton-Hooke and Galilean), and gives rise to general expressions holding simultaneously for all of them. Their metric structure and cycles (lines with constant geodesic curvature that include geodesics and circles) are explicitly characterized. The corresponding cyclic (Mobius-like) Lie groups together with the differential realizations of their algebras are then deduced; this derivation is new and much simpler than the usual ones and applies to any homogeneous space in the Cayley-Klein family, whether flat or curved and with any signature. Laplace and wave-type differential equations with conformal algebra symmetry are constructed. Furthermore, the conformal groups are realized as matrix groups acting as globally defined linear transformations in a four-dimensional "conformal ambient space", which in turn leads to an explicit description of the "conformal completion" or compactification of the nine spaces.Comment: 43 pages, LaTe

    Transverse Mercator with an accuracy of a few nanometers

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    Implementations of two algorithms for the transverse Mercator projection are described; these achieve accuracies close to machine precision. One is based on the exact equations of Thompson and Lee and the other uses an extension of Krueger's series for the projection to higher order. The exact method provides an accuracy of 9 nm over the entire ellipsoid, while the errors in the series method are less than 5 nm within 3900 km of the central meridian. In each case, the meridian convergence and scale are also computed with similar accuracy. The speed of the series method is competitive with other less accurate algorithms and the exact method is about 5 times slower.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 3 figures. Includes some revisions. Supplementary material is available at http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net/tm.htm

    A Hypergeometric Integral with Applications to the Fundamental Solution of Laplace's Equation on Hyperspheres

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    We consider Poisson's equation on the nn-dimensional sphere in the situation where the inhomogeneous term has zero integral. Using a number of classical and modern hypergeometric identities, we integrate this equation to produce the form of the fundamental solutions for any number of dimensions in terms of generalised hypergeometric functions, with different closed forms for even and odd-dimensional cases

    Modelos, axiomática y geometría del plano hiperbólico

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    First of all, we need to understand why there are other geometries such as Hyperbolic geometry besides the intuitive Euclidean geometry. Who discovered this geometry? Lobachevski, a young scientist who decided to leave the medical career to devote himself completely to the study of a geometry that he called “imaginary geometry”, is a founder of this geometry. He made progress not only in mathematics but also in physics, such as Einstein’s theory of relativity. How did Lobachevski come up with this geometry? Before giving an answer to this question, let’s see what an axiomatic system is

    A model for Hopfions on the space-time S^3 x R

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    We construct static and time dependent exact soliton solutions for a theory of scalar fields taking values on a wide class of two dimensional target spaces, and defined on the four dimensional space-time S^3 x R. The construction is based on an ansatz built out of special coordinates on S^3. The requirement for finite energy introduces boundary conditions that determine an infinite discrete spectrum of frequencies for the oscillating solutions. For the case where the target space is the sphere S^2, we obtain static soliton solutions with non-trivial Hopf topological charges. In addition, such hopfions can oscillate in time, preserving their topological Hopf charge, with any of the frequencies belonging to that infinite discrete spectrum.Comment: Enlarged version with the time-dependent solutions explicitly given. One reference and two eps figures added. 14 pages, late