81 research outputs found

    On constructions with 22-cardinals

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    We propose developing the theory of consequences of morasses relevant in mathematical applications in the language alternative to the usual one, replacing commonly used structures by families of sets originating with Velleman's neat simplified morasses called 22-cardinals. The theory of related trees, gaps, colorings of pairs and forcing notions is reformulated and sketched from a unifying point of view with the focus on the applicability to constructions of mathematical structures like Boolean algebras, Banach spaces or compact spaces. A new result which we obtain as a side product is the consistency of the existence of a function f:[λ++]2→[λ++]≀λf:[\lambda^{++}]^2\rightarrow[\lambda^{++}]^{\leq\lambda} with the appropriate λ+\lambda^+-version of property Δ\Delta for regular λ≄ω\lambda\geq\omega satisfying λ<λ=λ\lambda^{<\lambda}=\lambda.Comment: Minor correction

    Cardinals Beyond Choice and the HOD-Dichotomy

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    Treballs Finals del MĂ ster de LĂČgica Pura i Aplicada, Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2019-2020. Tutor: Joan BagariaIn the 2019 paper "Large Cardinals Beyond Choice" [1], Bagaria, Koellner and Woodin apply the large cardinal techniques and results developed fromWoodin's work on the HOD-Dichotomy to determine the structural resemblance of HOD to V . Whereas standard inner model theory attempts to nd suitable inner models for large cardinals, this new program is aimed at exploring very large cardinals that \break" the resemblance of HOD to V . This paper attempts to explain in full detail the tools and arguments required for that body of work

    Computing the Homology of Semialgebraic Sets. II: General formulas

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    We describe and analyze a numerical algorithm for computing the homology (Betti numbers and torsion coefficients) of semialgebraic sets given by Boolean formulas. The algorithm works in weak exponential time. This means that outside a subset of data having exponentially small measure, the cost of the algorithm is single exponential in the size of the data. This extends the previous work of the authors in arXiv:1807.06435 to arbitrary semialgebraic sets. All previous algorithms proposed for this problem have doubly exponential complexity.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figure

    Ramsey properties of algebraic graphs and hypergraphs

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    One of the central questions in Ramsey theory asks how small can be the size of the largest clique and independent set in a graph on NN vertices. By the celebrated result of Erd\H{o}s from 1947, the random graph on NN vertices with edge probability 1/21/2, contains no clique or independent set larger than 2log⁥2N2\log_2 N, with high probability. Finding explicit constructions of graphs with similar Ramsey-type properties is a famous open problem. A natural approach is to construct such graphs using algebraic tools. Say that an rr-uniform hypergraph H\mathcal{H} is \emph{algebraic of complexity (n,d,m)(n,d,m)} if the vertices of H\mathcal{H} are elements of Fn\mathbb{F}^{n} for some field F\mathbb{F}, and there exist mm polynomials f1,
,fm:(Fn)r→Ff_1,\dots,f_m:(\mathbb{F}^{n})^{r}\rightarrow \mathbb{F} of degree at most dd such that the edges of H\mathcal{H} are determined by the zero-patterns of f1,
,fmf_1,\dots,f_m. The aim of this paper is to show that if an algebraic graph (or hypergraph) of complexity (n,d,m)(n,d,m) has good Ramsey properties, then at least one of the parameters n,d,mn,d,m must be large. In 2001, R\'onyai, Babai and Ganapathy considered the bipartite variant of the Ramsey problem and proved that if GG is an algebraic graph of complexity (n,d,m)(n,d,m) on NN vertices, then either GG or its complement contains a complete balanced bipartite graph of size Ωn,d,m(N1/(n+1))\Omega_{n,d,m}(N^{1/(n+1)}). We extend this result by showing that such GG contains either a clique or an independent set of size NΩ(1/ndm)N^{\Omega(1/ndm)} and prove similar results for algebraic hypergraphs of constant complexity. We also obtain a polynomial regularity lemma for rr-uniform algebraic hypergraphs that are defined by a single polynomial, that might be of independent interest. Our proofs combine algebraic, geometric and combinatorial tools.Comment: 23 page


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    On irresponsible homomorphisms and strong duality

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    This thesis looks at algebras with positive primitively defined binary relations that are almost re- flexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive and provides new machinery for determining when these algebras are not strongly dualizable.algebrabinaryanti-symmetricdualize
